
Vigoroth is white in color, with brown lines on its back, brown eye circles and chin, and a tuft of red hair on its head. Black's claws and dancing forelimbs make it look like it's never at peace.

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gender differences

Vigoroth has no gender differences.

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Vigoroth is in an excited Contest Condition all day long and is restless when eating. If the excitement is not calmed down, he will make a fuss all night long.

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Introduction to Pokédex

Emerald: The blood in the whole body is boiling and cannot remain still. If you don't run in the mountains all day to calm down your excitement, you won't be able to sleep at night.

Fire red, leaf green: It is always in a violent Contest Condition and gets hungry soon. I can't always be quiet while eating.

Diamond, Pearl, Platinum: The heart beats at 10 times the beat, so it cannot stop for even one second.

Heart Gold, Soul Silver: If the body does not move, the suppressed power will accumulate excessively and the health condition will become worse.

Black and white: Because the heart beats at 10 times the normal rate, it can never sit still for a moment.

Black 2, White 2: Because the heart is beating very fast, the blood is boiling all over the body and cannot calm down for a second.

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