Chapter 58 Husband and Wife Barbershop!!!

Old 1.5 is the nickname given by Xiao Fat to Liu Pinjie, and the class calls this nickname, that is, Big Fat, Little Fat two, Wang Xiaonian is only occasionally called.

But at this time, the male classmate who had a good relationship with Liu Pinjie couldn’t help shouting subconsciously after seeing his Smecta hairstyle being cut.

Liu Pinjie, who was holding a hair clipper, was stunned, so he continued to act, and did not forget to say: “The school regulations say that a boy’s hair cannot exceed the thickness of his fingers. ”

“Now give you free shave, how can you say so much.”

“Old 1.5, you didn’t shave your head yourself.”

At this time, the basketball party who was being shaved his head’, watching the bright and dangling blades flying on his head, his body did not dare to move, but his mouth still kept saying “Me? I’ll ask the squad leader to shave me later. ”

Liu Pinjie said.

This title made the ‘basketball party’ who was being haircut stunned.

You know, Liu Pinjie and Wang Xiaonian are quite unmatched.

Love rival + nemesis!

I’ve never heard him admit that Wang Xiaonian is the squad leader’, but what’s going on today? Did you take the wrong medicine?

Heard 24 Liu Pinjie say so.

For a while, the basketball party had nothing to say.

He can only obediently let Liu Pinjie tinker on his head.

Although Liu Pinjie has a good IQ, is handsome and can play (basketball), he really has no talent for haircuts, and he tinkers with it, almost shaving this person into a chicken nest.

“Old. Deputy squad leader, you take a break, I’ll come. ”

Wang Xiaonian smiled and said, “Good.” ”

Liu Pinjie did not refuse, this haircut thing, he really can’t do it, so he abdicated and gave Xian to Wang Xiaonian, Wang Xiaonian is really quite talented in this regard.

Soon, the hairstyle of a spirit guy was trimmed.

“Wang Fat… WANG Squad Leader. Is it over? ”

The basketball party couldn’t help but change its name to Wang Xiaonian at this time, after all, their only leader Liu Pinjie Lao 1.5 defected to the enemy: “Okay.” ”

Wang Xiaonian said.


The basketball party was crying at this time, he didn’t dare to imagine what his hairstyle was cut: “Don’t worry about it, your hairstyle is much better than before.” ”

Wang Xiaonian couldn’t help but scold with a smile.


The basketball party said depressedly.


Wang Xiaonian said angrily, and at the same time, shouted to Qin Zhizhi in the classroom: “Zhizhi, can you borrow your mirror?” ”

Even if it is a scholar Qin Zhizhi, he will put a small mirror in his bag, after all, it is a woman’s nature to love beauty.


Qin Zhizhi, who usually rarely spoke in the class, nodded at this time, and quickly gave the mirror to Wang Xiaonian from his bag, “See for yourself!” ”

Wang Xiaonian gave the mirror to the basketball party, and the basketball party took the small mirror. Some can’t bear to look directly.

But after opening my eyes and seeing myself in the mirror, I couldn’t help but brighten my eyes.

It doesn’t seem ugly…

His previous Smecta hairstyle was slightly girly, but now he looks like a young man.

“Squad leader…”

“Old 1.5!”

“Thank you!”

The basketball party put down the mirror in his hand and said to the two with an excited face.

This scene made everyone in the classroom laugh.

Before, he was crying wolf hao, like a pig burned by boiling water, but now he actually said ‘real fragrance’.

In addition to feeling funny, the students in the class couldn’t help but feel a warmth in their hearts.

Especially the students caught between Wang Xiaonian and Liu Pinjie.

The first brother in his class, ‘Wang Xiaonian and the old 1.5′ Liu Pinjie, actually copied the general’.

[Will be one heart, its profit will be broken]

With the seamless cooperation of the two, all those who did not cut their hair in accordance with the regulations were all haircut outside the classroom.

But then again, there are not many people in total.

Together with Liu Pinjie, a total of 6 people did not cut their hair in accordance with the regulations.

Among them, there is also Wang Xiaonian’s good friend – Xiaofat ‘Zhou Lieyin’.

Of course…

He is different from others, he is not against Wang Xiaonian, nor is he reluctant to give up his hairstyle, but simply took the money his parents gave him for haircuts online…

To this end, Little Fat Zhou Lieyin was the first, sat up with a smile to get a haircut, stood up with a smile, and praised Wang Xiaonian’s good craftsmanship from beginning to end.

“Brother Nian, your craftsmanship is fantastic.”

Looking at himself in the mirror, the little fat Zhou Lieyin narcissistically touched his board head: “Brother Nian…”

“You’re not interesting enough.”

“You will cut your hair and don’t tell me, so I wasted 5 yuan.”

At this time, the big fat on the side said in a resentful tone.


Wang Xiaonian scolded with a bad smile.


I really think of myself as a barber.

The last haircut was the old 1.5 ‘Liu Pinjie’.


“Do you think that this old 1.5 is quite compatible with Wang Xiaonian.”

Yu Fanfan, who had read a lot of otaku novels, couldn’t help but say with a bad smile.

“Don’t talk nonsense.”

Qin Zhizhi said angrily.

“Heehee, Fanfan, I also think they are quite CP-like.”

At this time, another girl who likes to read romance novels can’t help but laugh.



For a time, the surrounding students couldn’t help but laugh, at this time, Wang Xiaonian, who was getting a haircut outside the classroom, and the old 1.5 who was shaved, roughly heard the girls’ hand-to-head exchange, which made the old 1.5 couldn’t help but blush.

“Yu Fanfan, what are you talking about, it’s not good to read books when you come to the classroom, and you are still chatting about idle days.”

Wang Xiaonian said with a straight face, trying to suppress such troublesome fishing boats in this way, however, the hot girl Loli Yu Fanfan did not eat this set at all.

“Heehee, class elder, your craftsmanship is so good, and the deputy class elder, and your cooperation, like a husband and wife.”

“You can open a husband and wife barbershop in the future.”

Yu Fanfan laughed and teased, “Poof! ”


Suddenly, there was a burst of laughter in the classroom of the third (1) class of high school, among which the loudest laughter was that several ‘basketball party, who were haircut by Wang Xiaonian, who called Wang Xiaonian just now and the ‘old 1,5′ who joined the enemy, joined forces to “bully”;


But laugh it off…

More of a soothing laugh.

In this haircut incident, not only Wang Xiaonian and Liu Pinjie completed the reconciliation’, but other students who were prejudiced against Wang Xiaonian also accepted this ‘class elder’ in their hearts.


This loud laughter, as well as the words ‘mom-and-pop shop’, caught the attention of one person.



At this time, Yu Fanfan, who was still ridiculing Wang Xiaonian and Liu Pinjie to open a ‘husband and wife barbershop, was silently pushed by Qin Zhizhi, signaling her to look back and feel Yu Fanfan, who felt a murderous aura behind her, slowly turned around, and couldn’t help but be startled: “It’s her!” ”

“Extinction is coming!”

“How did I encounter ashes again!”

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