Versatile Mage: I can control you until you die

Chapter 128 Use Demonic Fear to hold wine?

"Come on, come on, get on the big bed, poor Xiaoni, she's so frozen."

In the forest cabin, everyone sat cross-legged on the big Kang at the invitation of the old hunter. The hot air from the kitchen passed through the pipes and felt warm against everyone's buttocks.

"I feel like my body is melting..." Jiang Shaoxu and Lingling squinted their eyes, like two cats.

"We're home now. I'll cook dumplings for you!"

The old hunter took a dustpick and went out, shoveling in the snow outside, and soon came back with a lot of dumplings.

Another hunter brought a large iron pot with fragrant mutton stew in it.

"Drink something?" the old hunter invited warmly: "It's so cold outside, drink some wine to warm yourself up."

Ai Jiangtu is a good drinker. At his level, even if he is drunk the first night, he can return to normal the next day.

"Still drinking..."

"Hey, drink, drink, pour it!"

The old hunter took out a bottle, and everyone couldn't hold it any longer.

"Isn't this the fear of demons?" Lingling said in surprise: "You use this to hold wine?"

"I've been using it for many years, but it's useless!" The old hunter didn't care: "The wine in the Momowei bottle smells like Maotai!"

Momowei is a potion developed by Nanjiang Research Institute's magician to disinfect demons, but the effect is not very good. The demon medicine does not knock out the demons, but people come over one after another.

I don’t know how the old hunter in Heihe got it.

"Ahem, we still have to do the task, so I won't drink." Ai Jiangtu declined politely.

The old hunter did not force himself and poured a glass each for himself and his old friend.

Everyone gathered around the iron pot, eating mutton and dumplings, sweating profusely and shouting with joy!


The next morning.

Secretly putting the money under the pillow, everyone said goodbye and left, heading north. Faced with snow and wind, everyone put on ski goggles.

"After passing through this snow forest, you will reach the border. Further ahead is the territory of Bigfoot Giant, a more ferocious type of warrior-level giant. Don't be careless!" Lingling warned.

Ai Jiangtu, Xu Fang and Jiang Shaoxu's expressions became serious at the same time, and they began to outline the star map at the same time.

I saw a few scarlet lights emerging from the snow forest in front of me.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Heavy footsteps stepped into the snow deep enough to reach the ankles, and several huge figures appeared in front of everyone.

This creature is five to six meters tall, covered with thick gray-white hair, only revealing two eyes that flash fiercely, and curved tusks like wild boars.

The rough hand held a huge bone club, swinging it in the blizzard, twisting up cyclones.

Bigfoot giant!

A warrior-level demon!

"Ready to fight!"

Ai Jiangtu shouted coldly: "Mind Control·Void Claw!"

The invisible claws distorted the wind and snow, and struck the Bigfoot Giant with a biting coldness. Blood dripped from it, and the Bigfoot Giant let out a scream.

Xu Fang's attack followed closely, and the Cloud-Zhanying Sword was held in his hand, slashing with Yang Yanguang!

When other mages see a giant with big feet, they are so frightened that their calves become weak. It is rare for them to rush up directly, let alone deal effective damage!

The Bigfoot Giant stared at a few people, and a trace of doubt flashed in his fierce eyes.

In this snowy forest for so long, he has never seen such a strange human being. Why does he look more excited than himself?


With a roar, he felt that the underestimated Bigfoot giants were surrounding him, and they were about to beat several people into pieces with their bone sticks.

Although they are big, they are surprisingly flexible. When they step on the ground with their big bare feet, their bodies are like cannonballs coming towards their faces!

"Spatial Rhythm·Time Delay!"

Ai Jiangtu used intermediate magic to immobilize their huge bodies.

Xu Fang's wild golden fist burning with flames followed closely: "Die to me!!!"

The flames burned away the hair on the Bigfoot giant's face, revealing the ugly, black face that looked like Ai Jiangtu.

The next second, the face was smashed to pieces and the body fell heavily to the ground.

"Woof! Woof woof! Woof woof woof!"

The sled dog didn't know what it was afraid of, and its two front paws flew into the air in excitement. If it weren't for Jiang Shaoxu's control, it would have been unable to restrain itself and wanted to join the battlefield!

Woof! A few of us were killing each other indiscriminately!

"Ice and Snow Paradise!"

An icy blue star map lit up behind Xu Fang. In the icy and snowy environment, using ice magic was extremely comfortable.

Your home court?

No, this is my home court now!


A giant with big feet tilted his body and fell directly into a huge ice cave.

The hair that had always protected against ice and snow now seemed to be covered in 502 and was firmly connected to the ice cave.


A giant with big feet was aroused, and with a brute force, he broke free of the ice cave with blood and strode towards Xu Fang.

So close, you can smell the fishy body odor against the wind.

From the perspective of others, Xu Fang's small figure is not worth mentioning compared to the huge giant with big feet.

The Bigfoot giant slammed down the bone club!

——Smashed into a pool of bottomless black water.

Sunless sea shield!

The strength was too much, and one of his legs was wasted by the ice and snow paradise. The Bigfoot Giant could not stand still, and the bone rod and his arm were submerged into the lightless sea shield.

Magical energy moves.

The sunless sea shield quickly froze, and although Bigfoot struggled hard, his body could not move, and he could only watch as he was frozen into an ice sculpture.

On the sled, Lingling exclaimed: "This is a warrior-level creature, and it is still on its home court. It has no problem at all to defeat ten mid-level mages. These two people..."

Jiang Shaoxu sat aside to protect her and smiled after hearing this.

The gap between mid-level mage and mid-level mage is sometimes bigger than the gap between a human and a dog. Xu Fang and Ai Jiangtu are undoubtedly the top ones!


"Don't delay. Although Bigfoot Giants are not gregarious monsters, their habitats are not far from each other. If a swarm of swarms comes, it will be troublesome!"

As soon as they came back, Lingling urged everyone to continue setting off.

Not long after everyone moved forward, they saw several demon corpses on the ground, half buried in snowdrifts.

"It should be the mage hunter here to hunt for treasure." Ai Jiangtu said.

For ordinary people, the snow forest is full of dangers and terrifying, but for mage hunters, it is a golden land full of treasures!

Xu Fang used a small will-o'-the-wisp to feel it. There were residual magic energy fluctuations within a few kilometers of the surrounding area, but there was no sign of humans.

Most likely gone far away.

Through the snow forest, the four people continued on their sleigh.

The snowfield is not boundless. It took about a day to travel. The mirages along the way scared off most of the enemies. If they couldn't avoid it, they would fight.

Gradually, traces of human activities appeared in front of them, and a small town appeared in front of them.

"This town is called Gecolod. We have made an appointment to meet the Russians here and then conduct an in-depth investigation together."

Ai Jiangtu said: "After a day's journey, everyone is tired. Let's take a rest after meeting."

Like Heihe, this small town on the border is a melting pot of races. Walking on the streets, you can see many Chinese faces.

"over there!"

Ai Jiangtu stopped and pointed in one direction - three military mages in Russian military uniforms were sitting in front of a tavern, enjoying a mouthful of wine and a mouthful of meat. They seemed not to be talking to other old drunkards wandering around. What a difference.

But if you feel it carefully, you will find that what surges in them is clearly an intermediate level of magic energy fluctuation...

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