Village Building Order Frenzy

Chapter 317 Guobei County?

Zhang Yang chose to fly with the sword in the defenseless state.

Firstly, it is very low-key, there is no red rainbow, no aura, and secondly, it consumes the least amount of energy.

Because he is going to fly to a star now.

Well, this is not a star in the popular sense, and the distance from Zhang Yang is far less terrifying and unreachable.

Therefore, he only flew with the sword for three months and nine days before he finally got close to this degenerated world.

Of course, this time change is estimated by Zhang Yang himself. After all, there is no reference at all here. All he can refer to is the unit of standard heaven and earth aura that suddenly appears around his body every day.

From this point of view, the world will of the Xianxia True Realm is really a big deal.

At this time, Zhang Yang was not busy entering the target world, but quietly observed.

This dharma-destroyed world is like a big fireball, but it's not as big as the earth, or the sun, because that thing is not any known celestial body at all.

The flames coming out of this big fireball are orange-red, very bright, but usually this bright color also represents a precursor to extinguishing.

As for the inside of the big fireball, it is still possible to sense some weak, thin spiritual energy of heaven and earth, but this thinness is almost equivalent to the effect of putting a catty of fat in Dongting Lake.

"It's a bit of a pit!"

With a sigh of emotion, Zhang Yang slammed into the big fireball in front of him.

It's very relaxing, as expected of the Dharma-ending era, even the space barrier is gone.

This is an undefended world.

Then the first thing Zhang Yang felt was death.

The strong death energy shows that the world is rushing towards death at a fast speed.

The second thing he felt was chaos, not the chaos of the fifth sequence, but the chaos of a life system.

Accompanied by such feelings, Zhang Yang descended, and he appeared on a barren mountain.

There is no lush forest on the mountain, not even a decent, stalwart tree, but it does not mean that there are no trees, there are still some, without exception, they are all distorted and hideous, like being fried in a frying pan of evil spirits.

The weeds on the ground were also low, withered and yellow, half dead, but they were extremely vicious.

The above is not describing the drought. The mountains and fields in the drought years are not so exaggerated.

Zhang Yang knew that it was just because this world was going to die, so everything in this world was desperately fighting for their lives!

That's right, earn your life.

Mountains are evil mountains, waters are evil waters, trees are evil trees, grasses are evil grasses, and people, of course, are evil people.

If a person is evil to the extreme, he is an evil ghost.

This ghost is not a ghost, but similar to the ghosts in folklore on the earth, it is the ghost of the human heart.

In such a world, to establish a sect of cultivating immortals, is it necessary to overcome the catastrophe and ascend?

What a huh.

Zhang Yang sighed and was not busy exploring this world, because theoretically in this degenerated world, he is number one in the world, and unless there are outsiders, he is invincible.

Invincible at the beginning, are you happy?

So the crux of the problem is not fighting.

"First of all, my natal aura must be used sparingly. This will be a process of accumulation."

"But this doomed world on the verge of death obviously cannot restore youth by injecting enough heaven and earth spiritual energy."

"This world must die, but I must find something of value that can propel me through the catastrophe and ascend, and then complete the entire task of building a village."

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang stepped down the mountain. That's right, he didn't dare to use his sword anymore. Even if he consumed a little mana in this degenerate world, it would be worth the candle.

When he got off the barren mountain, he saw a road that had been abandoned for a long time. On both sides of the road, he could vaguely see some shadows of farmland, but at this moment, there were no crops in the farmland, only a weed like octopus left. Sticking to the ground tightly, like a starved ghost reincarnated.

The sky was gloomy, the sun was actually a bit cold, and the thin clouds shrouded feebly like fog.

Zhang Yang walked down the road and walked into the field, the octopus-like weeds came to life at this moment, trying to bind Zhang Yang's feet, and then divide and eat them.

Zhang Yang remained indifferent, allowing the weeds to sweep quickly, and finally, when he turned into a straw dumpling, he saw a woman's head.

Her body is this weed, she made a hissing sound, and rushed forward like crazy to enjoy this delicious meal.

Zhang Yang suddenly stretched out his hand, crushed the woman's head, and then let out a long sigh.

This woman is a monster, or a monster, at least on the surface.

But in fact it is not, this is a person to blame.

The monster race is the darling of the world, and their flesh and bones contain spiritual energy. They should be the first to perish in this doomed world.

As for this monster, the reason why she can form such a weird change is because of mutation.

A mutation sliding into the abyss.

This is completely opposite to cultivating longevity and transcending the extraordinary.

Zhang Yang took one last look at the dilapidated village in the distance, turned around and left. He didn't need to guess that he knew where all the people in the village had gone. It also required energy to mutate into the abyss. If they couldn't absorb it from the outside world, they could only kill each other.

"The abyss ghosts attacking the human race is for the game of civilization, which is still understandable, but there is a kind of ghost, which specializes in killing people, and it is the most hateful!"

Walking along that deserted road for three hundred miles, the strange and deserted atmosphere was relieved a little. There were more traces of walking on the road, and the weeds on the roadside finally had a normal green color, but there were still trees on both sides of the road. A deserted village, farmland.

"Stop, rob!"

Three savage-like bandits emerged from a small ditch in front of them, with messy hair and beard, bare feet, wearing animal skins, skinny, with green eyes, holding a rusty and broken fork in their hands.

This is probably the worst bandit ever.

Zhang Yang ignored it, and just kicked up a small stone to resolve the battle.

These are just three humanoid ghosts that may mutate into ghosts.

"Well, aura?"

After walking forward for about fifty miles, Zhang Yang raised his eyebrows suddenly, and looked forward with a little surprise. Within the area with a diameter of about five hundred and six miles, the sun was brighter, and even the clouds and fog were much less. It is no wonder that there will be robbers who rob here.

Zhang Yang strode over, and sure enough, weak green farmland gradually appeared on both sides of the road, a deserted but still populated village, and pedestrians on the road.

This is the first normal person Zhang Yang meets.

Very strong, with a big beard and a big knife on his back, he strode across from Zhang Yang.

"Friend, I want to ask the way."

Zhang Yang called the other party to stop, but in fact the other party stopped after twenty meters, with a look of vigilance on his face.

"Fifty miles away, it's Guobei County. This is Guobei County Ghostbuster Heavenly Master. Where did you come from?"

Zhang Yang was taken aback for a moment, almost thinking he had heard it wrong.

Is it the same name? Or is it a coincidence, or, this is that Guobei County!

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