Urban Sims

Chapter 549 Second Abdication

The senior officials of Wancheng Kingdom were divided into two factions.

One group advocates launching a war to nip threats in their cradle before they grow.

One group advocates not launching a war and using other means to contain it.

Or agree to Jiang Ruyue's initiative and sign a "Long-term Friendship Treaty".

But it met with immediate opposition from hardliners.

"No! Only war can contain Dong Yuan Continent. Only war can weaken this threat!"

"Yes! If we don't use force, the good days of our Wancheng country will be over!" Another hardliner said.

"However, we can't find any excuse to start a war. In recent years, Dongyuanzhou has repeatedly shown goodwill, and the bilateral trade volume is very high. Dongyuanzhou's export of soul stones to our country has increased to 500 tons, and other precious resources have also been released. Exit, launching a war under such circumstances is really a senseless war." A senior official frowned.

"Even if it is unjust, it is better than a powerful opponent appearing in the future and destroying us!"

"Why don't we find an excuse and let the media help hype it up? Last year, weren't dozens of tourists from our country killed in attacks on Dongyuanzhou?"

"No, this matter has been properly handled by Dongyuanzhou. Each family member has been compensated 100 million. There is no excessive criticism. It is useless to bring it out again."

Fu Yunxiao, the leader of the country, shook his head and said: "With the strength of Dongyuan Continent, it is impossible to capture them without more than 1,500 Type 5 Lingyuan battleships. We currently only have 1,000 ships, and the monk class population of Dongyuan Continent is , has more than 8 million people, only slightly less than our country. If the entire people of such a giant continent resist, our country will inevitably suffer heavy losses, and it may not be tenable."

"It's better to agree to Jiang Ruyue's proposal. Let's sign a "Treaty of Friendship" between the two parties. This world is so huge that it can accommodate two big countries."

The world is so big that it can accommodate two big countries.

This sentence was actually said by Jiang Ruyue in a diplomatic letter. She said that the world has a vast territory and countless continents, so why bother focusing on the Eastern Yuan Continent? If the Wancheng Kingdom develops to the west, and the Dongyuan Kingdom develops to the east, and each expands its power, there is no possibility of meeting in an unknown number of years. Why would they have to fight at the starting point to become mortal enemies of each other?

Although Fu Yunxiao knew that these words were Jiang Ruyue's inducement, he had to admit that there was some truth in them.

"How can there be room for two big countries in this world, let alone two countries that are so close together? Head of the country, start a war. It's impossible without a fight!" A hard-liner in the military was still unwilling to accept it.

"That's something you personally can't tolerate! If I want to fight you alone, I have to win the support of all the soldiers and the majority of the public. Without these, we must not launch a war!"

Fu Yunxiao patted the table and said.

Two days later, a large amount of hype about the "East Yuan Continent Threat Theory" appeared on thousands of domestic media outlets. The titles were very horrifying and the content was worrying.

According to multiple media surveys, the proportion of people who support the use of force once reached 70%.

However, many articles refuting the "Eastern Continent Threat Theory" appeared together, and calculated that the human losses paid by Wancheng Kingdom may exceed 20 years of expansion war. Public opinion supporting the use of force dropped to 40%.

Many peaceful people have also spoken out through various channels to stop unjust wars.

The hardliners were furious, but there was nothing they could do.

In addition, in the National Defense Force, although the soldiers obeyed the orders of their superiors, 50% of the soldiers still said privately that they did not want to fight Dongyuanzhou.

Neither the military nor the civilians fully supported it, and the war plan was naturally shelved.

Dongyuanzhou has escaped a disaster.

The Dongyuan Kingdom was formally established.

Because it was an imperial system, it was also declared to the outside world as the "Eastern Yuan Empire".

After the grand coronation ceremony, Jiang Ruyue changed from His Royal Highness the Palace Master to Her Majesty the Queen. From then on, the Emperor came to the world and became the emperor of the first national government within hundreds of millions of miles and in billions of years.

It was the first of its kind in history.

People were expecting that a great country would achieve glory under the leadership of this emperor.

However, only two years after he was crowned emperor, when all the businesses of the Dongyuan Empire were developing rapidly, another huge turmoil occurred within the empire.

Known in history as the "Second Abdication Storm."

Jiang Ruyue abdicated again.

And the duration is quite long, 128 days.

Why did she abdicate this time?

her mother.

She wanted to free her mother, the female devil who had been imprisoned in the Demon Suppression Tower for more than 60 years.

This is also another wish of hers, in addition to unifying Dongyuan Continent, another wish that she wants to realize throughout her life.

It even ranks above the establishment of the Dongyuan Empire, always ranking first.

Now in her heart, only this wish remains unfulfilled.

So after all aspects of the empire were basically stable, she wanted to realize this wish.

But the opposition was overwhelming.

There is almost no support.

"Your Majesty, you can't!"

"The female devil is extremely harmful and must not be released!"

"Only Saint Zhang could suppress this female devil. If she were to be released, it would only cause a huge disaster!"

"Your Majesty, please think twice!"

"When the female devil comes out, our Dongyuan Kingdom will be devastated and turned into nothingness."

"Your Majesty, the female devil is not an ordinary person. There is no possibility of repentance and good deeds. She must be suppressed forever."

Even though Jiang Ruyue repeatedly promised and swore that her mother had repented and would live a peaceful life after she was released and would not do anything harmful to heaven and earth again, no one believed it and believed that it was the devil's trick to confuse her. After she was released, There's no way she wouldn't harm someone.

After all, in the past few decades, in various folklore of Dongyuan Kingdom, with all kinds of embellishments, the female devil in the Demon Suppression Tower has become the most evil person in the world. She represents evil. It represents the fear in people's hearts and represents the symbol of evil that is least likely to change.

Now let the she-devil out.

It is to release the fear in people's hearts and release the biggest devil in the world.

How could people not be worried? How could you not object?

Even if she is Her Majesty the Queen's biological mother, people will not choose to accept it.


Jiang Ruyue could only think of abdicating. When she announced her abdication, she burst into tears in front of millions of people, hoping that the people would fulfill her wish, a daughter's wish to be filial to her mother.

People received this sincere filial piety that moved the world, understood it very well, and were even moved to tears.

But I don’t support the release of the female devil, I will never support it.

I dare not support it either.

Because the shadow cast by the female devil on this land is too big and lingering, and people are afraid of repeating the same mistakes.

Jiang Ruyue could only announce her abdication, put down her power, and no longer handle any government affairs.

Only 10 days after abdicating the throne, Dongyuan Kingdom fell into obvious chaos.

On the 30th day, the work of many departments was paralyzed.

On the 50th day, the abdication has had a significant impact on the normal lives of ordinary people.

On the 100th day, under the Demon Suppression Tower on the hill behind Xiaoyao Palace, tens of millions of officials and people had gathered on their knees, begging Her Majesty the Queen to come back and manage the country.

On the 120th day, the entire Dongyuan Kingdom was filled with people's hearts and order collapsed, falling into chaos.

On the 121st day, some officers and soldiers of the Guards launched a mutiny, dispersed the monks stationed under the Demon Suppression Tower, forcibly opened the Demon Suppression Tower, and asked Her Majesty the Queen to come out of the tower (in order to avoid the persuasion of the ministers for more than a hundred days, Jiang Ruyue Entered the Demon Suppression Tower) and continued to lead the country.

As for Her Majesty the Queen's mother... Her Majesty can also bring her out. If there is any problem, they will take action to solve it.

Yes, these Guardsmen, whose loyalty to Her Majesty the Queen has reached a fever pitch, are not afraid of any female devil. They are worried that if the country continues like this, the country will no longer be a country, and will fall apart sooner or later. They launch a mutiny to end it. This situation.

What if the female devil comes out and causes harm to the world?

They are warriors, let them die in the hands of the female devil first.

It was with this consciousness in mind that the mutinous soldiers were completely willing to fight.

So, under the horrified eyes of millions of officials and people, Jiang Ruyue pulled her mother, who had long hair and an unusually pale face, out of the Demon Suppression Tower.

But after coming out, the female devil only stayed in the outside world for seven days.

Seven days later, as Her Majesty the Queen knelt down and howled, the female devil walked into the Demon Suppression Tower again.


There is no room for Jiang Ruonan in this world.

On the first day that the female devil came out of the tower, nearly 80% of the officials submitted their resignations to Jiang Ruyue.

The next day, 88 cities declared their independence from the empire.

On the third day, the number of cities that broke away from the empire increased to 321.

On the fourth day, the remaining three major sects began to recruit troops and plot to rebel.

On the fifth day, nearly half of the members of the party she founded announced their resignation.

On the sixth day, except for some members of the Guards Corps, Jiang Ruyue discovered that no one was executing or obeying the orders she issued.

Then there was a scene that happened on the seventh day. The female devil took Jiang Ruyue's hand and said with a kind face:

"My child, I have been very happy these past few days, really happy, but it's time for me to go back, it's time to go back to my home. That's the only place in this world where I belong."



Jiang Ruyue dragged her hand and cried bitterly. In the end, she had no choice but to watch the door slowly close, and fell to her knees, heartbroken.

The female devil returned to the Demon Suppressing Tower, and Dongyuan Kingdom quickly returned to peace.

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