Hearing Ye Nan’s words resounding throughout Qiuyun Mountain, a group of hot girls who were arguing about who was more powerful immediately silenced.

They all looked around curiously, trying to find the man hiding among them!

“Hey, where is the male voice, who is talking?”

“I don’t know, it seems to be ringing in my ears? But we’re in the women’s zone, where are the men! ”

“Did someone come in women’s clothes! Also, what does he mean by that? Listen to that cold tone, what a scary look! ”

“Where is it terrible, how do I feel so handsome!

But I always feel like something big is about to happen, which is my intuition as a woman! ”

Hearing this, a group of hot girls miraculously agreed and nodded their heads in agreement!


More than twenty drag racing parties also heard Ye Nan’s words, and one by one they were also confused, looking confused, and did not know where the words came from.

Listening to this voice, as if next to them, was very strange.

However, they didn’t have time to think so much about the competition, and they didn’t know that the entire people of Qiuyun Mountain had the same doubts as them, so they quickly put Ye Nan’s words behind.

But for some reason, there was an inexplicable chill in their hearts.

“Halfway through the race, Li Lin and Jiang Mingyao, led by Li Lin and Jiang Mingyao, were far ahead of the other competitors, and they had already run half a lap at this time.

And Li Lin has been leading until now, Jiang Ming, who has never been defeated before, fell behind for the first time, could it be that Jiang Ming’s streak myth will be ended by Li Lin today? ”

Li Lin’s younger brother Hu Wanquan picked up the microphone and began to explain the situation of the competition!

Seeing that Li Lin was running in the front, his tone of voice was a little proud!

Hearing this, the corners of Jiang Ming, who ranked second, turned up, revealing a hint of mockery.

“From the beginning, I just deliberately lagged behind you, wanting to see if you had improved after practicing for so long, and the result was really disappointing.

This game doesn’t look interesting anymore, so end it early! ”

Jiang Ming stepped on the accelerator, accelerated suddenly, and glanced at Li Lin’s incredulous eyes next to him.

The hand slammed the steering wheel, a perfect inner circle drift overtake, and instantly left Li Lin’s Lamborghini behind.

As a temporary announcer, Zhong Wan’s face turned green, and he was slapped in the face in an instant, which was too fast.

“How is it possible, just in an ordinary bend.

Jiang Ming actually came to a perfect drift comparable to a world-class racing driver, easily surpassing Li Lin!

Could this be the true strength of Qiuyun Mountain Car God Jiang Ming? ”

“Damn, he was just letting me.”

Li Lin was so angry that he slammed the steering wheel, he was not stupid, Jiang Ming could easily overtake in an ordinary corner, and his car skills were obviously more than a step higher than him!

“Wait, isn’t that right, a black Wuling Hongguang suddenly came to the foot of the mountain?

The speed is so fast, how is it possible, how can Wuling Hongguang have such a terrifying speed? He’s going up the hill, fast, stop him! ”

Seeing the terrifying speed of the starry sky chariot of up to two thousand yards, Zhong Wanquan was directly frightened and stupid, and shouted for someone to intercept Ye Nan.

Otherwise, Wuling Hongguang going up the mountain at such a speed, he will soon collide with those many sports cars, and then it will be finished!

“That black Wuling Hongguang, please stop, there is a race going on here, the road is closed, and you are not allowed to go up the mountain!”

Ye Nancai was too lazy to pay attention to this nonsense, originally he came to take revenge on the killing, and he was too lazy to do these superficial efforts.

Feeling that the speed was a little slow, Ye Nan’s mind moved, and he accelerated again, and stopped at three thousand yards.

Soon, Ye Nan heard the sound of a sports car in front of him.

“Didi Di!”

An incomparably shrill horn sound sounded from the starry sky chariot, and Ye Nan spoke again.

“I’m coming to play with you, be careful with the BMW in front.”

If I can’t avoid being hit by me, I’m not responsible. ”

Before the words were finished, a black BMW that fell at the end had been hit by Ye Nan.


With a loud bang, as if made of paper, this usually enviable luxury car had no resistance in front of the starry sky chariot, and was directly crushed into pieces.

Without even screaming, the people in the car turned into pieces of minced meat, and along with his favorite sports car, there was no sound, and there were no bones.

The sound of the starry sky chariot crashing into the BMW shocked everyone, and the Qiuyun Mountain, which was originally silent at night, looked strange and terrifying at this time!

And Ye Nan’s words just now added a sense of fear to the people in Qiuyun Mountain at this time.

“In the end, the passerby A died, and the car and the people were all crushed into pieces by the black Wuling Hongguang who had just gone up the mountain.

It hasn’t stopped, and it’s still heading forward with terrifying speed.

Run, get out of the way!

He must have done it on purpose.

Just now, three more cars were smashed by him.

He is here to kill, run away! ”


“Did you escape?”

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