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Chapter 209: "Blade of Wandering"

"All the residents of the town down the mountain were all killed overnight."

Due to the regulations, the police did not tell Steve all the circumstances, but only briefly explained what happened last night.

The call to the police was called from the landline of a family in a small town in the mountains in the early hours of the morning. A panicked male voice reported his address and what he had discovered.

The adult men and vehicles in this small town disappeared for unknown reasons. The women and children who were left behind all died. The murderer killed them in a very cruel way. The operator recalled that the caller vomited while talking The voice should have been frightened by that picture.

Then the policeman recounted the encounter between Steve and Jenny, and told the police their approximate location to ask the police for help. He also specifically reported the model of the car and asked the rescuers to bring tires of the corresponding size. .

When the police arrived in the town, they found a scene of corpses lying everywhere, but they did not see the whereabouts of the caller.

The cars of the town residents were found on the road on the mountain, as well as some corpses with extremely tragic deaths. As for the others, they cannot be disclosed to Steve and the others.

However, it can be confirmed that the bodies found were all residents of the town, and even a skinned dog was a local pet dog, and there was no trace of outsiders at all.

Yue Si seems to have disappeared out of thin air, although in fact it is.

Rescuers arrived shortly afterward and replaced Steve's car with new tires, but the condition of their vehicle was obviously impossible to drive away on their own, and had to be towed away by a trailer.

After returning to the city, Jenny and Steve tried to find the alternative detective novels that Yue Si mentioned and wrote by himself, but they found nothing. In their spare time, they went to bookstores in half the city, all Yue Si's book was not found.

Except for the shotgun that Yue Si left to Steve for self-defense, and the hand-painted portrait of Jason, it seems that there is no trace of this left in this world.

He was almost sure he was dead.

"How about we try to write the story he told us?" Jenny framed Jason's portrait with a photo frame, and suddenly an idea flashed in her mind, and Jenny suggested this to Steve.

Steve thought for a moment and agreed to his girlfriend's proposal.

With a complete story framework, you only need to fill in the details. In addition, the two have some personal experiences, and the imagination based on reality is even more exciting.

Of course, writing a book will not follow reality. The names of places and names in the book have been changed. For example, Lake Eden has become "Crystal Lake".

When the book was published, it was just in time for the media to reveal the case that happened in Lake Eden.

The modus operandi of this case is cruel and bizarre. The police have no clue at all, and it has attracted widespread attention from all walks of life. Steve and Jenny have the aura of "witnesses", but anyone with a discerning eye can see the "Crystal Lake" In fact, it alludes to the real existence of Lake Eden in reality.

Some well-informed people have also found out how many bad behaviors the bear children in the town have done in the past.

Due to fate, the sales of the two people's books are not bad, but because they are not professional writers, they do not have a strong control over the text. After the news heats down, no one cares about Crystal Lake.

But the royalties they earned were enough to get them a new car and a pretty decent wedding.

"Positioning Success, Mission World: Blade of Wandering"

"Mission: Blood debts are paid for by blood. Minority is not a reason to escape legal punishment. Since the law cannot punish crimes, it is up to the lynchers."

"Mission reward: a few reward points."

"Remarks: Rewards will be distributed according to the degree of task completion."

After "dealing" with Bright, Yue Si called the police, called for rescue for Steve and Jenny, and then used the stealth skill to return to the forest, killing the group of parents.

After completing the task, he handed over the "Hockey Mask" to the system for recycling, exchanged the "Chainsaw" and "Sharpened Pencil", and then started a trip to the new world.

Although there is no pressure from the can, he has a high degree of freedom in crossing the world, but there is still a certain connection between the two adjacent worlds.

The Matrix and the Terminator are both about artificial intelligence betraying human beings. Eden Lake and Wandering Blade are about juvenile crimes and the protection of parents.

However, Lake Eden focuses on the evil of human nature, and the Blade of Wandering accuses the entire social system.

Although there is a death penalty in the foot basin, the abolitionist faction is very powerful, so the execution and review procedures of the death penalty are very complicated. Thirteen procedures are required before and after the approval and implementation There is a reason for this.

Abolition and death usually happen in capitalist society, people can no longer create value when they die, only those who are alive can get it, and those who are called lawyers are actually litigators who also need to cut their sentences for famous criminals to make a name for themselves. The prisoners have hundreds of years in prison, but they will not be sentenced to death. For example, the prisons in the United States are privately contracted. The prisoners are not only as simple as being detained, but they need to work.

In addition, it is the reason for learning the valve group.

The foot basin is a feudal society dressed in the cloak of a modern civilized society. Various bloodlines and clan levels still exist firmly. Your teacher is abolitionist, but if you support the death penalty, you are deceiving your teacher and destroying your ancestors. It is closed to you, and what you have learned in your life will have no place to be used. How can you change your family.

Of course, in social propaganda, careful consideration of the death penalty represents the brilliance of human nature in the civilized world. For example, the movie Thirteen Steps is about the death penalty review.

Therefore, many foot basin judges are reluctant to impose the death penalty, and even the highest punishment for intentional homicide is only 20 years in prison.

And there is a very puzzling stipulation in the law of the foot basin. If it is a juvenile who intentionally kills, even the name will not be published, let alone the death penalty.

The protagonist of Blade of Wandering, Shigeki Nagamine, who is the father, knew that the criminals could not be punished by legal means after his daughter Emo Nagamine was tortured and killed by two minors, Kanno Kayuji and Banzaki Atsushi. Choose to embark on the story of becoming a wanted murderer for revenge.

"Pick the card."

Yue Si pulled out a card from the card box.

"Character Card: Dirada from Naruto"

"Explanation: Art is an explosion, and the greater the equivalent, the higher the artistic achievement."

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