Villains Template

Chapter 488: The correct way to open the male protagonist of the manga

In the process of black brothers and white friends borrowing wallets from you, don't try to resist, the other party borrows wallets from you, it must be borrowed and not returned, and it is certainly not the first time, you have enough experience, and you have weapons in your hands , even if you have practiced, you may not be able to beat the opponent with bare hands. Even if you can beat the opponent, if you are injured by the weapon in the opponent's hand during the fight, the medical expenses may be more than twenty dollars and wallets. At the cost price, you can find out how expensive the medical expenses of the United States are by checking the Internet.

What's more, the hands of black brothers or white friends are not necessarily knives, but have a high probability of being guns.

So at this time, you must cooperate with the request of the other party. When you take out your wallet, you must not move too far. It is best to use language to inform the other party of your next action. When borrowing a wallet, it is not only you, but also The other party, if it is not good, the other party will mistakenly think that you have the intention of resisting, and then attack first to solve you.

"How could I think of such a crooked place?" Gently patted his head, Richard Li concentrated the money in the rest of the wallets in one wallet except for a fake wallet, and then came by taxi A shop bought by my parents.

Before being involved in the war between Iron Man and Obadeh, the original small supermarket had just been renovated into a Chinese restaurant, and the family was enjoying the future. Who knew that a sudden disaster took the lives of the family of three.

He was hospitalized because of his injury. When Richard Li returned to the shop, a layer of dust had accumulated on the tables and chairs. When he wiped it with his hand, it was a trace. Richard Li felt very sad when he saw the dust on his fingers.

Originally, the family didn't make preparations for too long, but only one exotic soul that occupied Richard Lee came back: "The world is impermanent!"

Richard Lee wandered around the diner, first cleaned out the spoiled food in the pantry and refrigerator, found tools such as rags, and started cleaning with a basin of water—although with Sri Lanka. For the compensation of the Tucker Group, he is also considered a small surplus, but it is always good to have a stable source of income.

The various procedures of the small restaurant, Richard Lee's parents have already run through it before his death, he can say that he picked up a ready-made one, and only needs to hire a chef, cashier, waiter, and shopping to open the business.

The identity of the chef was originally held by Richard Lee's father, and the waiter was guest starred by Richard Lee's mother. Richard Lee could be the cashier, but now Richard Lee said: "It is impossible to work part-time. It is impossible to work part-time in this life.”

You can only be a boss, you can't work for others.

With the comprehensive strengthening of the system, Richard Li's physical fitness has improved a lot. It didn't take much time to clean his restaurant, and the next step is to take care of the staff.

Then Richard Lee took out a pen and paper and made a simple plan for his future: "After Iron Man vs. Iron Overlord, it's Hulk vs. Hate. I remember the address seems to be there, and I have to walk more recently. , pay attention to the movements of the American soldiers... According to the tone of the American soldiers under General Ross in "The Incredible Hulk", they do not have the concept of protecting the masses. It is okay for me to mix in the crowd at that time. But the danger is a bit big, although the battle between the two monsters can't be said to destroy the world, but for ordinary people, it's almost the same, maybe it's dead."

"And then there is "Iron Man 2", Tony Stark upgrades his equipment, fights the whip, this will have to wait a few years, it will need to wait until Tony Stark reopens the Stark Expo, and then the news Not too small, you can get news from TV news without extra inquiries.”

"The plot of Thor 1 takes place in Mexico, and there will also be news on the TV news that 'a hammer that no one can lift' falls from the sky, but the danger is a bit high, and it will be caught if it's not Into the grievances and grievances of the Odin family, and become a passerby who is insignificant on the death toll count."

"Well... I don't know when Captain America woke up. I remember that he appeared on the lively street when he woke up in the movie. Although the people of SHIELD controlled the scene immediately, but Captain America was I have been jumping around for a long time, to see if I can join in the fun, it is estimated that I have participated in it."

"And then there's The Avengers, a generation of Avengers, the Chitauri invasion, the Battle of New York."

As for the future, it is not in Richard Lee's plan for the time being. These events spanned several years, and there are many variables. The plan is always faster than the change. Maybe one day Richard Lee himself Sudden disaster died, and he didn't even have to wait for Thanos to collect all six Infinity Stones to snap his fingers.

In this world, being weak is the original sin, that's why Richard Li's family died because of being involved in battles. With the system's channel to become stronger, how could Richard Li not grasp it firmly.

After being busy for a while, Richard Li boiled a pot of hot water for himself, ready to boil it and let it cool down to drink, but at this time his stomach growled. Didn't drink any water.

"I remember Richard Lee's memory, there is a very good Brazilian barbecue restaurant nearby, let's go to eat Brazilian barbecue today! The nutritious meals in the hospital are hardly eaten by people. Is it the third brother who is in charge? The seeds are mushy, and there are vegetable salads, and the birds are almost fading out of their mouths." Locking the diner, Richard Lee walked towards the vicinity of the Brazilian barbecue shop, then suddenly remembered something and looked back at his shop. .

"I'm not the owner of a restaurant? Why don't you slap yourself in the face when you go to someone else's store for something like eating?" Richard Li slapped himself lightly: "You are a long-haired man. Other people's prestige, destroy their own ambition!"

Then Richard Lee turned around and walked in the other direction. He went to the supermarket to buy various seasonings, flour, eggs, tomatoes, vegetables, large pieces of meat and other ingredients, and then returned to the restaurant with his things. , start the fire, cook.

After eating the meal he made, Richard Lee looked at his leftovers and said: "It's not bad, it can be considered food, but it is not qualified to sell it as a commodity... Gotta get the cook."

In my previous life, although I couldn’t tell the difference between limbs and grains, in terms of cooking, I only knew how to cook poached eggs and boiled instant noodles. In this life, Richard Lee knew how to cook with his parents. But it's only edible, it's not delicious, it's food, not gourmet

Throwing the cutlery into the sink, Richard Lee went out again. This time, instead of buying ingredients, he visited the business of the Brazilian barbecue restaurant. They are all bosses. Don't care about those who patronize the business of other restaurants. Such details, this is called freedom of consumption, and it can be regarded as inquiring about the enemy's situation, knowing oneself and knowing the enemy in a hundred battles.

However, when he said the above paragraph, Richard Lee had a smile on his face. Obviously, there is no better place to cook by yourself than to go out to eat, and there is no way to eat meat in large chunks.

The Brazilian barbecue restaurant is on the same street as the Chinese restaurant. There is no need to take a car or anything, but when passing a street alley, Richard Lee noticed a malicious look. It was a couple with dreadlocks and wearing Black men in large hip-hop clothes, although they said something to each other in rhyming words, but their eyes fell on Richard Lee, who was walking alone, like a hunting jackal. greedy.

After being strengthened by the system, Richard Li's eyesight was bright. Although he was separated by a distance, he could still hear what the black brothers said. Sure enough, they were arrogant and arrogant like my second child. Grams continued, but he talked about the content of this 'zhongzu' discrimination, even taking Richard Lee as an example.

They were just chatting in the alleys and alleys, but Richard Lee became wary of them when he passed by and subconsciously stayed away from them, thinking that they were the kind of gang members who sold white noodles, robbed, and extorted. A person who does nothing wrong.

Richard Lee discriminates against them simply because of the color of their skin.

Then Richard Lee felt the wind blowing behind him, his body instinctively bowed his head, and saw a figure passing by him, it was one of the few black people chatting before, look at his figure The posture should be about to attack Richard Lee from behind, or to go straight to the back of his head. It is not easy to take a hit, and it is possible to faint.

"He guessed right, we are that kind of people!"

Although the raid was unsuccessful, the black brothers surrounded Richard Lee, and the black man who was about to attack him earlier took out a switch knife from his pocket and sneaked at Richard Lee. Said: "Hey, yellow-skinned monkey, take out your wallet, mobile phone, etc..."

According to Richard Lee's understanding of the black brother, this black brother should be a newcomer to the gang, and attacking himself is a kind of trial to join the gang.

As for finding Richard Lee, it's just because of his Asian face. Asians are the lowest in the food chain on the American side. Not only can white and black skins come and step on them, but they are also divided internally. When they got up, Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans looked down on each other, and their own people also cheated their own people, and they would never unite to do things like black skins.

On the other hand, the Asian side, even if it is deliberately targeted, will only come up with slogans such as "I'm very vulnerable, don't hurt me", and making a promotional video also uses cardboard shells as armor.

As long as there is "unjust" treatment of black people, they will unite to hold a parade or something, even if that person is a heinous and deserved crime to some extent, but as long as the public opinion is raised, no one will pay attention to the identity of that person. , just because the other party is dark-skinned and the skin color is natural "official" correct.

In the end, the black skin will be hailed as a hero, erected a bronze statue, and changed a street to his name. His family members and those who run around to promote his affairs can take advantage of this opportunity to make a fortune. With money, a number of luxury houses have been added to the family, and the class of making a fortune has jumped.

Then, Disney will create a character in the image of the black skin in the New Year's promotional video, and let him join and save an Asian single-parent family, but everyone knows that the black skin has no father, let the black skin save a single parent. Family, that's just a joke, this is the advantage of having the right to speak.

On the American side, there is an unspoken rule that Asian men are asexual, while women need white skin and black skin to save.

Just like in Hollywood movies, there are basically white men, black men and Asian girls. Asian men are either villains or harlequins. It is a great concession to match an Asian man with an Asian woman. Now, it is basically impossible to match an Asian male with a white female and a black female.

In their subconscious, women are their trophies, and the yellow man must never get involved.

On the other hand, if the propaganda mouths don't make trouble, it is thankful that they say they are stubborn, they are always flattering, bowing to the outside world, and being bitter and mean to the inside, they are basically a bunch of rebels.

Just like the one who made the smog investigation documentary, search her interview videos about carbon emissions, and the funders of the documentary, and you will find that her **** is not right.

It is the same reason why this group of black skins approached Richard Lee. Asians have the habit of storing cash and have weak personalities. They can gain a lot from robbery. No surveillance cameras or anything.

"Participate in the event, Floyd's joining ceremony."

"Participate in the incident, the robbery of the blacks."

Just when Richard Lee was worried about the fact that he was trapped in the encirclement, the system beep sounded in his ear, and then he realized that it was not only those "big men" in his memory. Events” will be recognized by the system, and this street-level conflict will also be recognized by the system and can also gain participation points.

It's just that even though his body is strengthened, Richard Lee has no confidence in himself. That black man named Floyd has a switchblade in his hand. Although the rest of the people don't have weapons, they have bulging waists. There is a high probability that there is a gun. He is only one person, and how can he survive this incident with his bare hands, or his life will be in danger.

He just came out of the hospital and he doesn't want to go back, not to go to the funeral home.

"It is detected that the system user participates in the event, and the props and skill cards are drawn and issued."

"Distribute one-time props: Nunchaku*1"

"Issue a one-time skill card: One-handed weapon mastery-experience card, limited time 60 seconds"

Seeing that Richard Lee was motionless as if he was frightened, Floyd took a step forward with a knife and said to Richard Lee with a grim expression: "Take out your wallet, hurry up!"

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