Versatile Mage: I can control you until you die

Chapter 140 Xu Zhaoting is too strong!

"In fifty years, let's meet again.

Take them to the crematorium and burn them all to ashes.

A bunch of you, a bunch of me,

No one knows anyone, and they are all sent to the countryside to make fertilizer..."

Then we came to the crematorium again. Xu Fang was humming a song and working, looking in a good mood.

"Is there something wrong with you!?" Li Chao felt uncomfortable with Xu Fang's lyrics and said angrily: "We are in the crematorium now, do you understand, the crematorium!"

Just now, Li Chao, who was so fat and fat and sizzling with oil, rushed to the flower bed and vomited in disgust. How could this Zhang San still be in the mood to sing?

"I understand." Xu Fang smiled and said, "But when I think about the salary I received in these two days, I feel happy."

"Poor guy..."

Li Chao muttered.

Ever since he came to this crematorium, he felt that everything was not going well.

My colleague is as crazy as SpongeBob SquarePants, my boss is as mysterious as Piao, and the most annoying thing is that the air is always filled with a lingering stench--whether you have a sense of ethics or not, you don't know how to flush after using the toilet. Water! ?

Xu Fang is indeed in a good mood.

Little Willow's feedback and Golden Xingzi's disgust all told him who these people were.

Unlike the original work, which only lacked the words "We are bad guys" written on the gray cloak, this group of people actually knew how to put on makeup and didn't even delete the recruitment information in order not to alarm the trial.

Now, this is called professionalism.

Although it is of no use.

He also reported it to Nighthawk. Nighthawk meant to wait for a few more valuable targets to appear. These few in front of him were nothing more than shrimps.

Xu Fang didn't care. Opportunities to receive the wages of men in black openly were rare. There were no shortcomings except that the black beast wanted to eat him every night.

Yesterday, a cold man wearing a mask and cap appeared, and Xu Fang was in an even better mood.

Yoyoyo, isn’t this Yu Ang?

We haven’t seen each other for a few days, why are you like this?

Yu Ang is a priest in black, and he is more valuable than those in gray together.

Very good, as long as Mo Fan throws himself into the trap again, let Yu Ang think that I and Di Shengquan have the advantage, and then contact Lan Yi!

————It's so perfect that Xu Fang wants to write "The Peach Blossom Spring".

"Ah, dear friends, who will be burned to ashes first~

Burn you first~burn me first~it’s all human bone ashes anyway..."

Xu Fang was singing happily when suddenly, there was a burst of shouting outside: "Beasts! I will fight with you!!!"

There were also chaotic and noisy footsteps, a horrifying "cooing" sound like an ape, and the surprise shout of the crematorium manager Hui Si: "It's the thunder element, the target has appeared!"

Xu Fang: "..."

The little will-o'-the-wisp in a close-fitting cotton-padded jacket delivered the message at the right time.

"Xu Zhaoting?"

My family, who knows, the whole family was speechless.

Damn... I think your father, your mother, your mother, and your brother are all alive and well in this life, and the map has been refreshed from the beef processing factory to the crematorium!

————You can still keep up with this, you don’t want to do this even if you want to die!


In the lobby, Xu Zhaoting looked at the ten black beasts directly in front of him. There were seven more on the beams, and eight more were surrounding him from the door and windows.

A total of twenty-five black beasts!

Xu Zhaoting never would have thought that these beasts would actually set an ambush for him... How did they discover him?

"Beasts! I'll fight you!!!"

Xu Zhaoting roared angrily, and twisted and powerful thunder power surged around him!


Before the star map was finished, a black beast had already pounced on him, its sharp claws scratching towards his neck.

At this rate, he would die before Xu Zhaoting released his magic!

Xu Zhaoting didn't dare to gamble anymore. Just when he was about to stop dodging from the star map, the black beast suddenly froze, as if it was frozen.

God-given opportunity!

Although Xu Zhaoting didn't know what happened, it didn't delay him from completing the star map and hit the black beast's head with a thunderbolt!


The black beast let out a scream, turned into burnt black, and lay motionless on the ground.

"Trash!" Hui Yi cursed, but didn't take it to heart.

Intermediate thunder magic is overbearing, but it can only kill a black beast from the top of the sky!

For people like them, the black beast is just a consumable item that can be replaced at any time. Each of them can control one to five!

Not to mention anything else, there are two prepared later. One will be saved as rations, and the rest will be refined into black beasts!

"Come on! While he's using his breath control magic!" Hui Yi commanded.

Several other black beasts pounced on them at the same time - and then they all slipped on the ground.

The movements are too neat and even a little joyful.

Xu Zhaoting didn't dare to stay for long, so he ran away. More than twenty black beasts couldn't even keep him alive! ?

"Sir, the target has appeared... This kid is too weird, we couldn't stop him!" Hui Yi took the phone and made an emergency report.


A cold voice sounded from the other side: "It doesn't matter, I will take action. You guys need to clean up and don't let the bastards from the Trial Council find any clues."


Hui Yi breathed a sigh of relief, a little surprised, and even more fortunate that he was not held accountable by the perverted priest.

On the other side, Yu Ang snorted coldly.

It’s unmistakable, it must be Mo Fan!

This kid's favorite thing to do is to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger. If he hadn't hidden a grenade element back then, he would never have failed!

If you don't fail, you won't be punished by Master Salan, so that you will become like a human and a ghost!

Yu Ang was not surprised at all that such a weakling had some escape tactics.

He found a phone and dialed it, saying respectfully: "Sir, the target has been found."

"Are you sure it's on him?"

"Sure!" Yu Ang said cheerfully and confidently. In his opinion, Mo Fan's talent was mediocre. How could he have made such great progress if he didn't have treasures like the Earthly Holy Spring by his side?

————And these treasures were originally supposed to be mine! This was what the great Lord Salan personally promised him. For this goal, he lurked and became a filial son!

As a result, bang, it’s gone, everything is gone!

At this thought, the crippled half of my face started to hurt again...

"Okay, I'll go take over immediately, kill the target as soon as possible, and give the things to me!" The cold voice on the other side made Yu Ang couldn't help but shiver.

After hanging up the phone, I subconsciously puffed up my chest.

Afraid of hanging!

After successfully completing the mission this time, I can also advance to the blue-clothed level. Then I will have more resources and stronger black beasts, and everyone will be equal!

"Mo Fan, don't even think about leaving this time!" Yu Ang's eyes were full of murderous intent. A huge ape demon appeared next to him, and his whole body was filled with thick evil aura.

Curse the beast!

"Go, kill Mo Fan!"


"Can you lock the location?" Nighthawk asked in a room full of surveillance cameras, wearing a windbreaker with buttons carefully buttoned.

A judge wearing a headset said: "Locked, you can launch the radiant coordinates now."


Nighthawk sneered.

Forgive me for being such a treacherous person. You drank the foot-washing water and finally exposed your chicken feet!

"Inform Xu Fang over there that the net can be closed and handled cleanly."

"Lanyi, you can't escape from my hands this time!"

Today's city is still so prosperous.

But behind the prosperity, undercurrents are constantly surging, like blood, like fire, like an abyss, like a prison!

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