Villains Template

Chapter 199: Crystal lake youth same style

It was a coincidence that this town was the town where the group of bear children were located, and the family whose girlfriend was brought back for treatment was the leading one among the bear children. The bear child who returned home pushed everyone's death to his girlfriend. on the body.

Because of "he was still a child", the family of the bear child and the family of the dead child brutally killed his girlfriend. The girlfriend didn't even have a chance to explain, and the bear child took over from her boyfriend without any psychological burden. The "trophies" obtained did not cause any psychological burden due to the death of his partner and others.

Although the portrayal of the male and female protagonists is a bit "lost" in some details, "Eden Lake" is still a good horror film, with no supernatural forces for evil, no memetic creature interference, and no undead murder. The crazy, bloodless scenes are purely about the evil of human beings.

Because of this, some people feel very unhappy after watching this movie.

The mission released by the system is to let Yue Si change the plot direction of the story, so that the horror brought by human nature becomes the ketchup horror in third-rate movies.

After setting up his tent in the clearing in the forest, Yue Si did not immediately go to the lake, but took out two cards from the auxiliary system.

"Item Card: Chainsaw"

"Explanation: The weapons used by the villains in many movies are of high quality, cutting jade and gold are extremely sharp, never malfunctioning and never worn out."

"Additional note: Although the structure of the chainsaw has proven that it is not the best choice for weapons, its roar is enough to deter the enemy and create a sense of fear."

"Supplementary note 2: From the logs for my job, to the Tianling cover of the ghost hunter who has the indestructible body of King Kong, it can be sawed open. As long as the power is sufficient, even the armor of the main battle tank will be cut open for you. Look."

"Item Card: Hockey Mask"

"Explanation: The same style as Jason Voorhes, the boy who killed a hundred people. After wearing it, you will get the stealth skill, which can disappear silently or appear near the target regardless of the distance."

"Additional explanation: The meaning of the same paragraph means that it is not the original mask, it belongs to the new factory, so the idea of ​​smelling the residual breath of hundreds of people slashing the teenagers on the mask is avoided."

"Additional note 2: After you put on the mask, you are no longer a mortal person, you are immortal, you are immortal and immortal..."

"Item Card: Sharpened Pencil*100000"

"Description: The props used to perform the magic game of disappearing pencils~ Hahahaha..."

"Note: He once killed three people in a bar with a sharpened pencil."

Because it is just a clone created by relying on a blank card, this Yue Si is just an ordinary person, without the personality of the master of the universe in the big world, without the abilities conferred by Godzilla cells, without the magical power brought by the magic of the immortal Tao. Most of the physiological functions have reached the peak of human beings, sharing memories and various experiences with the body, and in actual combat, they are barely comparable to Captain America.

Therefore, the system card is very helpful to Yue Si - although through the connection between the subprogram and the main program in the main body, he can call the card already held by the main body at any time, and it is not difficult to summon an army of battle robots to wash the ground.

Just when Yue Si was thinking about how to play, there was loud music and a very loud dog barking from the direction of the lake.

After thinking for a while, he took out a cold beer, took out a vertical double-barreled shotgun, and put a large number of 12-gauge shotguns in his pocket. Yue Si, who was wearing a floral shirt, beach pants, and slippers, swaggered towards the lake. side.

An adult Rottweiler barked at the young couple, scaring Jenny, who was enjoying the sunbathing, into Steve's arms. Not far from them, several teenage children looked at Jenny who was frightened. He smiled brightly, and didn't mean to stop his dog from barking wildly at people.

Walking a dog without a leash is like walking a dog with a dog.

Large dogs are banned within city limits - well, no, this is a remote area away from the city, which is not appropriate.

The time it took for Yue Si to walk from the tent to the lake was not short. If it was an accident, the owner of the dog could have called the dog to his side. It was obvious that they did it on purpose.

Their actions undoubtedly rejoice in the suffering of others.

Coincidentally, Yue Si is also such a person.

Opening the barrel, loading two shotguns, closing the gun, Yue Si fired two shots at the sky.

Everyone who was frightened by the loud gunshots trembled in their hearts. The Rottweiler was so frightened that he ran away from Jenny's side and returned to his master with his tail tucked.

"Hey, Steve, are you interested in playing shooting games?" At this time, Yue Si came out of the woods with a beer and a gun, and greeted Steve enthusiastically.

The young couple looked at Yue Si in Steve stood up and looked at Yue Si: "What's the matter with your gun?"

"What's strange about this, this country is a country with free guns, and you can hold your own shotgun as long as you file a legal application." Yue Si said in a natural tone: "Although I am a writer, I use materials for writing books. , I have taught myself a lot of things, although I didn't bring it with me, I am a shooter with a professional qualification certificate."

After some nonsense, Steve and Jenny believed what Yue Si said, but Steve still asked: "No, I mean, why do you have a gun on you?"

With a look of contempt, Yue Si lowered his voice and said, "Steve, do you think the story I told in the car is really just a story?"

"What, there really is a monster created by witchcraft at the bottom of this lake?" Jenny turned her head in horror and looked at the lake water that was just a short distance away. There was a chill in my heart for no reason.

"Hey, I said it all, the second half is a story I made up myself!" For Jenny's interjection, the atmosphere that Yue Si deliberately brewed with his voice was destroyed.

"Did you not listen to the first half of the story? It's not just a story, but a warning to people through the story?"

"Have you come to such a desolate place far away from the city for vacation, don't you have something for self-defense? If you encounter a bad guy, kill you and bury you in a random place, and no one will know."

After gesturing to the bear children not far away, Yue Si said, "Don't look at you as adults, if you really want to do something, these children can kill you."

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