Urban Sims

Chapter 657 Persuasion

After a heavy snowfall.

Pill Bottle Castle.

In an attic on the fifth floor, he carefully helped his wife, who was six or seven months pregnant, into the attic.

Then open the heating valve on the wall to let the heating fill the room.

He walked to the window and admired the snowy scene outside through the transparent glass. He held the woman in his arms and the two of them were affectionate for a long time.

a long time.

Zhou Ming said: "Go and realize your dream. Be a queen that everyone loves. You didn't have the chance before. Now, you can use your talents."

But Xivenis shook her head, with a happy look on her face like a little woman, and said: "No, I want to be with you, I want to travel around the world with you, I want to be by your side every day, I don't want to be anything Queen."

Xivenis has seen the ugliness and filth behind the supreme royal power through the performance of her three brothers. In addition to being shocked, she is more repulsed and disgusted.

So she didn't want to sit in that position, and she didn't want to be contaminated with that filth.

In addition, and more importantly, Xivenis now has a higher pursuit and something she cares about more.

Husband by your side.

The child in the belly.

And a carefree, happy family.

She would not be able to exchange these things for ten kingdoms.

In other words, for Xivenis now, her lover and family are much more important than the kingdom.

At this moment, she has no ambition or desire, and has become a little woman who only pursues simple happiness.

"How can this be done?"

A voice in Zhou Ming's heart said: "You have become so clingy to me now, how can I leave here in the future and go on adventure trips to various parts of the mainland?"

Anyway, he didn't want to drag his family with him and make things extraneous.

She must find a way to convince Xivenis to stay in the Kingdom of Yadud and become her queen.

"Xiwei, you have changed, you are no longer the same person you used to be."

Zhou Ming said in a deep voice: "I know your feelings for me, but you should not forget your responsibilities."

"Do you think that the current situation in the kingdom is excellent in all aspects? Earning hundreds of millions of gold coins every year through the export of pharmaceuticals, clothing, and some industrial products means that the kingdom is rich, the people are rich, and everyone is living and working in peace and contentment. , a prosperous and prosperous world... It seems that the kingdom does not need you anymore and you can sit back and relax."


"This idea is totally wrong!"

"The situation is far from as optimistic as you think!"

"Although the current kingdom is wealthy, it is only the wealth of the nobles and has nothing to do with the vast majority of the people at the bottom. The monthly income of most people is still no more than 5 gold coins. The family does not have enough savings and only has three or five extra pieces of clothing. , households that can only prepare food for winter for four or five months still account for more than 50%.”

"Take this winter as an example. Without official relief, at least 5,000 people in the royal capital alone would freeze to death this year."

"How the farmers live in those remote villages can only depend on the kindness of the lords everywhere."

"There are also millions of workers in the kingdom who work in factories. Their income is much higher than that of farmers. However, there are also many factories that are desperately enslaving and exploiting workers. The average life span of workers does not exceed ten years, but all their income is squandered by the factory director. If you take them away, you only have to eat three meals a day, and you have no personal freedom. If you escape, you will be beaten or even killed."

"The number of factories that enslave workers has increased in the past two years, but the nobles are becoming more and more extravagant day by day, their expenses are getting higher and higher, and they have less and less money to spend."

"In order to satisfy their desires, the more factories the nobles opened, the harder they squeezed the workers."

"This is not a phenomenon to be optimistic about."

"According to my judgment, there will definitely be big trouble in about three years (nine years) at most!"

"And among the people at the bottom, your reputation is very high. When many people know that you will become their queen, they celebrate day and night and cheer loudly."

"Why do they expect so much from you?"

"Because their lives are not very good, you bring them hope."

"You are the goddess Myrcella in the hearts of the 35 million people in the kingdom. You have brought them hope!"

"So, you can't abandon this responsibility because of me and the child."

Zhou Ming said seriously and solemnly.


Xivenis in her arms was in a dilemma.

Is what Zhou Ming said true or false? Is it as serious as he said? Xiverness couldn't tell.

But as the kingdom's treasurer, the situation he mentioned certainly exists.

However, the current Yadud Kingdom, after the war with the Soliu Kingdom, is indeed "rich", "powerful" and "not to be messed with" in the eyes of the surrounding kingdoms.

Compared with a few years ago, it's like going from heaven to earth.

There are definitely problems, and the living conditions of the people at the bottom are still relatively severe, but Xivenis feels that these problems may not be completely solved by her becoming the queen.

What's more, her husband, who is the financial controller of the kingdom, has led many reforms and his reputation among the people is not much lower than hers. Xivenis even suspects that there must be a considerable reason why the people welcome her so much. It is because her husband is For the sake of Lemoton Relin.

As long as her husband does not step down from his position as the kingdom's financial controller, the kingdom will definitely get better day by day.

It would be the same if she wasn't the queen.

Therefore, it is better for her to take care of the children at home and be a virtuous and considerate wife.

If her husband goes out on an adventure in the future, she can follow him, so that she will not be hampered by her status as queen.

Therefore, in her heart, the importance of her husband is still much higher than the so-called kingdom.

Zhou Ming was speechless.

As the saying goes, a woman's IQ will drop when she is in love. Unexpectedly, Xivenis's IQ did not drop, but actually improved.

She even gave up her dreams and just planned to be a little woman who would take care of her husband and raise her children.

What to do?

What to do now?

Is there absolutely nothing we can do?

Zhou Ming could only use his special move.

We can only get groups of people to come to the Medicine Bottle Castle and stage scenes of "persuading people to enter".

The first is the nobility.

More than 90% of the nobles with the title of viscount and above in the kingdom, totaling thousands of people, all came to the Medicine Bottle Castle, knelt on the ground, begged Xivenis to become the queen and rule the kingdom, and each of them took an oath of allegiance.

Xiverness was unmoved.

Next, the lower class people took action. Nearly 100,000 lower class people, ranging in age from 8 to 80 years old, men and women, young and old. After learning that Princess Xivenis was unwilling to inherit the throne because she felt ashamed, these people The people who saw the flames of hope became anxious and knelt down in front of the Medicine Bottle Castle, each one wailing hard and calling loudly.

"Your Highness, please come out and save us!"

"Your Highness, you are the most merciful and kind god. Only you are qualified to rule us."

"Your merciful Highness, please give us a little hope!"

"Your Highness, if you were not the king, I would rather freeze to death in the snow!"

"Yes! If you lose hope, living is just suffering!"

Nearly 100,000 people knelt in the snow and vowed to die.

The temperature that day was very low, and the clothes on these people were relatively thin. Only half a day passed, three people froze to death, and hundreds of people suffered frostbite and fainted.

Xivenis finally couldn't sit still. How could she, a kind-hearted person, continue to see so many people suffering for her?

She asked the servant to stop talking: "I promise, I promise to become the queen of the kingdom!"

"Great, great!"

"Long live!"

"Long live! Long live the Queen!"

"We are all saved!"

The people looked ecstatic, cheered, and collectively cheered long live.

Zhou Ming nodded. The millions of gold coins were not wasted. In order to keep his wife in the kingdom, he really threw away all his moral integrity.

The nobles were also very happy, because Zhou Ming had discussed with them that after Xivenis became queen, she would establish a parliamentary institution and implement a constitutional monarchy. The royal power would be weakened. The prime minister elected by vote would have power over internal affairs, but there would be no military power. No one has the right to recruit without the Queen's permission.

Of course, some people may question here: Isn’t Zhou Ming cheating on his wife with what he did?

The implementation of the constitutional monarchy system has weakened the royal power. In the future, Xivenis wants to do something that benefits the country and the people. Because she has no rights, how can she display her ambitions?

How to safeguard the interests of the people at the bottom?

Is it just a decoration?

Of course Zhou Ming would not cheat on his wife like this.

He also kept a hand.

He asked his father Cohen to form a political party called the "Glorious Party", formulated a complete set of party regulations and party programs, and vigorously developed party members among the aristocracy. Because of the first-mover advantage, and the program was clear, the concept was clear, and the prospects were Light... is very attractive, so it attracts a large number of nobles to join.

Once the parliament is convened, Zhou Ming believes that the "Glory Party" will get at least 70% of the seats.

As long as the "Glory Party" stands on the side of the Queen, Xivenis's ambitious plans will definitely be implemented.

Compared with the traditional governance by royal power, political party governance has many improvements and brings many benefits. As long as it does not fall into serious internal strife and enters a healthy democracy, the national power of a kingdom can increase explosively. improve.

Even with the blessing of this institutional advantage, it can evolve from a weak kingdom into a powerful empire.

Or even a similar "empire on which the sun never sets".


After the coronation ceremony in the palace, amid the cheers of everyone, Princess Xivenis officially became the queen of the Yadud Kingdom.

Start to enter the role and take care of this country.

Zhou Ming's selfish goal was achieved.

Especially after Xivinis gave birth to a lovely daughter more than two months later, Zhou Ming began to make plans in his mind. When spring next year begins, he will start preparing for his plan to travel around the continent.

After all, he is already 23 or 4 years old. He is not young anymore. The small Yadud Kingdom can no longer restrict his steps.

Only by venturing into the dangers outside can he improve rapidly.

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