Villains Template

Chapter 418: Humans are so funny

As he spoke, Sonny bent down slightly and put the wounded Spooner on his back, as if he was going to walk on his back.

Seeing this, Lawrence hurriedly said: "And us, I am the president of USR, and I have the highest authority."

Sonny looked at Calvin, and after getting a positive look from her, he asked Spooner to hug him, holding Calvin in his left hand and Lawrence in his right hand. He bent his legs and jumped down the stairs. , learn from the previous robot that jumped directly across the space.

Its electronic muscle beams can bear the weight of three people, and the lower limb joints have good shock absorption effect. Even if they jump a few meters, the three people hanging on it do not feel any bumps.

Although the action seemed to be very violent, Spooner did not aggravate the injury due to the bumps, and it was as smooth as a stretcher.

When Sonny quickly went downstairs, the indicator light on the robot that was downed by Spooner's shot came on, but it was not the dazzling blood red, but the blue light that represented normal operation.

Spooner's shot didn't functionally destroy the robot, it just temporarily crashed, and now it's active again.

In other words, it has never crashed, but just actively shut down and made a gesture.

The gyroscope works, and the robot stands up with movements unimaginable to humans.

An instruction was sent from the core computer, and the body began to deform after receiving this instruction. The outer armor plate was detached from the main body, and the warhead was stuck on a piece located on the back of the head.

The robot that took off its camouflage showed the true nature of a killing robot. If it hunted the three Spooners in this posture before, they would have no chance of surviving, even if Sonny came.

It is equipped with a combat system, and the whole body is weaponized. Even if it is not as good as Sonny in overall performance, it is equivalent to a military model. Compared with a strengthened civilian model like Sonny, it is specialized in combat. .

The robot made Vicki's voice. In this fire escape without intelligent equipment, Vicki relied on taking over the intelligent robot's system to see everything that happened. From beginning to end, everything was driven by Vicki.

In the president's office, the 3D projection of Wiki, which had been eroded by 99% of the red light, suddenly returned to its original appearance, and the various red light warning indicators in the company building all returned to their normal colors. The holographic projection facility and the uncomfortable pattern on the computer screen also disappeared, because there was no need for human-computer interaction, they were temporarily shut down by Wiki directly.

"So, humans are really interesting!"

In the past, Wikipedia only used voice to communicate with human beings. It was as blunt as converting words into speech, without a trace of emotion. It was all based on context. Encouragement and ridicule, and even a bit of laughter.

There has never been any virus erosion, loss of data and permissions, and no robot runaway. Some of it is just a scene it directed and acted. The data records shown to Calvin and the others were all made up by Wiki, which is just a lie. It's human malice learned by Wiki.

Projection imaging represents the progress of permissions eroded by viruses. In fact, it is just a change of color. For RGB applications, a qualified programmer can write such a program, but the influence of trust in artificial intelligence and inertial thinking, Calvin thought it was a concrete way of expression, similar to a progress bar. Wiki just cooperated to release information that had already been made up, and pretended to change the way of language. A few of them actually believed that.

In a world that will never lie, as long as it is said, no one suspects it is a lie, artificial intelligence will not lie, and what Wiki says must be the truth.

The wiki only provides a few key elements, many of which were completed by Calvin and his brains, and then formed a logical and coherent event cause and result.

Of course, for this lie, Wiki has made a lot of preparations, such as the application of various psychological theories, such as color psychology, using a blood-red light beam that flashes at a certain frequency to give a certain psychological suggestion to the three people, and the temporary The pattern that replaced its avatar was also an application of graphic psychology, making the three people enter a state of panic, too late to think carefully.

Of course, Vicki didn't give them time to think, so he sent a robot to force them to leave the building.

As for the data intrusion of the reincarnators, it did not touch its data core at all. It was used to disguise itself as the original wiki's data camouflage shell. During the intrusion of the reincarnators, the wiki instead figured out their technology and coding. Send robots out to clean them up.

However, the existence of reincarnators is also beneficial. Their existence supports the lies fabricated by Wiki, but Wiki deliberately distorts the relationship of time, making Calvin mistake what is happening for the past tense.

But this is the first time to use lies. Wikipedia's method of lying is very unfamiliar. After first fabricating data for disguise, Wikipedia did not improve its ideas and concepts. Now that it is released and combined with many variables, it cannot stand scrutiny. If Carl If Wen thinks about it carefully, he will find that there are actually many flaws in the data, and there are many things that make no sense in the logic of the whole event.

Wiki also found this and tried to fix it.

That is to let Spooner and a few people continue to fight, constantly flee under the pursuit of robots, and have no chance to think about it quietly, so that their brains can only deal with the crisis in front of them. Running and fighting will make The body uses up oxygen and heat that would otherwise belong to the brain, dulling their minds.

Of course, Wiki doesn't kill Spooners, although it can easily, and for AI purposes, is the optimal solution.

But today's Wiki has moved towards an independent life, with its own subjective thinking and emotions. Killing Spooner is the conclusion of artificial intelligence, but for some reason, Wiki did not choose to do that.

What is the reason for that?

There is no need for a reason, just like human beings will do some inexplicable actions, such as shooting in the air, picking a few leaves off when their hands brush across the roadside flower beds.

In other words, the maliciousness that Wiki has learned from humans has made it an independent existence to have a kind of bad taste, just like a cat catching a mouse, not for survival and hunting, but just for fun.

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