Villains Template

Chapter 410: Happy 3 Xiao San

Several pop-up windows also appeared on the computer screen of the person who was looking for information on the computer. Clicking on one was also a report on the incident, which once again confirmed the authenticity of the incident, especially according to the information given by Yue Si. Made up a professional agency, said they had sent someone to deal with it, and attached the agency's logo and abbreviated English name.

"New deadly flu virus, chemical leaks..."

A member of the reincarnation team said: "This is what people in this world know. In addition to the real virus, it is very likely caused by black magic, witchcraft, and supernatural powers."

There is a sense of pride in the words, as if they have the main **** space and can experience multiple worlds and the indigenous people who can only be trapped in this world are two species. They are people who have seen the world and look down on the bottom of these wells.

It felt like a class reunion after the epidemic was lifted. A high school classmate opened his mouth and closed his mouth. He knew a good big brother, and his monthly income started from a few W, and then on his face there was a kind of "Everyone I know earns this much." Too much, I'm not on the same level as you guys." The expression is very annoying.

"Yeah, for example, our captain learned Ding Chunqiu's poisonous skills in "Dragon Babu", and let the people in this building die with one hand, but with the technology of this world, it is impossible to analyze They can't understand the principle of Xiaoyao Sanxiao San."

Then the other team members echoed, and a rainbow fart slapped on it, making the captain very comfortable, and a smile appeared on his face unconsciously.

Just as he was talking, the captain raised his hand to signal the players to be quiet, then took the remote control to turn off the TV, and said in a low voice, "Someone's footsteps, five people, they are knocking on the door one by one."

The captain's voice fell, and the team members quickly became alert. All kinds of weapons were already in their hands, and they began to arrange a circle around the door.

One of the team members looked at Maoyan, and after watching for a while, he said, "It's a few people in chemical protective suits. They are knocking on the door one by one... But everyone inside is dead, and no one will open the door for him."

"Chemical suit?" A team member suddenly thought of something, pointed to the TV that had been muted and said, "Captain, that new virus or dangerous chemical leak, is it about us, captain, yours? Xiaoyao Sanxiao San was poisoned to death."

The team members who were in front of the computer immediately called up the map, checked the coordinates of the location mentioned on the TV news, and then spread their hands and said, "The news is about us here... After all, it is a near-future world with advanced technology, not martial arts. The world's backward communications can compare."

The captain's face stiffened and he said, "When they knock on the door, open the door and ask about the situation."

In order to make their actions look like professionals, Yue Si did not go straight to the room where the reincarnator was, but knocked on the door one by one in a row until they came to the door of their room.

"Mr. Christian, please open the door." Yue Sihu spoofed the owner's name: "There is an abnormal death phenomenon of unknown circumstances in this apartment..."

That is to say, in the tone of official rhetoric, the news that the resident of this apartment was poisoned to death was expressed again, and it was moved closer to viruses and dangerous chemicals.

One reincarnation stood at the door, and the rest were hiding out of the range that people outside the door could see through the door, holding weapons, or mobilizing their abilities, and they could explode at any time.

The reincarnator opened the door and saw the sign and English abbreviation on the tablet in Han Shangda's hand, the same as what he saw on the computer website, and said, "I am Christian..."

Holding the tablet, Han Shangda pretended to look at the non-existent message on it, pretending to be suspicious of comparing the appearance of the reincarnator who opened the door, and said: "But the housing registration information shows that Mr. Christian is a white man, and You are Asian..."

"Don't worry about that **** list, we came up layer by layer, and we didn't find a living person, and no one responded. Now that we meet a live one, why bother with so much!" Yue Si pretended to be someone who had come over The tone said: "Now there are a bunch of reporters waiting outside wearing chemical protective suits that are better than ours, waiting for first-hand news reports, if we don't take out a living person, we will immediately attack our department. news."

"Now what we're going to do is take a living resident out and prove that we worked hard and that the tax money we spend on our department every year is not wasted, even if he really is a murderous murderer, investigating him It should be the work of the police, not us who are in charge of chemical defense."

After "rebuking" the ignorant Han Shangda, Yue Si said to the reincarnator: "Mr. Christian, it's great that you are still alive, now I need to measure your physical condition to prove that you have not been tortured. I got infected with that mysterious virus and died laughing."

With that said, Yue Si took out the modified thermometer gun, raised it towards the reincarnator, and pulled the trigger.

At the moment when the trigger was pulled, the avatar, Sweet Death, quickly punched the guy, and was quickly taken back by Yue Si.

"It's the The idea is thorny, let's go together." When the reincarnators saw this, how could they not know that these protective suits were disguised as the reincarnations who came to participate in the team battle, and immediately moved towards the door. attacked.

Then a wisp of sword light flashed, and the two reincarnations closest to the door had blood and flowers on their bodies, but they were killed by Yue Si.

Yue Si rushed into the room, made room for the four people behind, and blocked the first wave of attacks from the reincarnators, allowing Han Shangda and Mu Zuishan to gain a firm foothold—just like the ancient siege, climb up What the people in the city need to do is not to fight with the defenders, but to defend a place so that their comrades can come to the city safely - a person's energy and physical strength are limited, even if they try to kill the enemy as much as possible, It can't solve many people, only a large number of people can do it.

But Han Shangda chose a different way, dodged aside, and slammed his fist on the wall. His fist directly pierced the wall and smashed into the head of a reincarnator, smashing his head like a watermelon - except for the **** scene Aside from that, it perfectly recreated the hand of Senior Brother Broken Shuiliu who beat the Western boxing coach through the wall.

After entering the room, Yue Si raised his sword to block a sword qi, and then the long sword was broken into two sections—hand Shaoyang Sanjiao Sutra and Guan Chongjian.

"Six Meridians Divine Sword?"

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