After sighing for a while, Wordsworth directly quieted down, and then watched Julian's movements expectantly.

It's not just Black Widow who wants to know how closed her pores are.

Wordsworth is also eager to know this now, because this is also the foundation of whether Marvel humans can learn to read qi.

While all three of them were nervous, Julian nervously tested Black Widow on how well her hole was closed.

It was also the test, the more embarrassed Julian became.

Because he found a big problem that he didn't know how to talk to Black Widow.

'Something's wrong?' Looking at Julian's expression, Wattsworth couldn't help frowning, and his heart was also anxious.

"What's wrong?" Black Widow also found out about Julian's problem.

"Well, that, I just tested how well your sperm hole is closed, and I found it—" Julian said hesitating again.

Black Widow smiled and said soothingly, "It's okay, you say, I just want to know my qualifications." "

Looking at Black Widow's performance, Julian couldn't help but be dull.

"I found that your manhole is very closed, and according to my estimate, if you use 'entanglement' to practice, it will take you at least 10 years to succeed. "

After saying that, Julian didn't dare to look at the Black Widow's expression.

However, in fact, Black Widow behaved much better than Julian had thought, with only a slight frown.

At this time, Wordsworth, who was outside the sandbox, listened to the results of Julian's sperm hole test on Black Widow.

Touching his chin, he muttered, "10 years?!, if Black Widow's cultivation rate of Nian Qi is at the level of a human in an ordinary full-time hunter world."

That's calculated according to the time of human cultivation in the full-time hunter world, almost all of them are 1 year.

In other words, the degree of closure of the sperm hole of Marvel humans is likely to be about 10 times that of humans in the full-time hunter world. "

"Hehe, 10 times, I don't know what the cold has become. Wordsworth said with a wordless smile

"Fortunately, I still have the help of the sand table, as long as Stark and the others can learn to read qi, I will be able to successfully obtain my own mind ability through the sand table. "

Just when Wordsworth sighed about the difference in the degree of closure of the human pore between the two worlds.

Black Widow suddenly asked Julian if there was any other way to learn Nian Qi.

Faced with the black widow's longing eyes, Julian couldn't help but answer a solution.

This method is nothing else, it is the strong opening that Wordsworth also knows.

However, Wordsworth did not think that Black Widow would use this method.

After all, if this thing is wrong, it will face death.

However, things always slap in the face.

Wordsworth didn't think Black Widow would use this method here, but on the other side.

Black Widow had already asked Julian for help.

Looking at the Black Widow, who had already received Julian's confirmation of help and was sending Stark a mission status message, Wattsworth couldn't help but be silent.

Then, once again, he discovered that humans were a species that was constantly raising flags.

Suck ~

Wattsworth, who had just been slapped in the face, casually picked up the drink on the side and took a sip.

Then he quietly watched the ceremony of the black widow's forcible opening of the sperm hole.

He hoped that Black Widow would succeed, because only in this way would he be able to learn to recite qi and learn to recite abilities at a faster speed.

In order to reduce this anxious feeling of waiting, Wordsworth directly used the panel to adjust the time flow rate.


Time passed slowly as Black Widow performed the forcible opening ceremony.

Even though Wordsworth had turned on the time acceleration by 24 times, but, even so, he still felt that his seconds were like years at this time.

The level of tension is even more than that of the black widow in question.

This shows how important Wordsworth takes this matter.

"You're a Black Widow, a high-ranking agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., it's just a forcible opening ceremony, so many people can succeed, there's no reason why you can't succeed, right..."

Wattsworth stared at the movement of the black widow in the sand table, and did not notice at all that the drink in his hand had been drunk by him long before.

And so, 30 seconds passed.

That is, 12 minutes in the sand table, through the ability of the sand table, Wordsworth clearly saw the life energy around the black widow that had been escaping for nearly 12 minutes.

Finally, it was slightly controlled by her will and spirit, and it was slowly rotating around her body.

"Yes, the hardest step has been successful!" Wordsworth cheered at the sight of this

Then he quickly adjusted the speed of time flow.

Then, Wordsworth watched expectantly as the telekinesis around Black Widow's body moved.

Looking at the situation that the black widow who is not very skilled in controlling the mental qi will still let the mental qi escape and spread out on its own from time to time.

Wordsworth was also slightly worried.

In this case, after another 3 minutes passed, the black widow could be regarded as stabilizing the mental qi layer around her.

Of course, compared to people like Julian, who have been learning to read qi for a long time, Black Widow's 'entanglement' is still too weak.

It was as if it would be blown away by the wind at any moment.

"Whew, the first step is considered a success, now, I just need to follow the perspective of Black Widow and seriously learn the skills of mindfulness. "

"Although I don't know how to read qi now, I have learned various principles in advance, and when I enter the sand table, I will be able to master the control of mind qi in the fastest time. "

"At least, the 'entanglement', 'absolute' and 'practice' in the four basic elements of mindfulness can still be learned. "

Wordsworth, who had no surprises for the time being, muttered about his next plans.

Then he glanced at the situation on the Black Widow's side, and the progress of the rest of them.

At this time, Stark was spreading his advanced technology online, but it would take a little time to ferment, so he could only stay in a warehouse that he had converted to prepare.

Stark: He intends to craft the Iron Armor here to ensure the safety of his life here.

And the captain of the rice country has already started his journey to climb the tower of the Sky Arena.

Superb combat level, although losing the advantage in strength.

However, he still climbed to the height of 50 floors in one day.

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