Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 83: Apologize

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Naturally, Kang Debiao helped him deal with it.

As soon as the other party heard Kang Debiao's name, without a word, he was so scared that he immediately helped debunk Pony's true face on the forum.

When countless clues point to a premeditated planting and framing case, netizens are completely angry.

They are angry at the pitiful and shameless of Pony, and even more angry at being used by others!

Suddenly, countless posts swearing at Pony appeared in the forum.

Every second, dozens of posts pop up, almost bursting the forum.

"Resolutely boycott the pony pastry shop, but also boycott this non-human animal! 》

"What about pony sailors? Come out and be beaten! 》

"A Letter of Apology to the Night Food Snack Bar"


There are countless posts like this.

Not only that, the pony pastry shop in reality is surrounded by many people who are angry.

The pony had already heard the wind, the door was closed, and he dared not take a step in the store.

"Laozi is really blind, so he will be deceived by you and bought this broken cake!"

An old man smashed all the pastries he bought at the pony pastry shop the other day, and hit the gate with anger.

"Open the door quickly! It's no use hiding inside, we've called the police!"

Immediately afterwards, rotten eggs, rotten leafs, cans...everything that could be smashed was hit by the angry people on the gate.

All of a sudden, the pastry shop ordered the doors to be colorful and colorful.

In any case, the pony has become a rat-like presence across the street, almost everyone shouts.

The pony pastry shop can never be operated in Anming County.

The other shopkeepers on the snack street looked at this picture and looked extremely complicated.

They couldn't help but recall the words that Ye Honghong threw loudly: "You guys, it is best to remember your face today!

When the truth of his day surfaced, you better not shout your face! "

By now, the truth has surfaced, and the faces of these neighborhoods are not only painful but also swollen!

"All blame pony!"

"Yes, if he were not misled, we would not misunderstand the night eclipse!"

So those neighbours who ridiculed and sneered at the night food snack bar, threw all the charges on the pony and joined the army of smashing shops together.


That night, the night snack bar was full and packed.

Almost all neighborhoods with their heads bowed to the night snack bar to apologize face to face.

But more people's eyes are still focused on the back of a great shore in the corner.

This back is dressed in a blue suit and a delicate gray-black quartz watch. He is eating beef noodles slowly.

Everyone knows who this back is, but no one dares to greet him.

The headed beef Guo rubbed his hands and said, "That... Brother Ye Xiao, Sister Xiaoying, A Hong... There seemed to be some misunderstanding between us before, you have a lot of masters, forget this Success?"

"That's right, we were all fooled by ponies before!"

"That A Hong... Could you let Mr. Cai also advertise for us?"

Ye Hong sneered inside, deeply disdainful for the shamelessness of these neighbors.

"Forget this matter?" An Xiaoying suddenly raised her high voice and spit beef Guo directly into the face, spitting stars. "Forgot something? Forget the fact that a group of you are accusing us of night food high? Or you're heart Kindness', can't bear to call the police to catch us?"

An Xiaoying put his hands on his hips and scolded a group of people like Hedong roar.

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