Ichi Huang Yakiniku Restaurant.

This is a well-known self-service barbecue restaurant in Yuanao Square, and it is also the most expensive one in the entire Yangcheng self-service barbecue restaurant.

Of course, for Ye Nan today, money has long been useless, and he has never cared about the price.

As long as he thinks, there is nothing that exists in this world that he cannot get.

“Welcome, are you two?”

“Well, find me the best position.”

Ye Nan said lightly.

“Hello, we are self-helping, the price for one person is nine hundred and ninety-nine, you need to pay first.”

The waiter was smiling and gentle.

“Well, swipe the card…”

Ye Nan replied lightly, and after paying the money, followed the waiter towards the dining place.

After walking to a position with a good environment and sitting down by the window, Lin Xiaoqian looked at the various meats not far away, and the seafood said: “Brother Nan, I want to eat barbecue.” ”

“Eat, eat large pieces, is two pieces enough?”

“It’s not enough, I have to eat a lot of pieces, Brother Nan went to get food!”

After Lin Xiaoqian said mischievously, she flashed to the side with a grin and began to get the ingredients.

Ye Nan froze for a moment, this script is not right.

He shook his head helplessly, with a spoiled smile on his face, and also stood up and followed.

“Snowflake fat cattle, small dried fish, hairy crabs, large lobsters…”

Lin Xiaoqian’s eyes lit up, and she put all kinds of delicious foods into the plate one after another.

“Okay, okay, take it back and put it away before you come back to choose, you see you can’t put a plate so big!” Silly little Qian. ”

Looking at Lin Xiaoqian’s happy look, Ye Nan’s also laughed inexplicably.

“Well, I know, Brother Nan…”

Lin Xiaoqian stuck out her tongue and walked towards her place with the plate.

Seeing Lin Xiaoqian walking away, Ye Nan also began to hold various ingredients.

Although he no longer has any need for food, this time is almost his first date with Lin Xiaoqian, and naturally he will not go out of his way to ruin the atmosphere.

Ye Nan tried his best to make this date as successful as possible, so he also chose all kinds of delicious food like ordinary people, and he chose more than Lin Xiaoqian.

“Hmph, Brother Nan, you still talk about me! Look at you, it’s fuller than my plate! ”

Lin Xiaoqian wrinkled her nose and said in a playful voice.

“You know, I’m not an ordinary person, my consumption is relatively large, and I need to supplement more nutrients.”

Ye Nan said calmly.

Hearing Ye Nan’s words, Lin Xiaoqian’s little face turned red, and she lowered her head and said, “Don’t tell you, Brother Nan, you are too bad, you know to bully me!” ”


Ye Nan looked dazed, where did he bully…

“Two dirt buns, it seems that the grade of this place has also become lower, and any cat and dog can come in.”

Suddenly, a discordant voice cut in.

Ye Nan frowned and looked to the left, where a middle-aged man with glasses looked at this side with an unhappy expression.

Looking at the plate in Ye Nan and Lin Xiaoqian’s hands, all kinds of ingredients…

“Look at what, it’s you, this kind of place, it’s not for poor children like you to come.”

Go back to study, a small couple like you, just go to the street to find a spicy hot shop for a date when you fall in love, why come to such a high-end place for the sake of face? ”

The middle-aged man said sarcastically.


Ye Nan did not expect that accompanying Lin Xiaoqian to eat a barbecue would actually meet such a person, and he laughed lowly.

“Brother Nan…”

Lin Xiaoqian didn’t feel anything, she had seen such people a lot before.

She looked at Ye Nan worriedly, afraid that Ye Nan would be unhappy because of this.

“Xiaoqian, you wait a minute, I’ll deal with the garbage first, it’ll be fine soon, don’t let these little things affect our date.”

Ye Nan rubbed Lin Xiaoqian’s head and spoke softly.

“Okay, Brother Nan, Xiaoqian won’t be affected.”


Ye Nan turned his head to look at the middle-aged man, walked towards him step by step, and said in a cold voice as he walked: “The two of us, have you seen it?” ”

“What do you want to do? We haven’t seen it before. ”

Seeing Ye Nan suddenly walking towards him, the middle-aged man subconsciously took a step back.

“Hehe, seeing you talking like this, I thought there was something wrong between us, it turned out that you had nothing to do.”

Ye Nan’s eyes gradually became cold, and he walked in front of the middle-aged man.

“You, don’t come here, stay away from me! What do you want? ”

The middle-aged man noticed that something was wrong, and he took a step back again and scolded a little nervously.

The development of things was completely different from what he imagined, and he did not expect that Ye Nan would actually walk directly on his face.

In the past, people who were ridiculed by him would look angrily, and then walk away in ashes, or simply ignore him…

But now, the person in front of him, who was obviously still a student, actually walked directly towards him.

The middle-aged man was a little frightened, and I don’t know how, the person who was very ordinary in his eyes suddenly became extremely terrifying.

His legs began to soften…

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