Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 59: Help the teacher repair the computer

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Ye Hong looked at the school trousers where Zhou Hao wiped his snot and twitched his lips.

He shook his head and finally guided Zhou Hao to finish his homework patiently.

During this process, all the students in the surrounding area squatted with their notebooks and nodded from time to time.

They found that Ye Hong's explanation was even better than Zhao Lin's.

Gradually, more and more people gathered around Yehong.

"Ding! Group teaching, teaching ability +1..."

Zhao Lin on the podium was originally operating the computer in front of him, but at this time he frowned and looked at the corner of the computer room.

"What are you doing here?"

Zhao Lin was about to go down to check the situation. One didn't pay attention but tripped on a certain line.

Hearing an unusual long beep, only the computer in front of Zhao Lin had a blue screen.

"Oops, horrible!"

Zhao Lin's face was black, and he pressed it on the keyboard in a hurry, and the mouse clicked on the screen again and again.

"Drip-Didi Di!"

After a few abnormal noises, the computer directly fell into a black screen, and Zhao Lin couldn't turn it on even though he pressed the power button.

Zhao Lin: ...

"Student, there is something wrong with the teacher's computer, please be restless!"


The students cheered happily, wishing that Zhao Lin could not fix it well, so that she could leave get out of class early!

Ye Hong scratched his head and walked to the podium. He knew that Zhao Lin had to take some responsibility for this matter.

"Teacher Zhao, I have also learned some computer knowledge, might as well let me take a look?"

Ye Hong looked at Zhao Lin's worried face and smiled aside.


Zhao Lin glanced at Yehong lightly, and there was an insatiable contempt in his eyes.

"I remember you called Yehong, right?

Yehong, it's not that the teacher looks down on you, this machine is a new product that the school has just imported from abroad.

Professionals like me who have been teachers for more than a decade don’t dare to say that they can fix it, so don’t come to the fun and go back to your place to stay and work? "

Ye Hong was not angry, but just said lightly: "How can I know if I can't let me try?"

"Hey! Why are you this student?

Let me do it for you. If you don’t do it, the teacher will ask you! "

Zhao Lin snorted, letting go of her position and preparing to see how Ye Hong was out of bed.

Zhou Hao looked proudly at the students around him and shouted: "Look at it, my master can definitely fix it!"

"Don't say it's too full, Ye Hong might just be good at software and know nothing about hardware."

"I heard that this computer needs more than 10,000, if Ye Hong didn't fix it..."

"More than 10,000?" Zhou Hao narrowed his neck in fright, and his confidence in Ye Hong's fullness subsided instantly.

Ye Hong came to the computer and scanned his eyes up and down, actually running the system in his mind.

"Ding! Trigger the proficient computer skills, scan the computer... found 1 fault point... 95% repair success rate, please confirm whether to repair?"


"Ding! The repair plan has been sent."

With a shock in his head, Ye Hong's mouth smiled confidently, and he began to repair the computer.

"Teacher, did you borrow a screwdriver?"

"Yeah, there's nothing wrong with it!" Zhao Lin took the screwdriver from the side cabinet and handed it to Yehong.

Immediately crossed his hands on his chest, showing a mocking smile.

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