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Chapter 461: Ulysses Crow

Because the Marvel Cinematic Universe started with "Iron Man" in 2008, Marvel did not create the concept of "movie universe" at that time, and even mortgaged part of the copyright in order to raise funds when making this movie, so the construction of the world view Slightly rough, the level of technology in people's daily life is basically the same as that in the real world. Smartphones already have relatively mature technology, but compared with the "Apple Cult" that has thousands of mad believers, it is contrary to people's perception. Smartphone" concept.

Moreover, mobile smart devices are quite easy to collect data and intelligence. Major technology companies have left backdoors in their products. When the US imperial government issued an order to those technology companies to ask them to keep backdoors, they were not sympathetic. Reluctantly handed over a few.

Why some important agencies are banning a certain electric car, because it collects data in real time and sends it back to the database at its North American headquarters.

Making a mobile phone is a very good choice, both now and in the future.

Don't you know that Nokia was once a military enterprise, and also got involved in the mobile communication industry, so people's first impression of it is all kinds of durable mobile phones.

Justin Hammer thinks it's not a problem to design a mobile phone with the knowledge in his head, but when the boss's own company is still in the start-up period, it is on the verge of bankruptcy, and a mature company can run without anyone. kind.

So on the second day, he put forward the corresponding concept to the group of scientists under him, asked them to improve according to his idea, and then placed orders from major companies around the world according to their needs, CPU, motherboard, screen , cameras, etc., and then assembled by the foundry.

Although there is a complete design drawing, it is not so fast from the research and development of a product to the final result. Tony Stark was able to manufacture the Mark 2 steel suit in a very short time because of his Tucker Industries represents the most cutting-edge industrial processing capabilities of the United States, and Stark Industries is not limited to the military industry like Hammer Industries, but is a comprehensive technology company.

Later, Tony Stark closed the most profitable weapons research and development department and turned to new energy development. Stark Industry did not suffer greatly because of this, and soon regained its glory.

Of course, before that, as the CEO of Hammer Industries, he hired Charles Wu, who had just come to interview with his resume, and gave him the title of senior executive as soon as he came up, and also assigned a large house .

Charles Wu instantly rose from a broken, penniless underclass to the upper class—part of the top four percent of the population, at least in terms of income levels.

And Yue Si is responsible for the part about the mechanical exoskeleton device. Just like the parts of an airplane come from all over the world, the mechanical exoskeleton like a steel battle suit is not completed by a project independently, which involves mechanical transmission. , the research and development and application of new energy, the research and development and application of various alloys and new materials, electronic engineering and control system programming, etc. For the scientists of Hammer Industry, this is a project from scratch. , no reference at all, need to take it slow.

And there is no example of Tony Stark's iron suit before. The initial investment in this project was paid for by Hammer Industries. There is no such thing as "Iron Man 2". There are a large number of countries imitating it. Hammer Industry, the DoD systems prime contractor, also received DoD investment.

Therefore, the scale of the research and development project of the mechanical exoskeleton device is not large, and Yue Si even has to teach those scientists by hand, if the knowledge he has learned is transferred to higher projects.

From Justin Hammer, Yue Si also inquired about one thing, the whereabouts of a person - the arms dealer, Ulysses Crow - as an arms dealer, the most common contacts are the representatives of various military enterprises Now, and Ulysses Crowe is related to the famous Zhenjin in the Marvel world.

It is a pity that in the movie, he lost his background as an acoustic physicist in the comics, and at the same time, his role was greatly reduced. background.

And the vibrating gold is also the purpose of the original body to the earth. Although this metal was brought to the earth by meteorites, there must be a larger ore reserve in the universe, but the universe is so big, how do you know which star field the original ore of vibrating gold came from? It is better to come to Earth and go to Wakanda to find it, at least a vibranium mine the size of a mountain will be enough for a period of time.

The movie world sets Crowe's family to run the Zhenjin business for generations. Captain America's shield was stolen from Wakanda by the Crowe family and bought out by Howard Stark. Ulysses Crowe himself even more. It was from Wakanda that he stole 250 kilograms of vibrating gold, which was several times more than that of his predecessors, which was enough to make a shield.

But even though the Wakanda people are sitting on Baoshan, they don't know how to use the precious resource of Zhenjin, even if they rely on Zhenjin to develop the world's first-class technology, even if they have as many minerals as a mountain, outflow A relatively trivial point is like killing them.

Therefore, if the deity wants to obtain the Zhenjin Mine, it is definitely not and cannot be purchased by normal means, but can only be robbed by force.

On the other hand, the investigation into what Yue Si and Charles Wu did in prison has not ended. It has been in the process. It was just that the police were investigating at the beginning. S.H.I.E.L.D. took over immediately, all external reports were suppressed, and they fooled the past by making up a piece of news.

A gag order was also issued inside the prison, prohibiting anyone from leaking this matter to the outside world.

Some of the prisoners who witnessed the time have increased their sentences, and those who have been granted bail and parole places are even more unlucky, in order to prevent them from bragging about this incident while drinking.

Because this is very obvious, it is a superpower/unknown technology crime, which is within the purview of S.H.I.E.L.D., and the methods of those two people are quite unscrupulous and belong to the kind of relatively dangerous existence, so they will investigate with great fanfare, Keep danger in the bud.

Of course, there are a large number of supernatural incidents happening every day in the United States, and the people responsible for this incident will not be the seventh-level agents like Coulson, but just two unknown agents.

According to common sense, the best source of intelligence is surveillance video. There are a lot of surveillance probes in places like prisons, but the surveillance probes seem to be disturbed and can only barely see two vague human figures. The moving stains are like spots, and it is impossible to know the specific clothing and appearance contours.

All witnesses, whether they were prison guards or prisoners, were separated by SHIELD agents for interrogation. Surveillance video was also recorded, and the agents analyzed frame by frame, trying to find no interference in the picture, so as to open the gap.

According to the confessions of the prison guards, what they saw on the surveillance screen was this picture. They sounded the alarm after the fire in the first cell, but when they entered the scene, the two figures had disappeared. .

Agents of SHIELD reviewed the entire surveillance records before and after. In the earlier surveillance videos, there was no trace of suspicious persons at all, and the video was not disturbed, or the same video was played in a loop.

They/they/they were first photographed by the surveillance cameras. They emerged from the first cell that caught fire, and then barely stopped in the middle. They went directly to the second cell that caught fire. The two prisoners in the cell were burnt to ashes - really ashes, even the hard skulls were burned to powder.

This requires a high temperature of at least 2,000 degrees, not to mention the melted prison door, the reinforced concrete walls and floor wax that have been burned through - the flames generated by the liquid fuel used by human technology are basically unable to achieve this. degree.

Unless a steel furnace or a thermite is used.

In the middle of the two cells that were directly on fire, the two figures stopped for a short time and shot and killed several prisoners. The bullets had been fired and sent for bullet scar investigation and identification, and the remaining bullet casings were also collected. He got up and tried to trace the source to find out the clues of those two people.

Preliminary test results are that those shells correspond to the bullets, which are NATO 5.56x45mm bullets.

In the descriptions of the prisoners, they forgot the specific images of the two people. Everyone could not remember their clothes and appearance. Everything in their memory was covered in a fog. Roughly Asian face, the flames are not emitted out of thin air, but use some kind of flamethrower.

The few people who were killed by bullets were because they were too loud and said something they shouldn't have said, which angered one of the two people.

This makes S.H.I.E.L.D. pay more attention to the two mysterious people. The superpowers of mutants are very dangerous, but if the other party uses technology, the value they represent is even higher.

Technological products represent reproducibility. Those two people showed multiple abilities. According to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s understanding of mutants, they basically only have one ability. Methods of jamming surveillance probes, the kind of flamethrower that can burn a person to ashes in an extreme amount of time, are all very helpful for spy operations.

Everything in the two fire rooms was packed and taken away, even the walls and floors were scraped off, and sent to the central laboratory of SHIELD for chemical experimental analysis, hoping to find out the chemical of the fuel. recipe.

The first to find the breakthrough was also at the S.H.I.E.L.D. central laboratory. They found some unburned promethium from the concrete powder, ashes, dust, plant ash, and high-temperature crystals.

This is a huge job, and more than half of the researchers in the entire central laboratory are devoted to this project, separating materials from the dozens of kilograms of "garbage" to find out the possible fuel.

Those who can enter S.H.I.E.L.D. are the elite of the elite.

Able to become an "elite", in addition to extraordinary talents, there is also a sense of resilience, especially in a society where knowledge is monopolized by the US imperialists, education is polarized, while talking about happy education, people are in school I can't learn anything here, and I can only work in some middle- and lower-level jobs after I leave the campus.

On one side are the children of the rich, eating dry bread and forgetting to eat in the library. This group of people in the central laboratory came over like that, not to mention that they still have the identity of "beautiful scientists", because the plot needs to be changed. The impossible is possible, it is commonplace for them.

After a day and a half of work, they finally found a few grams of promethium. Those were a few drops accidentally left by Yue Si when he used the force field to prevent the promethium flame from rolling back. By chance, it did not volatilize or ignite. The gel substance was mixed with dust and preserved.

After various analyses of that part of the promethium element, the researcher's face became a little strange, and then he immediately shared the results with several fellow researchers, and a group of researchers discussed each other word by word.

The agent who was in charge of staying at headquarters and waiting for various material analysis reports and bullet scar reports saw their performance and asked, "What's wrong? What's wrong with that fuel?"

"This is a fuel with a very special chemical structure. I have never seen its structural composition..." the researcher said. "If someone applies this chemical to apply for the Nobel Prize, he will definitely win the prize."

But they joined the secret agency of They must have signed a non-disclosure agreement. Although it can't be said to be anonymous, it can't be too ostentatious. It just said some regrets.

The agent, who didn't know much about the technology, asked, "Can we synthesize this fuel?"

The researcher and his colleague exchanged opinions, then nodded and shook his head: "Yes, but not necessarily."

"You people who are engaged in science, don't you usually speak very rigorously? This kind of ambiguity doesn't seem to come from your mouth." The agent asked.

"We discussed with a few researchers that it is possible to synthesize this substance, but it is difficult to do." The researcher mulled over his words, trying to make the agent understand what they took 'for granted': "This substance , I'm afraid it can only be synthesized in an atomic reactor."

"This substance is a compound, mainly composed of hydrocarbons and various hydrogen isotopes, which do not exist in nature at all, and can only be obtained by artificial nuclear reactions like plutonium with the existing technology." Another researcher said: "If you describe this substance as being used as fuel, that person is too extravagant."

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