The Void Walker's proud words showed a fearless look, but this feeling was correspondingly painful in Su Mo's eyes.

"Void Walker, if one day you can really understand my good intentions for you."

"Then you and I wouldn't be like this now. You've never seen clearly what you have to endure next."

"Is that why you are so crazy? I tell you that more dangerous and darker things will appear in you and me at any time.

The current Void Walker has fallen into a darkness loaded by Su Mo.

His face had completely become very depressed, and he also knew that he had done a lot of things that he shouldn't have done at this time.

Many things were no longer comfortable, and the huge pressure had already begun to affect Su Hei.

It brought him a more exciting existence, a kind of power added to the sadness, which seemed to consume them all at any time.

However, Su Mo still believed that the Void Walker could definitely break through the tight siege and limit himself.

Although this feeling is a bit unfriendly to others, the fate you have to face is so crazy.

If you cannot do something extremely well, then you will be ravaged by others.

"Void Walker, if you want to resist, I will lead the guy in front of you to attack me, right?"

"I tell you, all this is impossible to succeed at all. From the beginning, you were a weakling in front of me."

"You still want to continue to resist. I really can't figure out who gave you such an opportunity. w

"I let you treat me like this, but you must understand that there is only death waiting for you."

The arrogant words were mixed with the darkness of the huge pressure on Su Mo and his so-called subordinates.

It had begun to gradually envelope this area, making Su Mo feel troubled by what was happening in front of him.

What kind of disgusting beast dared to talk to him like this? Su Mo's anger had reached the bottom line and reached the extreme state.

He could use some more dangerous and violent methods to kill the corresponding crazy things in front of him, but at this moment, he felt very calm inside.

"Why don't you attack me quickly now? On the contrary, you can only say these pathetic words in front of me. Poor bastard, I don't think you even know how much you weigh."

After hearing such evil words, the Void Walker.

He instantly realized that the lunatic inside him was about to attack him again.

This feeling made him feel very uncomfortable, but when he thought about it, maybe this was his fate.

The Void Walker turned around and looked at Su Mo, showing a rigorous attitude. He knew what he wanted to get.

(Li Dehao) If he couldn't get it again, then he would rather be completely consumed by Su Mo, and then his face showed a proud look.

This dark aura quickly appeared in front of him, and that kind of powerful pressure seemed not to be understood by ordinary people.

Once this kind of power really appeared, Su Mo knew what might happen, and he knew even more about how much his destiny would expand tomorrow. .

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