Villains Template

Chapter 436: I want to be a good person

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"How did you drive!"

The master covered his hit forehead, scolded the driver, then turned to Brother Chen, with a mean smile on his face, and said, "Brother Chen, are you alright!"

Brother Chen didn't speak, his eyes stared straight ahead, and the master followed Brother Chen's line of sight and screamed in fright.

Because Yue Si did not know when he stood in front of the car, looking at the two of them through the front window glass.

Just like a stress response, the master shrunk himself into a ball again, wrapped his head with his hands, and nestled in the seat, trying to make himself less conspicuous, hoping that by doing so, he would be ignored by Yue Si.

Yue Si walked to the back seat window and knocked on the window glass. Brother Chen opened the car door expressionlessly, looked at Yue Si and said, "Hero, what's the matter?"

"It's fine, I just want to chat with you." Yue Si leaned against the car door, took out a cigarette and stuffed it into Brother Chen's mouth, then took out a pistol, emptied the magazine towards the sky, and used a little The red-lighted muzzle lit the cigarette: "I, Tang Niu, cover this place in Pig Cage Walled City. I won't say anything else, you should understand."

Holding the cigarette, Brother Chen took a deep breath, slowly exhaled the smoke, and said, "Understood, hero, is there anything else?"

"No." As if remembering something, Yue Si said: "You should also find a decent killer, so that these two wastes are not challenging at all."

Brother Chen nodded, still expressionless and cool. After closing the door, he said to the driver, "Drive."

The emergency stop car started again and drove away in the direction of the city.

In the car, the master, who had been huddled and buried his head, finally stretched himself out and said to Brother Chen with admiration: "Brother Chen, it's no wonder that you can do such a big job of the Axe Gang, and you can't even deal with such a master. He can't change his face, he doesn't even blink an eye when he shoots into the sky."

However, Brother Chen did not say a word to the master's flattery, staring blankly ahead, his body shaking with the shaking of the car.

It's not that he didn't change his face, but he was extremely fearful. The protective mechanism of his brain made him feel no fear, so he could show that indifferent expression.

After the car drove a certain distance, Brother Chen suddenly buried his face in his palm, sobbed suddenly, and then cried and laughed again. Those who didn't know thought he was crazy.

This is the expression of emotional depression to the extreme and sudden outbreak, because simple bitterness and laughter cannot express that emotion, only crying and laughing.

Yue Si watched the car go away, and then returned to Zhucong Walled City.

"Am I letting you go?"

The two disabled people were completely trashed. The seriously injured but still able-bodied Di Que dragged the crippled Tian Can to the outside. After seeing Yue Si coming back, Di Que immediately Kneeling down: "Hero, let's take our lives around. We were both disabled, and now you have abandoned them. Only one life is left. Killing us will dirty your hands."

"I asked you to talk about a song before and then leave. You don't listen. Now I've offended me and want to leave. It's not that easy!" You have already collected it, don't play that piece, don't think about leaving today."

"Thank you hero, thank you hero."

Heaven and Earth said again and again, Yue Si said this, which is equivalent to letting them live.

The two of them supported and returned to the position where they were sitting at the beginning. They put the piano that fell on the ground on the platform made of bricks. After tuning, they asked, "What song do you want to listen to."

"I said before, Pure Land of Bliss, play it!"

However, Yue Si didn't have any difficulties, but hummed the song and let them remember the melody and rhythm before playing it.

Although it was different from the people who played the guzheng in Yue Si's memory, he really made sure of one thing. Although there were only two people playing the lyre, the sound of the guzheng came out.

"You just let them go?" The charter woman said to Yue Si with a cigarette in her mouth: "The task of eliminating evil is complete."

This is not referring to the lack of heaven and earth, but the axe to help a group of people. The lack of martial arts has been abolished, and they can't make any waves. Keeping them alive is a waste of white rice to live in the world.

"I'm very happy today, I'll talk about this tomorrow."

Yue Si said it doesn't matter.

The next day, Yue Si explained something to A Xing: "I have a task for you."

"What's the matter, boss, whatever you tell me, I will never say anything in the wind and rain!" Ah Xing, who hurriedly washed his face and had toothpaste on the corner of his mouth after hearing Yue Si's order, said.

Although Yue Si didn't make much noise last night, he managed to take down the insufficiency with just a few moves, and he also had a dragon-shaped Qi Jin to protect himself. One word, handsome.

After consulting the tailor this morning, I know that there is a shortage of two people in the martial arts ranking, and I also learned from him that the three of them may not be able to deal with their sonic power. a preliminary understanding.

Thinking again that Yue Si promised to teach him martial arts, last night's events gave him a lot of confidence, A Xing felt that this was stable, and it was time for him to stand out, so his enthusiasm was high today, thinking that Yue Si was going to help him Talented.

"When I first came to Shiliyangchang, I heard you say that you have a chance to join the Axe Gang, right?" Yue Si said.

"Boss, that's all in the past, and I'm sticking with you wholeheartedly now." Ah Xing put on a stance of 'I'm inseparable from sin', straightened up and said righteously: "Become a gang. I don’t have a future, I didn’t have a choice before, now I just want to be a good person.”

He thought that Yue Si was testing him, and immediately took a stand.

"Okay, you... finish this thing." Yue Si almost didn't pick up the classic dialogue, and said: "You have the opportunity to join the Axe Gang, make good use of it, I need someone to join the Axe Gang. Do the internal response, find out what their recent movements are, and then defeat them in one fell swoop, eradicate the roots, and sweep away this scourge."

Yue Si's words were full of righteousness. He made Ah Xing's blood boil, and subconsciously stood at attention and saluted: "Yes!"

"Being an undercover agent is very dangerous, you must be careful, keep your original clothes, remember to change them, don't take the money I gave you with you, just don't meet me In the same way, how did you do things before, you can do what you want to do in the future." Yue Si explained some undercover matters: "If necessary, robbery, extortion, petty theft and other things, do it occasionally, Pretend to be a jerk."

When A Xing heard Yue Si's words, his eyes suddenly glanced around, because that kind of rotten standard was talking about himself before, and he felt a little guilty.

"I'll go after breakfast." Ah Xing said, "Fat Zaicong bought breakfast, and if you don't eat it, it's a waste."

"Hey, the two of us didn't eat breakfast before because we didn't have any money." Fat Zaicong said in a very serious manner, carrying the half-sold and half-delivered breakfast from the fried ghost shop.

Looking at his innocent but very serious expression, I don't know if he was deliberately tripping A Xing, or if he really let A Xing go out in their previous state. In short, he didn't even drink a sip of water in the morning. He was kicked out of the Pig Cage Walled City and went to the city alone to seek a living.

"Those two thrashing, because they claim to be number one on the killer list, wasting my money to invite them, but none of the three thrashing was solved, and they were killed by a small character who suddenly appeared. ."

In the headquarters of the Axe Gang, Brother Chen pointed at the master and cursed.

That night, he was frightened by Yue Si's methods, and he cried and laughed madly all night. Relying on his relationship with the foreigners, he invited a psychiatrist. The doctor said that Brother Chen had a mental problem and needed to be treated. What 'frontal lobectomy', then you can get quiet.

It is not easy for people to accept the knife on the head in this era. The last famous doctor-patient relationship in brain surgery was Cao Cao and Hua Tuo in Romance of the Three Kingdoms, who advocated brain surgery. Most of the people should know what happens to the people who are slaughtered.

However, because the psychiatrist is a foreigner, the Axe Gang didn't do that kind of thing, but wrapped a big red envelope and sent it back respectfully.

The foreigners' medicine didn't work, then the local method was used. An old Taoist was invited, set up the altar, stepped on the gang, held a peach wood sword and performed a spiritual ritual, and burned another one. The talisman paper was made into talisman water, and Brother Chen drank it.

As the saying goes, heart disease still needs medicine. Although there is no magical power in this world, the old man pretended to perform in front of Brother Chen, and it really comforted Brother Chen.

Unsystematic empirical medicine sometimes really works.

Of course, what really made him recover was another thing, Fushou Paste—that is, the thing that Lin Zexu destroyed in Humen.

After Brother Chen finished smoking, the whole person was dizzy, and his mind was not clear, so he talked nonsense.

"Brother Chen, you just finished smoking that thing, and you feel dizzy. Don't say such things." The master took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said, "Those two wastes beat If we don't win, we have other options."

"There is a shortage of two people who mentioned one person when they were negotiating the price with us. They are only the number one killer on the bright side. The real number one killer is someone else, the legendary ultimate murderer Huoyun Evil God. Now locked up in the public concession, the 'abnormal human research center' run by the English, which is the mental hospital, we just need to find someone, rescue him, and then ask him to help us kill those street fighters , everything will be fine.”

"Okay, you can handle this matter." Brother Chen, who was dizzy, was helped to sit on the sofa.

"Understood." Master said, "I'll do it now."

To sneak into the center of abnormal human beings to save people, before the actual implementation, the preliminary preparations must be done well.

The architectural drawings of the entire building, the patrol schedule of the guards, the exact location where the Fire Cloud Cthulhu was imprisoned, and a street boy who is proficient in sliding doors and locks to bring people out.

The first few are easy to say, as long as you have money, nothing can be done.

But that kind of thief-level punter is not easy to find, but the master thought of one person - it was A Xing.

The Pujie who ganged their axe into the pig cage for the incident at the beginning had the stunt of picking locks with one hand. At the beginning, Brother Chen said that this kind of person would come in handy one day, but I didn't expect this sentence to come true. .

After the preparations for the current period were completed, the members of the Axe Gang began to search for the whereabouts of A Xing in the streets.

Ah Xing has not been doing well these days.

Although the affluent life brought by Yue Si has only been a few days, but that kind of life makes him unable to stop, just like you can go to a restaurant after earning money, why do you want to eat when your parents cook the last meal I have cooked too much, kept the leftovers from this meal, and one of my most hated ingredients, soy bean sprouts, and the rather terrifying fried shredded potatoes with shredded ginger.

After living on the streets, Ah Xing, who had been looted for every penny on his body, lived a life without a meal. He was very unhappy, and he remembered that Yue Si asked him to perform as he did before, and put it on him. Forget about martial arts and undercover work, be yourself, and do some petty things, just to be able to eat a meal.

But this kind of thing is easy to overturn. He stole the golden glasses that Yue Si had "robbed" before, and was beaten by the other party.

One day, Ah Xing was really hungry, so he took out a knife and grabbed a mobile stall selling ice cream and soda, that is, the dumb girl. The dumb girl recognized Ah Xing, and there was a trace of inexplicable eyes in her joy. Let A Xing feel a sense of shame for no reason.

Stealing a sum of money from the dumb girl—the ones who Yue Si bought ice cream from her that night and didn’t ask her to give her change—A Xing fled to the side, holding the money in his hand, all kinds of miscellaneous things.

Then he was found by two members of the Axe Gang following the and took him to the headquarters of the Axe Gang.

The headquarters of the Axe Gang is a very prosperous place, with a nightclub on one side and a casino on the other, both of which are places where money comes in very quickly. Although it is not the first time to enter such a place, Axing is still a little helpless in the face of those drunken fans.

The master was playing cards with people, and his subordinates notified others that they had found them. He was overjoyed immediately, and threw the bad hand he had caught on the table, took the opponent's cards from their hands, and mixed them with his own: "No more playing. , stop fighting, it's time to do business!"

Then he took out two of the money on the table, and the master stuffed it into A Xing's jacket pocket: "From today, you are a full member of our Axe Gang. These money are personally sponsored by me, you take Go get a suitable suit and don't lose face for our Axe Gang."

If it wasn't for Ah Xing's timely arrival, he would have lost more money, and of course he had to behave generously.

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