Master Calcirust puts dog food on a plate of paper and serves it to his crocodile.

Mame-chan blurted at first cum and next. I wonder if I was hungry.

I eat a lot. Oh, I'm replacing you. You have a gift for eating.

I lie down when I'm done eating, Ma. Come on, you're gonna be a cow.

Is that ok for dogs? Master Calcirust is doing it by stroking his head.

You liked it so much. Well, although it does expressly state that he's a resourceful kid.

The soldiers came to report to Master Calcirust every twenty minutes. I'm serious.

Diligence is virtue, isn't it? That's a great idea.

Ma is asleep. Oh, I opened my eyes.

Looks like you can't sleep. I wonder if he's on guard. If so, I'm sorry......

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