Island country, Meiji 43 years.

An unknown village.

Forgive Xia Yan's poor history knowledge, there is no way to judge his own year based on the island country's era name. As a college student after graduation, he can't even remember which year the Meiji Restoration began.

Others in the village were even more clueless.

The question is Meiji 43, last year was Meiji 42, and next year will be Meiji 44.

What is the Gregorian calendar? Can it be eaten?

What didn't exist in AD? If you can read and write, you are already a civilized person.

As for the specific location where he is, there is no way to judge. This small village doesn't even have a name. To get to the nearest town, you have to leave in the morning and come back at night.

But at this time Xia Yan didn't have time to think about questions like 'where am I' and 'what time is it now'.

It was late autumn, and the breeze was blowing at night.

Xia Yan was wearing thin single clothes and the small wooden house was still leaking. Even in the house, he could still feel the slightest chill.

��The cool breeze blowing on his body was far less than the chill in his heart.

Xia Yan was hiding under the bed. Most of his field of vision was blocked by the bed board. He could only see the blood spreading on the ground.

The flames of the oil lamps on the wall kept beating, casting a terrifying figure with two horns on the ground that kept shaking.

There were constant sounds of biting and chewing in my ears, as if some ferocious beast was eating.

The thick smell of blood made people breathless, and the smell of viscera in the air made people faintly nauseous.

But Xia Yan held back.

Not to mention vomiting, he didn't even dare to breathe now. He was even afraid of blinking too loudly and letting the man-eating monster discover his hiding place.

"The old man and lady in the village said that there are ghosts that eat people at night. I thought it was to scare the children, but are you serious about coming with me? Grandma, it’s time to play with vaginal dripping, right? ?"

"The problem is, why am I staying at home so well and not going out?!"

"How come all the bad luck happened to me! ?"

"This is so disrespectful of martial ethics! ? Come and trick and attack my fourteen-year-old little comrade, is that okay? This is not good! not good at all!!

Xia Yan only dared to complain about these words in his heart. After all , if he didn't think of something in his mind to distract himself, he was afraid that his body would be too frightened to react in some way, and he would be caught and chewed raw.

After all, The people of the island country don’t like to eat cooked food, and the same goes for the ghosts of the island country.

Natsuhiko, whose full name is Natsuhiko Mingshenzuki.

Of course, this is his name after time travel, and his original name was just Natsuyan. The director of the orphanage who picked him up gave it to him Get a name.

The old dean’s surname was Xia. He hoped that he would become a person with both ability and political integrity in the future, so he named him Xia Yan.

But he didn’t expect that he would eventually become a small boss and was preparing to repay the old dean for his upbringing. Well, as a result, I suddenly traveled to an island country where I lived a good life.

Fortunately, I bought a large insurance policy before my death, and the beneficiary wrote the name of the old director.

My inheritance was also inherited by the orphanage, too. It can be regarded as repaying the old dean’s nurturing kindness.

"I hope that ghost eats a smaller amount and gets out of here as soon as it’s full. That way I can pretend that nothing happened.……"

Xia Yan was thinking despicably in his heart.

Although he knew that the ghost was eating the corpses of his parents, he didn't feel the slightest bit sad at this time.

He would even want to laugh a little if the other person left quickly after eating.

It's not because he is a time traveler that he is heartless.

In fact, Xia Yan, who was an orphan in his previous life, actually hoped to have a warm family.

It’s just that my parents in this life are really too imbecile.

The father was a rotten man, he was very good at eating, drinking, prostitution and gambling. He would also do domestic violence every now and then, and the mother and son would be beaten together.

My mother is not as good as my father, who beats people every three or five times.

It would be better for her to take it out on Xia Yan when she gets up, and give Xia Yan a big showdown first thing in the morning. The strength is just enough to refresh him without hurting his brain.

It seems that all the reasons for his unhappiness are caused by Xia Yan.

Being able to successfully live to the age of fourteen with all four limbs intact is already proof of Xia Yan's ability in his previous life.

"Damn it, if I had known earlier, I might as well have been hit by a dump truck!"

When he thought that what happened to him now was all caused by an accident that seemed to have been planned for a long time, Xia Yan suddenly felt very angry.

He was just walking on the crosswalk normally, and when he crossed the zebra crossing, he suddenly didn't know. A dump truck jumped out of nowhere.

Although Xia Yan only stepped on the zebra crossing with one foot and did not even leave the curb, the car seemed to have spotted him and drifted He hit him sideways.

Damn it, your driving skills are so good, but you drive a stupid truck? Wouldn't it be nice to be a race car driver?

Fortunately, Xia Yan also exercises regularly. In times of crisis, a single swoop can add 360 points to his body. Shidu Yao turned over and passed the drifting dump truck.

Just when Xia Yan breathed a sigh of relief and celebrated the rest of his life, the truck actually grew limbs like a Transformer, and with one hundred and eighty He ran towards him at a high speed again.

The pedestrians around him turned a blind eye to this incredible scene.

Xia Yan couldn't understand it, but he was greatly shocked.

The moment he was hit by a dump truck, Xia Yan clearly saw that The driver wearing sunglasses smiled at him and gave him a thumbs up.

It was a youthful smile like Teacher Kai, with a dazzling luster on his big white teeth.

It seemed to say,"The boss has already decided, it's up to you to be the one." This time traveler.' Same.

Xia Yan really wanted to tell the other party to hire someone else.

However, the driver didn't give any room for negotiation, and directly drove the Transformer and punched Xia Yan to another world.

In response to this, Xia Yan was on the spot I just recited a poem. You are worse than me

, uncle!

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