Villains Template

Chapter 500: frontier tribe

"Trade Triangle."

Ulysses Crowe muttered the name and couldn't help laughing.

Anyone who has attended junior high school and has listened carefully in history class can understand the immorality of Yue Siqi's name.

The triangular trade is also the black slave trade. It is named because the route is in a triangle shape, from Europe to Africa, from Africa to the Americas, and then from the Americas back to Europe. These three routes form the three sides of the triangle.

European slave traders first started from their own countries, loaded primary industrial products such as cloth, and arrived in Europe. After being exchanged for slaves in Africa, they sailed to the Americas, where they were exchanged for agricultural and sideline products, gold, silver, and industrial raw materials.

And the place where this ship will go next is Wakanda, a black country. What it will be doing is war and plundering. It is the same as what the early slave traders did, connecting history and reality. The name sounds particularly ironic. .

There was a sense of humor in the sarcasm, and Crowe laughed knowingly.

Mechanical slave laborers used molten metal to write the words "Triangular Trade" in Terran script on the hull, giving the ship its new name.

"The flowing fuel is the galloping blood."

"The turning of the turbine is a majestic heartbeat."

"Let the roaring engine wander around the world."

"Let knowledge and exploration be our eternal disease."

"Om Messiah walks among us!"

In the chanting of the mechanical priest praising the God of Myriad Machines, the mechanical slave laborers activated the heart of the ship, injected energy into the engine through the conduit, and gave the engine life. Cables and transmissions were sent to the whole body of the ship, which awakened the sleeping ship.

"Sit firmly and hold on, the spacecraft is starting, pay attention to the bumps."

Yue Si, who was sitting in the command position, said something, and the servo skull transmitted his voice to all parts of the ship, making his voice intertwined with the chanting of the mechanical priest.

But this sentence is only for Crowe, because everyone on the ship except him has experience in flying the ship route, and those Crowe's crew transformed into fighter servants are all fixed to one On the fixed racks in the rows, they entered a dormant state and waited for activation, and the weapons and equipment were safely managed.

Hearing the words, Crowe sat in the navigator's seat reserved for him, and a map was displayed on the screen in front of him.

The anti-gravity engines spread all over the hull slowly lifted the ship from the sea, broke away from the support of the water, suspended in the air, and activated the stealth device, causing the ship to disappear from the optical plane, regardless of visible light or infrared. , ultraviolet detectors, radar can not find its traces.

After the entire ship turned its direction, it began to accelerate slowly and steadily, flying in the direction of Wakanda.

Deserts, plains, grasslands, mountains, the invisible ships crossed a long and complicated voyage and kept approaching Wakanda, and where the ships passed, people noticed what appeared above their heads. There is a natural fear of giants in biological genes, but they can't see the trace of the ship, and they can't find it by any means.

For those whose fear of the unknown shrouded the ship's route, if Yue Si had a yellow light ring in his hand at this time, his energy would have been full.

Wakanda, or the real Wakanda, is located in the mountains. What appears to the world is the frontier tribes used to disguise Wakanda. They adhere to a primitive and backward way of life, showing a poor and backward living conditions, and then receive a batch of material and monetary assistance from the United Nations every year.

In addition to the camouflage at the information level, the blocking of the mountains, the multiple barrier system developed by Zhenjin Technology, truly physically isolates Wakanda.

"This is the border tribe of Wakanda." Crowe pointed to the monitor, the picture captured by the hull camera, the village consisting of primitive houses and a large number of tents.

In order to maintain privacy, the ship flew very high, and it was not on the route, so there was no need to worry about collision or something.

The resolution of the camera is very high, and it can clearly see the adult riding a horse to drive the cattle and sheep, and watching the shabby and dirty children running and chasing with laughter, Crow said: "Don't look at them The way of life is very backward, but the physical condition is very healthy, and they enjoy medical conditions that even the only superpower, the US emperor, his people cannot reach."

"Don't underestimate the spears in their hands and the blanket-like clothes. They are all high-tech using Zhenjin, which is very powerful."

As if sitting on the throne, Yue Si said, "Two groups of fighter servants, get rid of them."

The crew who received the order immediately began to act. The two groups of fighter servants were awakened from their slumber, injected with a mixture of medicines to enhance their desire to fight, and weapons were added to their exoskeleton devices.

The fighter servants were loaded into the airdrop cabin, the mechanical exoskeleton was fixed on the hydraulic shock absorber, the ship's gang was opened, and the two airdrop cabins converted from armored vehicles were transported outside the hull through mechanical tracks, and the fixation was loosened. The hydraulic robotic arms of the airdrop pod, the two airdrop pods continue to accelerate under the action of gravity, and fall toward the most densely populated place in the village. About ten meters from the ground, the retro rocket at the bottom ignites and is powerful. The reaction force slowed down the drop capsule, raising a cloud of smoke.

If it is human flesh and blood, I am afraid that it has now turned into a mass of minced meat mixed with bones in the violent impact, the fully strengthened body of the fighter servant, and the reinforcement brought by mechanical strengthening surgery.

From the perspective of the border tribes of Wakanda, two black spots suddenly appeared in the sky, and they became bigger and bigger, hitting the ground like a cannonball. Countless people and things were lifted up, and those tents and shabby houses were uprooted and thrown into the distance.

Human beings are very fragile, and the internal organs of those who are hit by the shock wave are severely damaged. Although there are at most a few scratches on the surface, the inside is already smashed and cannot be saved.

The village that originally looked very dilapidated and backward turned into a pile of ruins. The injured and the frightened either cried in place, or ran around like headless flies, not knowing what to do now. able to minimize losses.

Human beings are all conformist and blind. The damage caused by the two airdrop capsules is no more than the size of two football fields, and only a small part of them are affected. After all, tents occupy most of the primitive villages. The riots spread to the entire tribe, and many people who were not injured were injured in the chaos, which they brought for themselves.

Although it is a tribe guarding the passage into the real Wakanda, not everyone is a warrior. Some people are really just farmers and herdsmen, not to mention the existence of women and children.

"Not to mention energy shields, anti-aircraft weapons!"

Seeing that the two airdrop capsules had such an effect, Yue Si couldn't help but complain.

Even in order to cover the truth of Wakanda, the border tribes uphold the traditional way of life, disguising themselves as the impoverished near-primitive tribes in the next country, the energy shield is impossible, but with Wakanda's technology, It's not impossible to install an anti-aircraft missile launcher or two and camouflage it, but they just don't do that.

Not to mention anything else, with the quality of the two airdrop pods, let alone anti-aircraft missiles, anti-aircraft machine guns can intercept them.

In the comics, when the Avengers went to Wakanda, their Quin fighters were almost knocked down by the automatic anti-aircraft fire on the periphery of Wakanda, or T'Challa, who had inherited the name of the Black Panther and the throne of the king at that time, let them go One horse, they were able to enter Wakanda.

In the "Zombie Hero" comics, all superheroes have turned into zombies, and Wakanda has become a shelter for the remaining human beings and the last piece of pure land on earth.

The warriors in the frontier tribe were considered brave and good at fighting, and immediately moved closer to the direction of the airdrop pod, unfolding the blanket that looked like a primitive fabric, and energy flowed in it, forming an energy shield to block them.

Several warriors lined up in a neat queue. The energy shields emitted by the blankets in their hands were formed into one piece and pushed forward neatly. The spears in their hands were flat-ended, and energy was brewing on the spearhead of Zhenjin, which could emit energy beams at any time.

In the airdrop cabin, the restraint belts that fixed the fighter servants were loosened. Then, the airdrop cabin, which was originally designed as a disposable item, was blasted by ammunition, and the directional impact ejected the metal fragments of the cabin towards the outside. This is the second wave of attacks following the shock caused by the retro rocket.

The barrier shields propped up by the warriors of the border tribe blocked the fragments, and then the fighter servants who came after them solved them like chopping melons and vegetables, even if the fighter servants were equipped with Crowe's goods, machine guns, automatic rifles, Weapons such as submachine guns, but like the words Hei Jue said when he commented on the confrontation between the two Uchiha brothers, "The pebble thrown by a master is more powerful than the shuriken in the hand of a child", no matter how strong the weapon is, it is also Depends on who the user is.

Although the warriors of Wakanda can be called elites, with more energy shields and vibranium spears, they are still ordinary human beings, not the super warriors who use heart-shaped herbs like the King Panther, and the fighter servants are for the interstellar war. It is designed for large-scale battles, and it is itself a strengthened warrior. Coupled with the mechanical transformation, the combat ability has increased even more.

It was almost a face-to-face, and the warriors of the border tribe fell. When the fighters were serious, their movements were as slow as 0.5 times the speed, and they could easily avoid the laser beams they fired.

The fighter servants engaged in tight tactical coordination, dividing the frontier tribes so that they could not be connected together, and then aimed at the places their energy shields could not protect, and pulled the trigger.

On the other side, a tall and sturdy person who is obviously stronger than the people around him is in command, treating the wounded and comforting the people. Judging from the tattoos on his face, his identity is the chief of the border tribe.

And that tattoo is not just a tattoo, but also a kind of authority. It is a manifestation of the development of the Wakanda civilization. Every Wakanda has a tattoo on the lips, which is like their ID card. Same.

While commanding the manpower to treat his own people, the chief mobilized soldiers, and let a few prestigious soldiers and elders evacuate the people with no fighting power to the distance, and another group of soldiers gathered in the direction of the airdrop pod.

The most critical of these is to warn the capital of an invasion by foreign enemies, raise shields, assemble soldiers, prepare for battle, and provide them with necessary support.

When in a panic, such a prestigious person stands up to appease and command, the effect is very significant, the panicked crowd seems to have a backbone, the panic becomes orderly, and the mood becomes stable.

However, there was an uncontrollable anger in the chief's heart, because his warriors, his full-time trained warriors, had fallen under the invaders' slaughtering knives.

With precise bursts of fire, the first group of assembled fighters had already fallen to the ground, and the second and subsequent fighters had not had time to line up before they were hit by fighter servants.

The firearms mounted on the exoskeleton fire in bursts, suppressing the actions of the Wakanda warriors, and almost every bullet can take the life of a warrior, because the step of changing the magazine is not designed, after the strike with firepower , in addition to the installation of machine guns and fighter servants with sufficient ammunition After a round of design, those firearms were directly discarded, the folded war knife was protruded, and the energy was transmitted to the blade through the pipeline to the knife body. on top, making it a high-heat electric knife.

The warriors of the frontier tribes held their spears in vain and fired blue laser beams, unable to damage the fighter servants at all.

Those energy beams that continuously emit "咻咻咻" when they pass through the air cannot reach the speed of light, but they are still very fast, and they cannot be avoided with the reaction speed of a fighter servant.

But it’s not as fast as a bullet, as long as it’s faster than the person who pulled the trigger. Before the Wakanda fighters fired the laser, the fighter servants dodged, spinning and jumping like a dance, dancing the high-heat electric knife out. Scarlet and dazzling light.

Zhenjin's physical properties are very strong, but that doesn't mean that the warriors of the frontier tribes are also very strong. The fighter servants deliberately avoided the cloth and spears made of Zhenjin technology, and directly attacked the frontier tribe warriors themselves, waving them at them. Under the light of the sword, those warriors fell in pieces, their bodies shattered into several pieces, and the hard bones could not slow down the light of the sword for a moment, regardless of the muscles and bones, they were as fragile as paper.

The border tribe warriors who came to support from a distance were arranged in an array under the orders of the elders and the like, but were torn apart by the fighter servants for the first time, forcing them to fight individually...

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