
Ouyang Murphy reached out and caught the wand that was knocked down from the sky.

Ouyang Murphy looked at Ilia in surprise and said,"Ilia, have you ever practiced martial arts?"

The series of actions that Ilia performed just now to avoid the fireballs and smash them would have been impossible to do without several years of practice.

Ilia's eyes were very shining at this moment.

The girl nodded.

When did Ilia practice? Where is martial arts?

The answer is in dreams.

Growing up, Ouyang Mofei taught her martial arts in her dreams more than once.

Originally, Ilia had no way to show it actively.

But after Ouyang Mofei activated the martial arts in her body After part of her genes awakened the magic pupil, she could even simply display the memories in her dreams.

Moreover, her body's subconscious performance was more obvious.

As for her ability to crush those fireballs, it was due to her eyes.

It was destructible. The ability allows her to easily detect the weakest point of the fireball.

After all, Ouyang Mofei is just teaching them. It is impossible to attack with multiple weapons, so Ilia can easily break it.

"It's really good."

Ouyang Mofei nodded with satisfaction, then pushed Ilia away with a hard push.

He looked at the two girls and was very satisfied.

The talents of these two children seemed to be divided into liberal arts and science.

Miyou She is extremely talented in magic.

Ilia, on the other hand, is more like Ouyang Mofei. She is better at using magic to fight than using magic.

To put it simply, it is combat.

This is closer to him.

He probably We've figured it out, and the purpose of today's special training has almost been achieved.

"Okay, let’s stop here for today."Ouyang Mofei tied his thumbs up at the two girls and said,"Performance is very good."


Illya smiled and touched her head.

She was praised by her father.

Miyu smiled lightly.

"Cough, cough……"

At this time, Tohsaka Rin and Luvia also recovered.

"Mr. Ouyang, if you hit me like this, you won't get any training effect at all."

Tohsaka Rin said helplessly.

Luvia also nodded heavily:"It feels like I'm just being beaten here.

Ouyang Mofei shrugged and said,"Don't people grow up from being beaten?""


The two women were speechless

"Okay, Miyu, Illya, we should……"


Ouyang Mofei was about to take the girls back when he saw and heard a woman's shout.

At this time, Ilia was also shocked, and her expression fell:"It's over, it's Mother Sera."

She has been with Ouyang Murphy since last night, and didn't even go to school today.

It's definitely Sierra who came here now.

As for how Sara found this place, it's not clear.

Yili Ya immediately canceled the transformation, and so did Miyu.

Luvia and Tohsaka Rin came around.

The two of them had obviously forgotten Illya's situation.

Soon, two white-haired women rushed to Ouyang Murphy Here, they have similar faces to Illya.

The two of them are the two maids of the Illya family.

As soon as Sera saw the Illya class, she immediately gathered around and her face turned cold:"Illya, what did you do last night"


Illya looked at Sera awkwardly, then at Ouyang Murphy

"I can explain."

Sela narrowed her eyes, then looked at Ouyang Mofei and the others, and said warily:"Everyone, may I ask?"

No matter who Ouyang Murphy or the others are, they are not good people if they take Ilia away at night without going to school.

As a guardian, Sera cannot have a good look.


The way Ouyang Murphy looked at Sera, he felt that she was Ilia's mother.

Sure enough, Illya called the other party Sera's mother.

As for Sera and Li Jieli behind them, Ouyang Murphy still knew about them.

In FSN, the two of them appear as Illya's maids.

In this world now, although she is not a maid, she is almost there.

Ouyang Murphy revealed his identity:"Ouyang Murphy, Ilia's father"

"Mr. Ouyang, I don’t care if you are Ilia... huh?!"

Originally, Sera wanted to reprimand Ouyang Murphy, but when she heard the following words, she froze in place.

Even Li JieLiT behind her was stunned.

Ilia shrank. Shrink your head.

But looking at the corner of the girl's mouth, I think she is quite happy.


Sela's eyes widened and she looked at Ouyang Murphy in disbelief.

Did Madam find a new father for Ilia outside?

But Madam usually showed that she still loved the dead master very much.

Ouyang Murphy Explained:"I am Illya’s biological father, I am not. In the past few years, due to some special reasons, I couldn't come back to see them. Thank you for taking care of me over the years."

As a father, you still need to say something that needs to be said.

"This this……"

Sera looked at Illya and didn't understand the current situation at all.

The originally dead master was resurrected?

Is she dreaming?

Illya nodded to Sera and said,"It's really dad."

Sera shook her head, still not very convinced about this matter.

She warned Illya:"Illya, we haven't even met your father, how can you be sure?"

They were taken in by Illya before Illya was born, and they had never seen Ouyang at all. Murphy.

As a maid, there are no photos of Ouyang Murphy at home.

When he suddenly said this, she believed it.

She even wondered if Illya was bewitched by the other party, or maybe it was...magic!

"Ah, this."

For a moment, Ilya didn't know what to say.

She said that her body and heart thought this was her father?

That she had seen her father in a dream?

That this father resonated with her genes?

That her father knew What about Kiara’s mother?


No matter how you look at it, there is no way to prove it.

It might even make Sierra’s mother doubt her father’s identity even more.

Ouyang Murphy also had a headache.

Is there any way to quickly prove that my daughter is my daughter?

Although ancestry testing is definitely possible, it takes a lot of time

"How about contacting Aili and the others?"

Ouyang Murphy said facing his scalp.

To be honest, now he doesn't know how to face Irisviel and Sesshōin Kiara.

After all, the two of them gave themselves a daughter and she is still so old.

"Looking for a lady?"

Sierra frowned.

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