Villains Template

Chapter 443: coward saviour

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Although unilaterally broken up, life has to go on. After a sad night, the delivery boy started his hard life again, without work or food.

It's just that today's He Jinyin is much more lost than yesterday's He Jinyin, and the whole person is like a lost soul. Rongji Bingshi colleagues did not respond to his teasing. Colleagues who couldn't see He Jinyin making a fool of himself felt that the fun was lost. a lot of.

Because it is Monday, just like going to work on the first day after a long vacation, the whole person’s work and rest have not recovered from the work state. Many people came to the elite center early for class because they were late and did not eat breakfast, and then called the nearby Rongjibing. Room to order takeout.

There is no doubt that He Jinyin delivered the food. Even if he really didn't want to face it, he was forced to deliver the food from the Judo Department.

As the main general of the Judo club, the black bear is like a star holding the moon, surrounded by a group of students, in order to listen to the black bear's bragging.

Anyway, idle is idle. These days, I can't hold a mobile phone to surf the Internet, watch short videos, read novels, and listen to black bears bragging to pass the time.

The black bear took what happened yesterday as a talk, and vividly described He Jinyin's ugliness when he was frightened by him, as well as his "feat" of knocking Ali away with one punch. Listening to the joy without spending, laughing forward and backward.

It just so happened that He Jinyin was passing by while delivering food, and when he heard his embarrassing incident, he thought of leaving quietly, but when he heard the black bear triumphantly telling the story of Ali being kicked away by him, it made others laugh, and his face immediately filled with murderous intent. walked towards the black bear.

For a pure-hearted boy like him, first love is the most beautiful existence, and he can't tolerate others' blasphemy, and he was furious at that time.


The black bear folded his arms, looked at He Jinyin arrogantly and disdainfully, and said in a long voice, "What are you talking about, I can't hear it!"

"I want you to apologize to Ali immediately!" Although his expression was serious, He Jinyin's tone was obviously softer.

He Jinyin rolled all over the floor with one punch: "Delivery boy, hurry up and get your takeaway, coward, if you hadn't avoided my punch yesterday, that punch would have only hit you. It won't hurt Ali, you coward, this punch, I beat you for Ali."

At this time, Ali just walked in and yelled loudly: "Stop, black bear."

"I didn't do anything to him, I just stretched out my hand, and he was scared to the ground." The black bear spread his hands, looking innocent, and the people around him echoed, as if He Jinyin was really scared to the ground On the ground, the black bear did not punch.

Seeing Ali, He Jinyin was ashamed, picked up the takeaway box that had fallen on the ground, and ran away like a fly.

"I don't want to be a coward!"

Running outside the Judo club venue, He Jinyin raised his hands high and roared at the sky.

It is the best way to insult He Jinyin, who can't fight back and scold himself, and thinks he is trash. Only in this way can he live a Buddhist life. of him seeking change.

Ji Tou Si or something, it's too scary, don't think about it.

"This is a public place, why are you yelling so loudly? Be careful, I'll call the administrator to kick you out." A passerby recognized He Jinyin as the obedient delivery boy, and immediately reprimanded him, although he was just upset, just casually Find a reason to scold him.

He Jinyin immediately bowed his head and said sorry again and again and ran away.

Running and running, He Jinyin suddenly stopped. He thought of what Yue Si had said to him before - if He Jinyin wanted to make a change, he could go to the grocery store in the elite center to find him.

At this moment, a soccer ball flew past his ear, and if he hadn't stopped suddenly, it would have hit his face.

"Throw, you didn't get kicked, you rubbish."

"It's all to blame for that waste material, and he stopped suddenly, or I would have smashed his nose with a ball."

A player came over to pick up the ball cursingly. After seeing He Jinyin, he pointed at him with his finger: "You bastard, why did you stop suddenly, otherwise I could win fifty yuan."

Obviously, he and another player made a bet with He Jinyin, and he lost without hitting He Jinyin.

He Jinyin stepped back subconsciously and kept apologizing, obviously he did nothing wrong, then ran away in a panic and went to the grocery store under the "Savior of Cowards" billboard.

Not everyone will call to order takeout, so Gui Wangda's grocery store is also doing business at this time, but it is about to go to class. There are only twos and threes of customers in front of the grocery store, and they will soon run out.

Seeing He Jinyin, who was in despair and had some expectations, the ghost king Da secretly said that Yue Si's good method, a high-spirited young man became like this a few days ago.

Although Yue Si asked him to lay a solid foundation for the delivery boy, he only gave 500 yuan, which was far from enough. Although he was down and out, he was also a famous devil-skinned man and ghost king in the world back then. What about 500 yuan? enough.

The missing part was made up from this takeaway boy.

"Uncle, I heard people say that if you want to change yourself, you can come to this place... learn martial arts or something."

Looking at Ghost Wangda, who was just like himself, wearing an old man's vest and having more fat than muscles, He Jinyin decided to say something else: "Uncle, I'm actually here to find someone."

As a new student, Ghost King Da took a photo of the counter and made the kind of memory of the hidden masters in the TV series who were exposed: "Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, but I didn't expect that Ghost King Da would live in seclusion in this small Universal Elite Sports Center for groceries. After many years in the shop, someone has finally found me, yes, I am the contemporary successor of the ancient Chinese boxing method who was given the nickname "Devil's Muscle Man" in a famous town in Southeast Asia, and it is also the ghost king."

"God's will, God's will, it's really God's will!"

After speaking, Ghost King Da squinted at He Jinyin, and found that the delivery boy was stunned, obviously being called by the name he reported.

Superstition is superstition, that is, let you be obsessed first, and then you will believe.

"Uncle, no, Ghost King Da, I'm just here to find someone."

He Jinyin came out of the confused state and said to Ghost Wangda.

In fact, he doesn't really believe in Ghost Wangda, because people rely on clothes and Buddhas rely on gold clothes. Although Ghost Wangda tries his best to make the vicissitudes of life, but his vulgar temperament can't be concealed no matter what, from the appearance of appearance. Did you lose.

"Oh, didn't you come to me? A certain guy came to me a few days ago and said that he had found a martial arts genius who was one in a million, but he couldn't get away from his own affairs, and he thought that his martial arts was not as good as mine. The reclusive master, who taught that martial arts prodigy and feared that he would delay his whole body, invited me out of the mountain and let me teach him the peerless martial arts..." Halfway through speaking, Ghost King Da lowered his voice and asked, "That person, is that right? you."

The secret of deception is that by adjusting the expression of words or concealing some key parts, every word of yours is true, but if others understand it according to your expression, it will be contrary to the truth, just like Cupid. .

And Ghost Wangda obviously can't reach that level, so he doesn't need to lie to He Jinyin, half-truths are enough.

The key information that Ghost Wangda said corresponds to several elements that He Jinyin has mastered, especially the evaluation of "the unparalleled martial arts prodigy". Normal people would not even say such words when they saw him. How can He Jinyin not believe it.

He Jinyin hurriedly agreed: "Mr. Tang Niu said that there is no one in a thousand peerless master, referring to me, Senior Ghost Wangda, please accept me as a disciple and teach me martial arts."

Seeing that He Jinyin was hooked, Ghost Wangda closed the shop and took him to the back warehouse—it was class time, and no one came to patronize his grocery store. Even if there was a business, he would definitely not be able to get the money he earned. He Jinyin knocked out a lot, so it's better to close it.

A few words made He Jinyin fall into the trap, and Ghost Wangda didn't take out the photo that he had manually edited to fool He Jinyin, but put it up on the shelf instead.

"Master, please teach me kung fu, I don't want to be called a coward anymore, I want to make a change." He Jinyin seemed to see hope and said, holding the hand of Ghost Wangda.

Ghost Wangda took his hand out of He Jinyin's hand with a look of disgust, and said, "Don't pull and pull between big men, others will doubt my orientation when they see it."

"Yes, Master." He Jinyin also quietly rubbed his palms on his clothes. The old man's hands were wet and oily, and they felt disgusting to the touch. If he didn't wipe them clean, he might have nightmares tonight.

"Hey, don't call me master yet. Although I promised that person to teach you martial arts, but whether to accept you as an apprentice, whether to teach you martial arts or not, I haven't officially made a decision yet." Ghost Wangda sat on the chair, holding The posture of the master, and even the tone of speech is different from usual, giving people a sense of unfathomable depth.

And He Jinyin just eats this set, if Ghost Wangda actively promotes it, he will doubt whether Ghost Kingda is lying to him.

And Ghost King Da is also holding a heart, because if He Jinyin is a stupefied young man and believes his own words, he will go home and his acting will be in vain.

"Master, what do I need to do to accept me as a disciple and teach me martial arts." He Jinyin knelt in front of Ghost King Da and begged.

"I accept my apprentices because of human beings. If you have a kind heart, I will definitely teach you. The purpose of learning martial arts is to punish evil and protect justice." After the first half of the sentence, Ghost Wangda switched to a kind of yin. In a miserable tone, it seemed that a green light hit his face, with that cheap underworld lighting effect: "However, if you are a treacherous person, after you learn martial arts, you will definitely bring disaster to all parties, when the time comes I'm definitely going to clear the door, it's better not to teach than that."

"What do I have to do to prove that I am a good person?" He Jinyin asked.

Ghost Wangda took out a donation box from behind and wrote five big characters "everyone has practice".

"You donate your money to the poor children in the motherland. Everyone has a book to read and everyone has a skill. This way you can prove that you are actually a good person."

"It's that simple." He Jinyin said nothing, took out all the money on his body and stuffed it all into the donation box.

"Okay, from today onwards, you are the second-generation disciple of ancient Chinese boxing—I don't know your surname."

"Don't have your surname He, He Jinyin."

"I don't know what you want to learn."

"Everything, I want to learn everything."

"Young man, you can't chew as much as you want. I'll teach you some basic kung fu first, and then I'll teach you other things when you get started... If you're going to teach you extremely destructive kung fu, if your kindness is just a temporary disguise, then I won't teach you anything else. It's just a big mistake, and you need to slowly test your character." Ghost Wangda thought of an excuse to continue to deceive He Jinyinqian.

He simply arranged some basic physical training plans for He Jinyin, and sent away the happy He Jinyin. Ghost Wangda opened the donation box and checked out the money that He Jinyin had just put in, so happy that he could not see his eyes: "What? The unparalleled master of **** has not been played around by me."

"That's not good. I want you to lay the foundation for He Jinyin, instead of letting you fool him with some basic physical training methods." Yue Si stood at the door of the warehouse, watching Ghost Wangda, who was happily counting money, said arrive.

Ghost Wangda immediately put the money cheated from He Jinyin into his pocket: "That kid runs errands all year round to deliver food to others, all he does is hard work, he has never undergone any professional training, and he also works hard. Those who do heavy work and those who practice martial arts have two physical states, and they cannot be forced.

Everything has to be done slowly and help him lay the foundation within a few days. It is tantamount to fooling around in a dream, and it can only be corrected little by little—at least now he thinks that he has started to learn martial arts slowly, and he is more confident than before. "

"Brother Broken Water Flow will soon come to the Global Elite Sports Center to be in charge of the fighting and martial arts department. If you want to revive the prestige of ancient Chinese boxing, you have to speed up the pace and teach him a few sets of boxing, so that when he shoots, he will look like Then it's all right, to cultivate a master, how can it be that simple, only take shortcuts, and I will solve the rest." As he spoke, Yue Si clapped the suitcase in his hand: " ~ is the key to our breakout."

Because of Yue Si's interference, He Jinyin did not delay his daily work and life because of his kung fu practice, and under the guidance of Ghost Wangda and at the cost of his hard-earned money, he played a few simple routines well- In Gui Wangda's words, he taught He Jinyin to use the quick-fix method, which can make a person without a foundation of kung fu look like that, but it is impossible to fight.

But He Jinyin didn't know it, and thought that he had mastered those quick martial arts skills, and he had become very powerful. For this reason, he went to Ali, who had never dared to see her, and secretly "revealed" that he was practicing secretly. Kung Fu this thing.

And Ali can only respond with an embarrassed and polite smile, because normal people know that unless it is a martial arts novel, a person can learn a martial arts in just a few days, from a hand without a chicken It is simply impossible for ordinary people of the power to become masters.

In this world, only He Jinyin himself still foolishly believes this.

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