Urban Inventor

Chapter 139 Flying Skateboard

? August 1st.

When the light shrouded the earth, the eastern suburbs of Zhongyun City became extremely lively in an instant, because today is the release date of the intelligent robot, and the global vision is gathered here!

From 7 o'clock in the morning, media representatives and audiences from all over the world set off one after another to the headquarters of the future technology company. Since flying cars are not yet popular, most people still drive there. Therefore, on the road leading to the future technology company, the traffic flow endlessly.

"There's been a lot of change here."

In one of the cars, Xu Haipeng stared out the window with wide-eyed surprise.

Xu Haipeng is an outbound reporter for CCTV. He attended the conference of the anti-gravity flying car last year. This time, the leader still chose him for the conference of the intelligent robot.

He remembers very clearly that in November, the eastern suburbs of Zhongyun City were full of barren hills and reefs, with few people, and the roads were potholed. shadow?

Factories have sprung up on the ground, and they are basically suppliers of future technology companies. This fully demonstrates that a great company can drive the development of a city.

The road has also turned into a four-lane concrete road, with trees on both sides, giving it a lush feel.


The car stopped suddenly.

Xu Haipeng was taken aback for a moment, and looked away, wanting to see what happened.

It turned out to be a lifting railing that blocked the way of the car.

Then, when he took a closer look, his eyes widened suddenly, and he saw silver-white robots holding black T-sticks in their hands, staring at every car passing by.

From the outside, these are the W-1 smart home robots in the promotional video, but they are acting as security personnel at the moment.

Xu Haipeng couldn't help sighing that the pace of this world is too fast. In just one year, anti-gravity flying vehicles, intelligent robots, and other technologies that were previously unattainable were born one after another, which made him feel like he was in the 22nd century. He couldn't help but look forward to what kind of black technology the future technology company, or Zhang Wei, will launch next time.

"Sir, please look straight at me."

An intelligent robot walked to the car window and said to Xu Haipeng.



Xu Haipeng came back to his senses, nodded, rolled down the window, and looked at the intelligent robot.

After a while, the intelligent robot waved its hand to raise the lifting railing behind it.

"The purpose of doing this is to see my face clearly, and then use face recognition technology to determine my identity?"

Xu Haipeng thought to himself, "If there is such an advanced face recognition technology, those criminals will have no place to stay in the future."

People who drive ordinary cars to future technology companies have to go through strict security verification, as do people who drive flying cars. Every flying car will receive a message when it is approaching the future technology company, and will be asked to stop for a security check, and then in a very short period of time, an intelligent robot will come to check the identity of everyone on the flying car, and Scan the flying car for dangerous items such as guns.

In addition to these visible security measures, Zhang Wei has also designed other security measures. For example, if a missile is flying towards the future technology company, it will be immediately detected by the satellite in the sky, and then Beidou will take emergency measures.

In short, Zhang Wei has built a strong security system for the future technology company. To put it bluntly, even if a heavily armed army comes to attack, he will not be afraid at all.

The car drove forward for another two kilometers, and finally arrived at the Future Technology Company. Then a staff member came up and said something politely. The general meaning was that all vehicles were parked by intelligent robots. When leaving, just say to any intelligent robot, and an intelligent robot will drive over.

"Gentlemen, please follow me."

After Xu Haipeng, the photographer, and the driver got out of the car, the staff immediately led the three of them to an open space, "Have you ever played skateboarding?"


It's something very popular among some young people. It's cool enough. All three of them know about it, but they haven't played it.

Moreover, this skateboard... Nima is a flying skateboard, okay? I have never heard of it before. It must be a new product invented recently. How could they have played it?

The three of Xu Haipeng looked at the skateboard suspended in the air in front of them, their faces were bewildered, and they were also shocked. The scene they saw today was too sci-fi! The force of the future technology company is really high enough!

At the same time, Xu Haipeng is also very happy, because he found that there are too many news materials to report! As a reporter, he likes this kind of reporting object the most!

The staff proudly introduced, "During the company's regular meeting last week, Mr. Qin Xiaobu Qin made a suggestion. He thought that after the company's new headquarters was completed, the distance between various departments would be relatively far, and an internal transportation tool was needed to provide It is used by employees and provides convenience for employees.

Mr. Zhang adopted this suggestion, and then designed this flying skateboard in one day. The operation of the flying skateboard is very simple, similar to the use of ordinary skateboards, and it can also be controlled by voice. Just say the destination, and it will automatically take you there, that is to say, it can be unmanned. However, for safety reasons, these flying skateboards are also limited, with a maximum height of 30 centimeters from the ground, with a speed similar to that of a balance car, and they can only be used within the company. "

"One day! Well, a genius is a genius, and I and other mortals can only look up."

Xu Haipeng sighed.

In fact, he didn't know that the flying skateboard was not designed by Zhang Wei at all, but by Beidou.

Of course, even if he knew, he would only admire Zhang Wei more, because the Big Dipper was also created by Zhang Wei.

"Mr. Zhang is indeed a rare genius in the world."

When Zhang Wei was mentioned, the staff also showed admiration.

"May I ask, when will the flying skateboard be on sale?"

Xu Haipeng asked.

"This...the company doesn't seem to have this plan yet."

The staff hesitated. He is just an ordinary employee, how can he know so many things.

In fact, Zhang Wei never considered bringing the flying skateboard to the market at all, because the core component of the flying skateboard is the anti-gravity device, and the cost of the anti-gravity device is as high as 700,000 yuan. For profit, the price of the flying skateboard is at least two to three million, and you can buy a mid-range flying car. Except for the local tyrants who don't take money as money, who would buy this thing?

Seeing the staff's expression, Xu Haipeng knew that the staff really didn't know about it, so he didn't ask any more questions, but asked the staff how to use the flying skateboard. Very interested.

The photographer took pictures of the whole process, which is a good piece of news material!

The use of the flying skateboard is really simple. It only took a minute or two for Xu Haipeng to operate it proficiently. Then, the photographer and the driver also learned it quickly. The three of them were very excited, just like those who just learned to drive. Like a new driver, he was having so much fun that he almost forgot about his job.

A few minutes later, the three stepped on flying skateboards, took interview equipment, and led by the staff to the press conference.

At this time, they also discovered that the flying skateboard can indeed be "unmanned". After telling the destination, the flying skateboard actually advances automatically, and they don't need to operate it at all!

As expected of a future technology company, the products produced are full of futuristic style! (To be continued.)

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