Villains Template

Chapter 510: star swallower

Yue Si used the shield of Seraphim in his left hand to block Thor's lightning-wielding hammer, and in his right hand, he used Cytorak's scarlet chain, wrapped around Thor's body with the wave of his arm, wrapping him into a big dumpling." Thump." He fell to the ground.

"Son of Odin, what do you want to do?"

Yue Si opened his helmet and asked Thor, who was arching like maggots on the ground.

"Hey, I seem to have misunderstood something."

Thor rested his chin on the ground and raised his face: "I think of you as a destroyer armor, and why did you say you were not a mage before?"

Although Yue Si wears a layer of exoskeleton armor, both the shield and the scarlet chain wrapped around him are obviously magical creations, not technology. Obviously, he is a mage, but he himself said that he was a mage before.

"I can use magic, but I'm not a mage, please don't get me wrong."

After releasing the crimson chain wrapped around Thor, Yue Si said, "Although I have studied at Kama Taj and know magic knowledge, I'm really not a mage."

"Well, not a magician's spellcaster." Thor agreed with Yues' repeated emphasis, although in his understanding, an animal looks like a goat, walks like a goat, and squeaks like a goat, then it It's the goat.

In the same way, if Yue Si can perform magic and has studied in the magical holy land of Kama Taj, then he must be a mage.

It was only after Thor got up that he remembered that his little friend was still here, especially Sif. She was smashed in the face by a beam cannon from the Destroyer armor, and even though she didn't die, she passed out.

It is mentioned here that although Sif and Thor are a pair in mythology, they are actually unrequited love. Although Sif is the spouse chosen by the **** king Odin and the mother of the gods Friga for Thor, but Thor just treated Sif as a buddy who could drink and fight together, basically ignoring her gender.

It's too perverted to start with your buddy.

Fortunately, Sif was not seriously injured and woke up after a while. After a few words, they decided to go back to Asgard and ask Loki in person.

As for the Destroyer armor that was sent away by Yuesi's portal, Thor didn't ask.

After several people from Asgard summoned the Rainbow Bridge to return to Asgard, Nick Fury, who had evacuated a certain distance with them, kept observing the battlefield with binoculars, and when the incident subsided, he turned back: "It's resolved. ?"

Yue Si's pretentious appearance before, and Thor's warning, made Nick Fury think that there would be an earth-shattering battle scene with at least 8,000 words, but he didn't expect it to be so anticlimactic, it was like a budget overrun without money It's the same as doing special effects, except for a lightning bolt in the sky, it's a scene, the rest seems to be a little trouble,

After opening the exoskeleton armor, Yue Si, who was wearing a red robe, came out and said, "Half of it has been solved, and the rest is Asgard's internal conflicts, and we have no way to intervene."

"This is your new product?" Knowing what Yue Si said about this, how could African tribes interfere in the presidential election of the US imperialists, so he put the matter aside and turned to the powered exoskeleton armor.

The performance of this exoskeleton armor is not bad, especially the application of several energy weapons, which is absolutely world-class. In other words, Nick Fury wants a few to fill the facade.

"Forget it, many of them are borrowed from others." Yue Si took a picture of the exoskeleton armor. After all, the alloys on the earth are not as good as Asgard's Ulu alloy. The hand armor of the exoskeleton armor is against destruction. The armor has been deformed in the continuous strikes, losing the value of maintenance, and the hydraulic drive is overloaded and close to scrapping.

And those magical energies are not easy to obtain. The fusion of technology and magic is not so simple. The armor of the **** Lord Doum was built for him by a group of monks using magic rituals and magic materials. The universe opened a back door for Yue Si, and Yue Si's simple use of technology to simulate the power of magic also caused damage to the armor itself.

This set of armor has actually been scrapped. The form of damage cannot be detected by current human technology. The essence of magic is temporarily incomprehensible to people outside the magic world.

Of course, this is not impossible to solve. It only needs to use the refining method to process materials and components, but Yue Si is just verifying the idea, not producing durable products.

"Remember when I left Hammer Industries and disappeared for a while?"

"Remember, what Justin Hammer said to the outside world was that you went to learn magic." Nick Fury said, and then looked at the exoskeleton armor: "Could it be that this looks like a set of high-tech armor, but it's actually a A magic item, are you trying to use technology to restore magic?"

"Yes, I was invited by the current Supreme Mage and the next Supreme Mage together, what a big scene." Yue Si said angrily: "They encountered problems that were difficult to solve with their strength, so they To find me, an outsider, to break the game, magic knowledge is a kind of exchange compensation, but I am an alien and can't learn magic, so I can only find another way."

Although it was not stated explicitly, Nick Fury heard from Yue Si's tone that the scene at the time might not be pleasant. It is possible that Yue Si's "magic journey" was forced. A hopeless approach.

"By the way, Thor came to Earth before we came, and I learned from Coulson that the first woman scientist Jane Foster and her team found Thor when their car crashed When we got to Thor, we took him to the hospital."

"Colson, send someone to town immediately to find Jane Foster and her team, then give them a full-scale medical examination, and search their residence to see if there is anything left by Thor, from which Analyze the genetics of the other party." Nick Fury immediately issued an order, and Yue Si made a few words, and he understood what Yue Si did not express in his words - Jane Foster and intern Daisy Louie Silks are all beauties, and Thor might have something to do with one of them.

"Also, send someone to collect the blood at the scene, go to the hospital in the town, take away all Thor's medical records, and take away all the needles, infusion tubes, cotton swabs, and blood samples for examination."

So far, the earth's understanding of Asgard only exists in some myths and legends and some information brought by the alien, Yue Si. In this case, Thor's blood samples were obtained for research and analysis, and Asgard was studied. What is the difference in the genetic structure of human beings to create their own super soldiers, if the power that dominates lightning can be acquired, it would be better.

Even if there is something that cannot be researched, it is possible to develop a biochemical virus against the Asgardians to prevent Asgard from launching a war on the earth one day, and the earth has no power to fight back.

Although Asgard claims to be the protector of the earth, it is a very wrong decision to entrust its own safety to others. Let's not talk about it, just take the US imperialist military bases around the world. It is a banner, but in fact, it burns, kills, loots, and commits all evils.

The same is true of the American imperialists and even the entire Anglo-Saxon civilization.

Nick Fury is a dark skin, but the core is the same.

Asgard, Loki's head was a little dazed, and the whole person was in a state of 'stunned'.

What just happened, what about my big destroyer armor? Where did it go?

He held Gungnir, but he could no longer sense its unknown, as if the Destroyer Armor had been disconnected, and he could not retrieve its signal anyway, let alone find its whereabouts.

That is, the so-called user is not in the service area.

Before, he was able to remotely control the destroyer armor through Gungnir because the earth and Asgard belonged to the space concept of "Nine Realms", and Gungnir's divine power could be involved there, but Yue Si's portal directly The Destroyer Armor was transmitted to the universe outside the Nine Realms, which was beyond the signal range of the Nine Realms, so of course he couldn't sense it.

In the last glimpse, he saw the recovery of Thor's divine power, and his stupid brother estimated that he was going to return to Asgard soon, and this time he brought him to complete the trial of God King Odin. Glory, as well as anger towards himself as a "betrayer", his results can be imagined.

Nothing can stand still, and before Thor returns, he must do something - such as blowing up the kingdom of the frost giants, Jotunheim, one of the Nine Realms.

He, the second prince of Asgard, is actually the Frost Giant, or the child of Laufey, the King of Frost Giants. He was discovered by Odin on the battlefield and brought back to Asgard to raise him in his early years.

Since the discovery of this secret, the problem of Loki, who has always been sleepy, has been solved. Why are they both children of Odin, and the education he received from Thor is different. Thor was trained according to the template of the god-king, I can only be a foil behind his back.

It turned out that he was adopted. Asgard's huge family property will of course be left to their biological sons, rather than being an existence that has no blood relationship at all. Although Loki didn't show it on the surface, it was already turned upside down inside.

For thousands of years, his sense of belonging to Asgard was stripped away, and this place where he lived for thousands of years suddenly became very unfamiliar, as if everything was rejecting him, just because he was not an Asgardian.

In order to gain this sense of recognition, he concocted the entire plan, preparing to take the position of the temporary king of God, launch an attack on Jotunheim, and destroy the entire Jotunheim with the Rainbow Bridge, so as to allow himself to return to Azerbaijan. Sgard's family.

Thor is nothing but a stumbling block in his plans.

On the other side, in the vast universe, a portal that sputtered sparks around suddenly opened, and the Destroyer Armor flew out of it, and flew forward under the impetus of inertia.

The armor needs the wearer to exert its own power. Loki's remote control cannot exert the power of the Destroyer Armor, not to mention that even the remote control has disappeared now, and the Destroyer Armor directly stops any activity, slowly and Floating aimlessly in the universe.

A beam of light hit the Destroyer armor, like a rope, pulling this artifact from Asgard to fly in a certain direction-a spaceship with the imperial double-headed eagle emblem on the hull flew here, using The tractor beam captured the Destroyer armor, took it to the cabin, and flew towards the flagship newly built by the Mechanic Sect as the supreme commander of the imperial expedition fleet and the military marshal of the empire.

It is not entirely correct to say that it is built, because the main body of the flagship is a corpse - the corpse of the Planet Devourer. The Mechanic is only responsible for adding various artificial facilities to the corpse of the Devourer, such as decks, cabins, bridges, weapon systems, etc. .

As one of the five gods of the Marvel Universe, the Planet Devourer belongs to a higher form of life. Its image is different in the eyes of various races. In the eyes of human beings, it is a tall man wearing purple armor and strange A man with a high hat, but because it was Yue Si who obtained it, he presented a huge Godzilla, the kind with a stocky body and a long tail.

Therefore, the final shape of the hull is very different from the style of all mainstream space battleships, just like a Godzilla wearing mechanical The bow is Godzilla's head, The keel is Godzilla's spine, the thick armor protects the body, and the man-made structures on the back make the ship look like Godzilla is directly carrying a mechanical ark.

It is the Planet Devourer itself that drives the battleship. Although the Devourer is dead, its body is still alive, transforming energy all the time, and storing a large amount of cosmic energy. This cosmic source-level energy passes through cables. Drawn from the corpse of the Planet Devourer, it drives nearly all creation.

Of course, that precious energy will not be used in insignificant places such as lighting. There is still a plasma reactor in the hull, which outputs a huge amount of energy every second to supply the basic consumption of the hull. Its power is roughly Equivalent to a burning star - no joke.

And this star-devouring warship will usher in the first battle in her life and go to a certain galaxy for a crusade.

The Imperial Fleet issued a warning to the alien civilizations in that galaxy fifteen standard Terra (Earth) days ago, requiring them to respond within fifteen standard Terra days, surrender unconditionally to the Empire, or be destroyed along with the entire galaxy.

Fifteen standard days passed, and the galaxy did not surrender to the empire, but assembled warships and prepared to fight the empire to the death.

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