Bang Bang~

Wordsworth slapped his palms lightly twice in front of the crowd in the convoy.

After everyone's attention had turned, Wattsworth spoke slowly

"We're going to speed up our operations, and we may encounter all kinds of obstacles along the way, as well as alien attacks.

However, I need you not to stop for a moment, keep moving in this direction at a constant speed, and whoever can do it, come out and be a driver.

If you can't, then obediently find me someone to ride. "

After hearing Wordsworth's words, the 27 people couldn't help but rejoice.

However, some people are very worried about Wordsworth's request.

Because according to Wordsworth's approach, the road could be dangerous.

It's not just about driving through the chaotic streets, it's also because there's aliens here.

Because of this concern, some people couldn't help but ask.

"Well, what are we going to do if we meet those aliens?"

"Yes, if we encounter aliens, it will be dangerous if we drive like this!"


With the emergence of this question, it was echoed by most people at that time.

"Stop, I'll take care of the alien problem, you just need to make sure you don't fall behind and be able to keep up with the convoy, is there any more problem!".

Wordsworth raised his palms to stop the others from continuing to talk about the matter.

In the face of Wordsworth's somewhat irresponsible words, many people hesitated and were a little angry.

"They're coming!!" Just as these people wanted to fight for it, the middle-aged man suddenly pointed to the sky in the distance and reminded.

Of course, he just wanted to remind Wordsworth.

As for the other idiots, he really didn't want to talk to them.

If it weren't for the fact that they were here to discuss it, they would have just been able to drive away.

And how could you encounter these aliens?

However, the middle-aged man was quite calm, because he found that the number of aliens who came over this time was only about a dozen.

That's the amount he's seen Wordsworth kill 50 aliens in a matter of seconds.

I also think it's nothing.

However, unlike the middle-aged man, others who did not know Wordsworth's strength.

When he saw the dozen or so Zeta Swiss soldiers, he panicked.

Some even reflexively want to run away.

"Quick, kill them with your weapon!!


And some of them are extremely anxious to command, completely ignoring whether their command is useful or not.

Looking at the chaos in front of him, Wordsworth didn't say much.

Instead, he raised some thoughts a little, and then...

Evil thoughts are scattered!

Ga ——!

With the appearance of this evil cold, which seemed to put people in the cold of the Arctic, everyone's actions came to an abrupt halt.

Their voices, their movements, seemed to be severely restrained by something.

Hands and feet are stiff, and cold sweat is raging!

Even though Wordsworth had put away his evil thoughts, these people still felt a sense of fear in their hearts.

"Now get me in the car. Wordsworth said calmly

This time, none of these people dared to say more than half a word, and they all obediently got into the car.

"Let's go. Wordsworth said, pointing in the direction he had said earlier

At this time, everyone did not refute half a sentence, and drove directly on the motorcycle in the direction that did not know the risk.

Seeing this, Wordsworth couldn't help but pout.

"I thought I would be better than those superheroes!".

Muttering, Wattsworth turned his attention to the Zeta Swiss soldiers who were chasing not far away.

I saw him take out the energy gun behind him and say softly, "Just a dozen troops, you dare to let them come."

Is there some kind of conspiracy, or is it already prepared?

Perhaps, this may be a ploy to divert the tiger from the mountain..."

Speculating on the thoughts of the commander behind Zetari, Wattsworth found it difficult for him to imagine such a being, thinking in the here and now.

It's as if it's hard for him to imagine that as soon as this group of people comes to a planet, they don't care about thirty-seven twenty-one.

Directly carry out the killing of half of the life.

The absurd way of thinking is really difficult for normal people to guess.

Of course, no matter what these Zetarians think.

Wordsworth just had to kill the Zetarians in front of him, and then follow the plaguers.

Then send them to the cordon, and that's it.

Other issues have little to do with him.

With that in mind.

Wattsworth directly embodied the sand table, and then raised his hand and quickly fired more than a dozen energy bullets at the group of Zeta Swiss soldiers.

Under the adjustment of the sand table, even the bullets in the form of energy were easily sent to the eyes of these Zeta Swiss soldiers.

A more powerful weapon, showing the power it should be.

As an energy bullet sank into the eye socket of a Zeta Swiss soldier.

The powerful heat directly burned this Zeta Swiss soldier into charcoal from the inside out.

"Huh?!sure enough~".

Just as Wordsworth was about to put away the sand table, a sharp energy bullet with extremely fast speed flew from a position he couldn't see.

This energy bullet is more slender than a normal energy bullet.

However, while it is slender, it does not mean that its energy is weak.

On the contrary, the energy intensity of this energy bullet is definitely about 5 times that of an ordinary energy bullet.

From here, it can be seen that this energy bullet has been compressed.

More than 5 times the energy, and the intensity to be compressed to this degree.

All of them show the power of this energy bullet.

Sensing that this energy bullet had entered the control of the sandbox, Wordsworth understood what kind of weapon this energy bullet was.

The sniper rifle, a powerful weapon for individual soldiers on Earth.

There is no reason why it has not appeared in the vast universe.

Although this may also be due to the strength of the bullet binding of the energy weapon, it depends on the length of the distance.

That's why ordinary people don't have ultra-long-range individual weapons like sniper rifles.

However, the Zetarians are not ordinary people, and even these creatures that come down to fight are equipped with several sniper units.

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