Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 67: Punch and fly

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Over the next few days, the night snack bar was affected by public opinion and the business has been bleak.

Ye Xiao and An Xiaoying planned to close the shop for a few days, but Ye Hong tried to persuade them to stop.

"Shut down the shop at this time, isn't it just like our guilty conscience?"

So the second old had to give up this plan.

Posts on the local forum of Anming County still exist, and there are more and more abuses.

What's more, Ye Hong found that many people paid special attention to the [Yushi] public account, leaving many unsightly abuses in the background.

"Hey Heart Store still has a face open?"

"Get out of Anming County!"

The list goes on.

Ye Hong didn't tell his parents about these things, otherwise they might be so angry that they couldn't even eat their meals.

The trade-off is growing, but the pony pastry shop on the opposite side, business is getting better every day.

Pony instantly became a praising presence on the snack street, and the old horse was even more honourable, and he and the neighbors brag about how powerful his son was.

As for Yehong, who once relied on a bowl of beef noodles throughout the snack street, the neighborhoods have long been regarded as negative teaching materials to educate their children.

Those who originally made friends with the night food snack bar are even more like avoiding vipers, and they are never closer to the night food snack bar.

Human beings are such realistic animals.

One night, Pony came to the door of the night snack bar with a scent of alcohol.

"Yo! This is not the star of our snack street-[Night Food Snack Bar]?

Why are there few guests today? "

With a sneering smile, Xiaoma stood arrogantly in front of the snack bar.

"Pony! You asked for some reason. Who is the ghost behind your back, don't you have a point in your heart?"

An Xiaoying's violent temper could not be suppressed at all, and he was angry when he saw the pony.

"Fucking? Aunt An, why don't we understand you?"

Pony pulled out her ears and sneered, "The reason why your shop ended like this is not because you made ill-gotten money and mixed with Bemy shells?"

"I'm mixing you M`M`P!" Ye Xiao couldn't help but burst out scolding abroad, jumped high on the steps, and hit the pony nose bridge with a punch.

"Yuexiao Brother"'s body, but famous and strong in the snack street.

The punch was thrown, and the pony was suddenly knocked to the ground. His nose was crooked by half, and the nosebleed couldn't stop flowing.

Covering his nose, the pony uttered a scream of great pain, which immediately attracted many neighbors to watch.


Lao Ma came out of the pastry shop, lifted the pony on the ground, and glared at Ye Xiao: "Why are you beating people for nothing?"

The neighbours even accused one another.

"Supper Supper, isn't the pastry shop business better, do you have to be so jealous?"

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, my little pony is better than your son, is it unbalanced?"

"Anyway, you can't beat someone!"

Ye Xiao looked blankly and confused, trying to explain, but for a while, she didn't know what to say.

His character is honest and honest, and it is still too difficult for him to talk, and not to mention the accusations of so many people at the same time, which makes him extremely panicked.

Yehong, who was originally still upstairs, quickly realized the restlessness outside the store and rushed downstairs.

"Ding! Short sprint speed +1!"

As if a gust of wind had blown, Yehong appeared strangely in front of Yexiao.

He kept Ye Xiao behind him, and his cold eyes swept around: "Dear neighborhoods, conscience, do you think our night food snack bar might add such things as shellfish?"

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