Villain, Please Go Easy on Me

Chapter 672: Continued life: you lose

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Su Bei turned around and rolled his head to the foot of Su Bei, making a giggling laugh, "Play together."

It was so ugly, Su Bei kicked his foot out.

The head seemed to feel pain and made a sharp voice, "What are you doing, I'm going to kill you!"

Subei is very innocent. "Isn't that playing with you, isn't playing football?"

His head flew, his eyes resented, "You must die!"

Then rushed to northern Jiangsu.

Subei picked up the baseball bat picked up from downstairs and waved it away. His head was shot and flew out.

A barrage finally popped out, "I seem to be watching a funny horror movie."

The head flew countless times, trying to hurt Subei, all knocked back.

Probably thinking that I can't afford to hide, that head wants to hide.

He was stepped on the foot by Su Bei, but the ghost had no entity, so he ran away.

Su Bei suddenly remembered, oh, to use ghost paper to deal with ghosts.

So he took out a stack of rune papers and made a joke, but he had never been able to draw a few sheets of rune papers when he had been a teacher of the country?

Subei pinched the rune paper and threw it blindly. Anyway, there was always a time when he threw it.

Therefore, this method of local tyrants is still useful. I don't know the first few pieces of rune paper. One head screamed and flew out, and it also caught fire.

The fire was of course because the rune paper was dumped.

Then, a copper sword was thrown over and his head was nailed to the wall.

Unhappy, Shen Huan came out and put his hands in his trousers pockets. It didn't seem to catch ghosts at all.

Subei went to that head and asked seriously, "Do you want to extinguish it?"

Shen Huan looked at Northern Jiangsu in the same way as a neuropath, "What kind of fire is extinguished, it is going to die anyway!"

Having said that, he noticed that North Jiangsu was broadcasting live. When he raised his hand, North Jiangsu's mobile phone was nailed to the wall by peach nails.

Peach nails penetrate the phone, and the screen is shredded.

Subei looked at the mobile phone, and then looked at Shen Huan, it seems that you can replace the new phone, "broken, you have to pay."

Shen Huan grabbed the collar of North Jiangsu, "Are you looking for death, is this where you can come?"

Subei blushed, "Am I not dead?"

When Shen Huan heard this sentence, he was startled. There was a feeling that he had finally heard this sentence across countless worlds.

It was like, there was a person who always died in front of him, but he was helpless, thinking about him suddenly appearing, saying, I did not die.

This weird idea made Shen Huan more irritable, pushing North Jiangsu aside with a somewhat rude action.

Then he put a note on the man's head, and then simply squeezed it into the note paper.

Shen Huan pinched a pair of mahogany nails, "Others, I'll do it yourself or you come out." The tone was impatient.

Some ghosts came out because they heard Shen Huan's name and were very afraid.

But there are also others who are not reconciled, so I want to be tough.

Shen Huan didn't give them this opportunity, the peach wood nails came out, and a few violent ghosts were nailed to the wall.

The bigger the expression on his face, the more irritable, and he scolded: "Find me any job, trouble!"

Then throw garbage and generally throw these ghosts into a rune bag, and take them away.

Subei reminded, "Mobile."

Shen Huan's forehead jumped straight, "Why haven't you left yet?"

Subei pinched the broken phone, "For this."

Shen Huan looked at Subei's calm eyes, his eyelashes twitched slightly, like a feather, brushed across his heart, and then disappeared.

This frustrated feeling made Shen Huan want to catch something, but couldn't catch it.

His eyes were deep, a bit arrogant, and some badly said: "I want to pay for my mobile phone, I have the conditions."

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