Versatile Mage: I can control you until you die

Chapter 131 The nightmare reappears! Explore the birthplace!

"What's your name?" Andre picked up a piece of meat: "You want to eat meat too?"

The sled dog kept barking.

Andre was a little strange: "What happened to the sled dog?"

"Oh, it's nothing. The basin you are using belongs to them." Lingling said: "I wanted to stop you just now, but I spoke in Chinese in a hurry, but you didn't understand."

Andre: "..."

Andre: "!!!"


Andre covered his mouth and ran away, vomiting under a big tree.

Lingling asked strangely: "What's there to complain about? Aren't your military mages always unable to keep up with the taming of beasts?"

Everyone: "..."

Well, that's true. Most of the people present had eaten in the mouth of the beast squad leader, but... I always felt that something was not right.

Andre's expression was quite ugly. He had inhaled a lot of cold air when he vomited just now, and his stomach kept growling.

Xu Fang picked up a frozen fish fillet, put it in his mouth and chewed it. It felt a bit like domestic pork jerky. The more he chewed, the more sweetness he could feel.

Daliba can knock out your teeth if you eat it directly. It softens after being soaked in the soup, so it is not difficult to eat.

At night vigil, Xu Fang and Mao Mei Margarita were on the first shift.

The cold wind is biting, piercing into people's bones like an awl.

"Would you like some?" Margarita took out a bottle of vodka from nowhere and said, "Drink a little to warm yourself up."

"Thanks, you can drink it yourself." Xu Fang declined.

Margarita bit open the mouth of the bottle and poured a few sips into her mouth quite boldly: "It's a coincidence that this bottle of vodka has something to do with the Japanese."


"Before, a group of mercenaries from there were captured by our manor. As punishment, grandpa asked them to grow potatoes on the ice sheet. This wine was brewed from those potatoes."

"Then I have to drink some."

After saying this, Xu Fang got excited and wanted to taste the taste.

"Well, the energy is quite good."

"Haha, this is the best vodka!"

"Most of these mercenaries have a potato fairy." Xu Fang couldn't help but admired: "In a snowy day, prisoners of war and potatoes are more suitable."

Drinking vodka is like swallowing a knife. It rolls down the esophagus and then burns in the stomach, making the whole body warm.

Even the time was not difficult to rely on. Soon it was time to change shifts. The second shift was Ai Jiangtu and Leonid.

Xu Fang returned to the igloo and was surprised to find Ai Jiangtu still asleep, with sweat dripping from his head.

"Lao Ai, Lao Ai! Classmate Lao Ai?"

Xu Fang took several pictures, and Ai Jiangtu suddenly woke up.

"...Xu Fang?" Ai Jiangtu slowly sat up and shook his head: "I had a dream just now. I dreamed that the Great Wall was..."

"Nightmare?" Xu Fang asked suddenly. Ai Jiangtu was stunned for a moment, and his expression became serious: "Yes, it's a nightmare!"

Xu Fang turned around and walked out without hesitation, and quickly came to the door of the girls' igloo: "Axu? Lingling?"

"Hey, my friend, it is very inhumane to disturb sleep on such a cold day!" In the darkness, Margarita dressed rustlingly and complained: "I have to go on a journey tomorrow, and now I just want to take advantage of it. Have a good night’s sleep with the wine in your heart.”

"Put your clothes on." Xu Fang said, rubbing out a small ball of light, and the dark snow house suddenly became bright.


Margarita's voice was filled with anger.

The newly established love affair with each other disappeared in an instant. If she hadn't been concerned about the relationship between the two countries, she would have taken action to teach Xu Fang a lesson.

Xu Fang didn't look at her, but looked at Jiang Shaoxu and Lingling.

Sure enough, the two women frowned, their fingers unconsciously grasped the quilt tightly, and their feet kicked back and forth in the quilt.

"Axu, wake up Axu!"

"Lingling, get up quickly!"

"Are they having a nightmare?" Margarita also reacted.

Jiang Shaoxu woke up first. The chaotic and terrifying scene just now suddenly stopped, and what appeared in front of her was Xu Fang's concerned face: "How are you?"

"Xu Fang..."

Jiang Shaoxu lost control of his emotions and ran into Xu Fang's arms.

"I'm here, I'm here." Xu Fang stretched out his hand and pushed a strand of hair stuck to her face with sweat behind her ear.

Lingling also woke up, sitting there in silence, then picked up her computer and started typing.

"There is no news from Heihe. Look at this."

On Lingling's computer, there was a person lying on the bed, fast asleep, with rippling expressions on his face, not knowing what sweet dream he had.

There is also a line of words in the upper left corner————[Hadron’s Sleeping]

"The scope of the nightmare this time is smaller than last time, and it basically does not go outside the country." Lingling operated the computer again: "Come and see here again!"

What's on the screen is Maozi's social media.

The screens are now flooded with news about the recurrence of nightmares.

I had a nightmare, and the official could barely suppress it, but after many days, the nightmare actually reappeared! ?

What do you do for food? ?

Where do all the taxes we usually pay go? Isn’t it all turned into vodka and poured into the mouths of those assholes?

"It can't be some scary monster!"

"Asia is too dangerous. I want to go to Moscow!"

"Where are those mages? Didn't it say that no demon can resist the indiscriminate bombardment of magic?"

Others also came in, and a large group of people stared at the small computer screen. The picture was quite joyful.

"I originally thought it would take a while to find it, but I didn't expect that it would take no effort at all."

Lingling opened a file that no one had seen before. The next moment, the computer turned into a black background, and a string of incomprehensible white codes flashed on the screen.

"Based on the frequency of social media messages, population density and network penetration, I calculated the scope of the two nightmares."

Leonid, Margarita and Andrei looked at the strings of familiar Russian words floating above.

Margarita couldn't help but said in Russian: "This is the internal network of the Military Mage and the Hunter Alliance... Is this illegal?"

Andre scratched his head: "Think on the bright side, the Chinese side is experiencing the same thing. Look at the captain's face."

"He has always been so shady! And there is no shady in China at all. They logged in directly. What is this little girl's identity and her authority is so high?"


Leonid interrupted them: "These matters will be handed over to superiors for decision when they are reported. The top priority now is to complete the task!"

Soon, Lingling came out with a statistical result.

In order to take care of these ignorant Muggles, she also specially drew them in the form of images.

"The two ripples can almost be regarded as two concentric circles." Lingling said: "Throw a stone on the lake, and the lake will spread ripples outward with the landing point of the stone as a dot. And this piece is called The stone of nightmare…”

She pointed to an area: "Here!"

"This is the birthplace of nightmares!"


the other side.

On top of the ice sheet.

"Will he really appear here?" One person complained: "It's so cold here, and there are so many scary monsters..."

"He must be here. This nightmare is his handiwork." Another person said coldly: "For this kind of creature, evil thoughts are a natural tonic, and nightmares are also the resonance of Yeyue Lake for him! Thirty years It was like this before, and it will still be like this thirty years later!”

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