Urban Supreme System

Chapter 515: Collapsing fists are like shooting arrows, it’s too slow to defeat

"Uncle Shao, this move of yours is really powerful." After Su Zhe took a breath, he gave Shao Zhan a thumbs up and exclaimed.

Although Shao Zhan had demonstrated the Half-Step Collapse Fist in front of Su Zhe before, Su Zhe only watched Shao Zhan demonstrate the Half-Step Collapse Fist. How could he know how powerful the Half-Step Collapse Fist was.

Today is the first time that Su Zhe has fully experienced the power of the Half-Step Collapse Fist. The price of this experience is that Su Zhe was injured for it.

Before this, Su Zhe had not expected the power of Uncle Shao's Half-Step Collapse Fist. Since it could reach this level, it seemed that Su Zhe had underestimated Shao Zhan's Half-Step Collapse Fist before.

"You are so powerful. There are really not many people who can catch my half-step collapse fist head-on, and now you are the one more." Shao Zhan sighed.

Su Zhe was surprised at the power of the Half-Step Collapse Fist used by Shao Zhan, but Shao Zhan was not surprised at the strength of Su Zhe's physique.

It can be said that he didn't have the slightest bit of strength left in Shao Zhan's Yibu Bengquan move just now. It was already Shao Zhan's strongest move. He already regretted it after using the Yibu Bengquan, fearing that Su Zhe would be harmed. seriously injured.

However, Su Zhe endured Shao Zhan's back-stepping punch head-on, but he recovered in such a short period of time. Although Su Zhe was injured, it was obviously not serious, which made Shao Zhan breathe a sigh of relief. , and had to be surprised by Su Zhe's strong physique.

Su Zhe is not modest either. His physical strength is indeed very strong. In this regard, even Shao Zhan cannot compare to him.

However, although Su Zhe was physically stronger than Shao Zhan, when they competed, Su Zhe lost more than he won.

Su Zhe and Shao Zhan have competed so many times, and it seems that only the first time Su Zhe and Shao Zhan competed. Su Zhecai had a slight upper hand.

That's because Su Zhe and Shao Zhan just met. They don't know each other's details. I don't know the opponent's strength, and I'm afraid that if I hit him hard, I'll hurt him.

Therefore, when Su Zhe and Shao Zhan competed for the first time, they both spared some effort from each other. Neither of them dared to use their full strength. They just tested it out. The competition was about physical strength and strength.

In this regard, Su Zhe has a great advantage, so Shao Zhan will be at a disadvantage.

Since that time. Shao Zhan has figured out Su Zhe's true strength and will never shrink back. In this way, Su Zhe loses his advantage and can no longer defeat Shao Zhan.

Su Zhe could clearly feel that Shao Zhan's physique and strength were inferior to his.

But he had no advantage at all when competing with Shao Zhan, and was beaten by Shao Zhan every time.

During the sparring session, once Su Zhe was a little careless in front of Shao Zhan, he would never have the chance to fight back.

Just like just now. Shao Zhan caught Su Zhe's flaw and took advantage of Su Zhe before he could pull back. He took advantage of this opportunity and instantly used a half-step punch to determine the winner in an instant and end the duel.

Shao Zhan is very good at seizing the opportunity in battle. In terms of combat consciousness, Su Zhe is not as good as Shao Zhan at all. It is normal for him to be at a disadvantage in the competition.

Although Shao Zhan's overall physical fitness was not as good as Su Zhe's, he was able to suppress Su Zhe with the mystery of Xingyiquan and his strong fighting consciousness.

Su Zhe stopped talking and began to practice physical training. Su Zhe was seriously injured by Shao Zhan's half-step collapse fist just now. He now needs to use physical training to recover from the injury, and he must also use this time to practice. .

So Su Zhe endured the pain and began to practice physical training in front of Shao Zhan.

Perhaps for other martial arts practitioners, martial arts moves are their secrets and are generally not easily shown in front of others.

But Su Zhe didn't have such a taboo. He never deliberately avoided Shao Zhan when he practiced physical training. This was not the first time that Su Zhe showed his physical training skills in front of Shao Zhan.

Because Su Zhe was never afraid of letting others learn Taishu, because there is no mental method and divine power to practice Taishu, only the superficial moves of Taishu, the effect can only strengthen the body, which is not much stronger than ordinary martial arts.

What's more, even the moves on the surface of the physical training skills cannot be learned by others. Even martial arts masters like Shao Zhan cannot understand Su Zhe's physical training skills.

When Shao Zhan saw Su Zhe practicing physical training for the first time, he had only one feeling in his heart, that is, Su Zhe's physical training was very messy and unstructured.

When he saw the physical training for the second time, Shao Zhan still could only feel confused from the physical training.

The more times he saw it, the more obvious this feeling became. Apart from that, Shao Zhan had no other insights at all.

And after looking at it for a long time, Shao Zhan would feel dazzled and feel more and more uncomfortable. The most important thing is that when Shao Zhan turned around, he would forget all about the physical training skills and all the moves that Su Zhe had practiced. I can't remember even half of the pose.

In order not to feel uncomfortable, Shao Zhan tried his best to avoid Su Zhe and not watch him practice physical skills.

Even martial arts masters like Shao Zhan can't remember the physical training skills, so Su Zhe has never worried that the physical training skills will be learned by others. What's more, even if someone learns the physical training skills, so what, no With the mental method of practicing physical skills and Su Zhe's divine power, the effect of the training is not much better.

After Su Zhe started practicing physical training, Shao Zhan also started practicing Xingyi Quan.

Half an hour later, Su Zhe had temporarily suppressed his injuries, and now he was basically fine.

At this time, Shao Zhan was no longer practicing Xingyiquan, but was practicing Half-step Bengquan.

This is not the first time that Su Zhe has seen Shao Zhan practicing Half-step Bengquan. In normal times, Shao Zhan often practices Half-step Bengquan here, and he often explains Half-step Bengquan to Su Zhe so that he can understand Half-step Bengquan. Bu Beng Quan.

But in normal times, Su Zhe was not as shocked as when he saw Shao Zhan demonstrate the Half-Step Collapse Fist again today. Perhaps it was because Su Zhe had just experienced the power of the Half-Step Collapse Fist personally, so he could more clearly feel the simplicity of the Half-Step Collapse Fist. The movements can exert extraordinary power.

So Su Zhe looked at it very seriously today and gained a lot of insights in his heart.

"The footwork of Bengquan is all one step at a time. When the front foot advances, it is like an iron ox plowing the ground. It should be impartial and straight, and seize the opponent's center. When the back foot kicks, it should be fast and fierce, like an arrow coming out of the string. "As soon as your mind moves and your body shakes, you enter without any hesitation." While watching Shao Zhan demonstrate the Half-Step Collapse Fist, Su Zhe recalled what Shao Zhan had said in the past when explaining the Half-Step Collapse Fist.

"As the Boxing Sutra says, "It's better to think about progress; don't think about survival. It's better to be first with Qi than after Qi." and "Collapsing fists are like shooting arrows. It's too slow to knock down." This is what Shao Zhan said The essence of Half-step Bengquan. (To be continued.) ()

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