After hearing such words, Su Mo knew how miserable that poor thing's heart is. This new Su Mo has always had his own attitude in doing things, and he is very clear and understands it very well.

At this point, don’t say who is right and who is wrong, just continue to play according to your own method. Assassin’s Su Mo is like a real killer. He has never left anything for anyone. His heart There is nothing else in it except that crazy idea.

Kailong and Farid stood beside the hairy monster and the warriors of the pine forest city-state, and they had seen it in such an extremely dark area where only ghosts and phantoms could be seen.

The reason why the orc boy and the two people in the tree can erupt with such a powerful force is that they have nothing extra except fear in their hearts [Shi Su Chuanjiao reminded them to relax at this time.

The more extreme and troublesome you think about things, the more you will have to pay and bear more darkness at that time. This is an inevitable phenomenon, and there must be many unreasonable things in it.

Don't be afraid of my warriors easily because of anything, everything you can see now is what we must face in order to conquer this planet in the future, and deal with the enemies of the dark empire.

We can only rely heavily on them, and we must never trust them. Trusting any enemy of the dark empire is pushing us into the fire pit, do you understand?

Su Mo's words were very sincere, and his soldiers all nodded after listening to them, saying that they understood now, and at the same time, they wanted to apply for some other things from Su Mo, hoping that Su Mo could give them.

"Saint, after learning about your method of action, we are very surprised, but our strength is not enough for us to be like cattle. After this, can you give us more training? We also want to become like you ". "

Kailong finally couldn't bear it anymore, his expression trembled when he said this, he hoped that this was true and that Su Mo could give them such help.

But after careful consideration, Su Mo also understood that there was a kind of uneasiness in Kailong's words. To put it bluntly, it was very risky for Kailong to speak like this.

You, when you do things, you never think about right and wrong, you just think about whether you can get some Chiron now, do you know that your attitude like this is more threatening than anyone else. "

"Even if I can help and improve you, I'm afraid it will be impossible to calm your heart down. There are many things you need to do now."

Su Mo's words made Kailong startled for a moment, and at the same time, there was a trace of anxiety on Kairon's face. She didn't know whether her attitude was right or wrong, but he knew that he Very clear.

Su Mo didn't have any intention of leading them to the wrong path, but at this moment, he gave them a lot of reminders to let them know how uncomfortable they were about to face.

In fact, this is also a good thing. At least when dealing with some incidents, everyone's hearts tend to be calm, and they are all more reasonable. .

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