The orc boy was terrified, he knew that he had offended a ruthless person, and in front of Su Mo, he knew that his state was real, so he was looking for trouble.

But at the same time, the orc boy still feels that he and Su Mo can still talk about some things. After all, he is his big brother, so what is there to talk about with his big brother?

"Saint, I was wrong first, but as a person who truly tolerates us, can you also leave me some sympathy? My request is not much, I just want to be able to live well 26 That's enough."

After hearing these words, Su Mo laughed instead. Does he need to talk like that in front of himself if he is alive? At the same time, Su Mo suppressed him, and told him that this wrong idea would make him All become very miserable.

"You know what you're doing wrong? You're overcomplicating yourself, letting things start to materialize and bring us wrong, and that's why you're such a pathetic guy. "

After Su Mo's words came to this point, the orc kid's face suddenly showed a trace of pain. He knew the meaning of Su Mo's words, but he also felt that he would not be such a person. When Mo retorted, the orc kid said something more stressful.

"Saint, I can honestly tell you that some people and things have begun to change in a dangerous direction. What they do may be more uncomfortable than you think, and that is the real threat Woolen cloth."

The orc boy's words made Su Mo instantly aware of the uneasiness in this guy's heart. The huge pressure he might have had on himself also proved the anger in his heart right now. The blue screen gave a very calm warning, no matter what, the boy should not talk so much in front of himself.

"The pressure you will cause in the end will destroy you, brother. The purpose of my being so friendly to you is to calm your heart. Seeing you like this, I really don't know what you want to do. What is it, are you trying to tear your skin apart in front of me?"

After such words were spoken, things changed a lot more than before, even surpassing Su Li's inner reverie.

On such a kind of crazy cloud, the orc kid also calmed down his heart. He knew where his mistake was, and apologizing to Su Mo may be a good thing for granted.

At this time, the 110 orc boy chose to bow his head and admit his mistake, not daring to be so extreme in front of Su Mo. Such an attitude is enough to prove that the underrated man is indeed a predator, and he is to Su Mo. Talking is also useful.

This kind of communication has turned one of the bottlenecks in their hearts into a turnaround, but it is precisely because of this change that they start to feel a little pain

But what's more interesting about being fearless, in fact, he just appeared and some crazy things came here, so he can also find a way to stabilize it completely, so he definitely won't care about it. .

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