Versatile Mage: I can control you until you die

Chapter 151 Arrival! Jinlin Huangcheng

"The moon is so big and the moonlight is so white." Xu Fang looked up at the sky and praised.

"Xu Fang, the water is cold."


Xu Fang took out a small ball of light and threw it upwards. It fell into the water accurately, and the bath water, which had been cooled by the night wind, warmed up again.

The cold moonlight was also dimmed by the steam of hot water.

In the large bathing pool surrounded by stones, the girls looked curiously at the small light balls gradually melting into the water.

"What a magical effect."

"This kind of skill is easy to use at home. You don't even need to boil the bath water."

"If you think it's useful, just take it home."

"Oh, what did you say!"

The girls were playing around and splashing water on each other. Anyway, the warm water was quite comfortable when it was poured on them.

Mu Ningxue said nothing, her exquisite body submerged in the water.

Mu Nujiao was sitting not far from her, her cheeks were red and her hair was floating on the water.

She felt that the water was not only hot, but also had a radiant purifying power seeping into her body, and her tired and tight muscles also relaxed.

"By the way, we don't seem to have anyone standing guard outside."

"If you forget, just forget it. Well, it's so comfortable."

far away.

The men looked at this scene, their eyes were on fire, and they didn’t even want to brag about their awesomeness!



"The heart of a beast with a human face!"

"Damn, why is it foggy over there? I can't see anything!"

After taking a bath, it was already late at night, and everyone began to rest and take turns to keep vigil.

Xu Fang slept in a tent with Mo Fan and Zhao Manyan, and those two people went to watch the night outside. He closed his eyes and seemed to be asleep.

The next second, he opened his eyes, opened the tent and walked out.

"Xu Fang, are you getting up at night too?" Zhao Manyan asked.

"Well, I drank too much water before going to bed."

"Hey, what kind of water are you drinking? Could it be bath water?" Zhao Manyan winked.

"Yeah, it's still warm. Can I have a little drink?" Xu Fang said.

"Ugh! Go, go, hurry up."

Xu Fang walked to the grove, where a cluster of small will-o'-the-wisps were floating. Judging by their size, they must have just had a midnight snack of magic energy.

Squatting down, Xu Fang gently pushed aside the soil, revealing a glowing pen-like object inside.


It was sunny the next day, so everyone packed up their things and set out on the track again.

No one is in the mood to look at the scenery. The mountains and rivers here and the tracks hidden in the grass do not belong to them. The waving flowers on both sides may be the product of the demon's excrement.

Everyone's march was relatively smooth. Although they encountered several waves of monsters, they were all within the range that they could deal with.

After traveling for more than ten days, Jinlin Huangcheng finally appeared in front of everyone.

Still a tunnel.

This time Xu Fang didn't need to take out the worker bees, so everyone climbed up the mountain consciously. Once they climbed to the top of the mountain, they immediately saw a vast plain basin.

Towards the west, there are plains and low hills that extend as far as the eye can see, all of which can be seen at a glance.

"This is the deserted city of Jinlin." Song Xia confirmed, holding the map.

Looking at the dead city, everyone felt uncomfortable.

"It's only been fifteen years, how come it has become like this?"

"If a demon has inhabited it, it will definitely be like this. Those houses, streets, and highways were all destroyed to a state of disgrace. The plants use the demon's feces as nutrients and grow very fast. Everywhere will be covered with vines, moss, and grass. "


"Huang Mao, do you think that if Bo City could not be defended or the reinforcements arrived later, would Bo City be like this?" Mo Fan said.

"The meaning of our mages' existence is to eliminate this if."

Xu Fang crossed his arms and said calmly.

All the efforts he has made so far are precisely for this purpose.

"Okay, let's survey the outside first. Count how many monsters are wandering here."

Everyone's task is to investigate, not to sweep away.

Jinlin City is a second-tier city after all. In its previous life, it was the capital of a province or a municipality directly under the Central Government, and there were countless demons entrenched there.

Even the suburbs are so large that it is unimaginable. Without a few elite troops, there is no way to re-naturalize them into human territory.

Xu Fang released the worker bees again.

He brought ten of them in total, scrapped one in the tunnel, and scattered the remaining ones to take off.

"There are more than a dozen in total... They are not very strong. You can't even see the worker bees." Xu put a green mark on the electronic screen, indicating that the outer forest was relatively unobstructed and there were not many demons.

Soon, the worker bees returned.

After all, it was just developed not long ago, and it is easy to lose the signal if it is far away.

"We have to continue walking inside." Xu Fang said.

"Hurry up, complete the mission and go back early." Luo Song said. He had suffered a lot in the past ten days of experience, and the fleshy flesh all over his body had lost a lot.

Song Xia said: "It can't be that easy. There are still many places that need to be explored."

"It's better to split up!"

Lu Zhenghe immediately suggested: "If one person is responsible for several points, the speed will be much faster."

"No!" Song Xia immediately objected: "If we are together, even if we encounter groups of monsters, we can deal with them for a while, but it will be difficult to spread out!"

"That's right, let's step on them one by one."

Lu Zhenghe's suggestion was rejected again, and his eyes flashed with extreme dissatisfaction.

Stepping into the deserted city, the first thing you passed was a wetland park. The water here had dried up and exuded a rotten stench.

Walking along the cobblestone path, you will see a parking lot.

Fifteen years of neglect has naturally engulfed this place.

Tree roots broke through the hard concrete floor, and shrubs and weeds were overgrown, already knee-high.

The rusty vehicle was covered with strange vines, twisting it into a weird twist shape.

"There are corpses here!" Bai Tingting turned pale and pointed at one of the cars.

Through the broken window, half a person was sitting inside!

That's right, he was half a man in the literal sense. His body was still leaning back to dodge, his head was missing, and his chest was opened by sharp claws, revealing his empty interior.

"You have no common sense at all. If a demon enters the city, hiding in the car is seeking death!" Luo Song said.

Mo Fan couldn't stand his condescending attitude, so he replied: "What is common sense? Ordinary people don't have magic, why are they not seeking death when facing monsters?"

Just like when an ordinary person encounters a sniper, no matter whether he runs in a straight line or makes an S-turn, it is of no use.

"Okay, let's stop arguing here." Zheng Bingxiao advised.

There is a road outside the parking lot, and gradually there are street houses.

Like the cars, the houses were badly damaged.

"Look over there, the feces is piled up like a mountain and dried like sand. A large group of demons must have lived here." Liao Mingxuan said.

"I can't imagine how miserable it must have been." The emotional Bai Tingting said sadly.

There is no such feeling in the wilderness.

This is a city, with countless streets, alleys, and residential areas... but not a single living person in sight.

The overwhelming desolation and desolation makes people feel breathless.

"There are demons everywhere here. We have to find a safe place to stay." Shen Ming said with a smile.

"I think that building is good!"

Mo Fan pointed to the tallest building and said.

He remembered that during the disaster in Bo City, Chief Instructor Zhan Kong immediately occupied the dome of the Silver Wing Building so that he could overlook the entire city.

Song Xia took out the map and compared it: "This is the municipal building, it is indeed a good one..."

"I object!"

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