Uplifting Journey

Chapter 503 Extra Story-1-048 Wall Dong and World Peace

During the rush hours of school and work, in a video store on the side of the street, invisible magic power eroded and spread like a spider web.

All the customers who were standing in the stereoscopic projection with earphones and experienced all-round audio-visual enjoyment were dazed, and under the control of thoughts such as "suddenly remembered something" and "entertainment came to an end", they neatly stopped listening to the audio-visual experience. After experiencing the product, I turned around and walked outside.

And the regular customers passing by the store also skipped it in the subtle changes of their hearts. They usually go in to enjoy more than ten minutes of excellent audio-visual, and buy some quick experience stores that like audio and video.

There is no owner to look after the fully electronic store, and soon this usually crowded store becomes deserted.

There was only one girl with light blue short hair who was still immersed in the music and projected images with headphones on, completely unaware of the movement of the crowd behind her.

The red-haired girl with a long ponytail slowly walked into the shop with only one customer. She had a cute white creature lying on her shoulder. After looking around, she focused her eyes on the back of the girl in front of her. superior.

"Don't you feel the magic power? It's as dull as ever." Sakura Kyoko, who used the soul magic that dominates the mind to disperse the ordinary people around, sighed softly when she looked at Sayaka Miki, who was theoretically her friend in front of her.

The sharp senses of the magical girl allowed her to easily hear the melodious sound of the violin in the other party's earphones—presumably that piece of music was also the work of Sayaka's favorite violinist, Kyousuke Kamijo.

Having said that, when did I start to regard the other party as a friend?

Sakura Kyoko reviewed her memories fused from multiple self-awareness fragments——

In the beginning, she only approached Sayaka out of sympathy and anger.

Because when she became a magical girl, she made a wish to heal Kamijou Kyosuke's injured hand. This kind of stupid, wasteful and self-sacrificing way of using wishes reminded Sakura Kyoko of her own tragedy.

Is the essence of the wish selfish and expecting to be appreciated by Kamijou Kyosuke, or is it simply giving for others without revealing it? The blue-haired girl who can't even tell the subtle emotions and wishes clearly, in the eyes of Sakura Kyoko, who made a wish for a miracle but ushered in tragedy It seemed so stupid that she couldn't help but want the other party to see the reality clearly.

It's a pity that Sayexiang, who has a strong sense of justice, can't tolerate sand in her eyes, and she can't talk to the existence of her, a witch-raiser, on the same channel. By the time the two sides understand each other through blunders, it will be too late

Recalling Sayaka, who has always been the example of a magical girl witch in countless world lines, Sakura Kyoko smiled wryly, and walked behind the blue-haired girl.

Just at this moment, Sayaka in front took off her earphones and ended the short entertainment time.

"Kyosuke." Miki Sayaka, who put the headphones back in place, glanced at the electronic payment statement displayed on the front projection, rubbed his ears and said with emotion, "The injury didn't affect his performance at all, the music is still the same Nice to hear."

Putting down her hands rubbing her ears, Sayexiang suddenly noticed something strange - the fragmentary words and sounds of walking in the store on weekdays did not appear at all.

She turned her head abruptly, and saw a red-haired girl with a mysterious white creature on her shoulder standing in front of her and staring at her quietly.

After a while of silence, Sayaka, who was stared at by the other party, forced a smile and said, "Where have we met this? Are you cosplay?"

Sakura Kyoko looked down at the magical girl battle attire on her body, then turned her head to glance at Kewpie on her shoulder.

Chubby, who was swept by his gaze, wagged his tail twice and said, "I didn't find anything unusual, she is indeed an ordinary human girl with normal memory and emotions.

"Of course, our technology is still unable to accurately control the unknown variables at the bottom of the material, and it is also difficult to say whether her words and deeds are affected by external forces within the spiritual framework."

"Huh?!" Sayaka pointed at Chubby's surprised face, "This, is this thing alive? It doesn't look like a cat and it doesn't look like it. Wait! Is it speaking human language?"

"Idiot." Sakura Kyoko sighed softly and muttered, and then she grasped a long gun with red light in her palm, her eyes wandered between the sharp edge of the gun and Sayaka who was stunned All of a sudden, my heart is a little bit ready to move——

The other party was unmoved by the magic attack and his own display. Then if he stabbed her directly like when he was testing Akami Homura, how would she react? Madoka, who only changed the timeline when Homura was threatened, won't show up again, right?

However, Sakura Kyoko, who was holding a spear, hesitated for a while, but still did not directly attack the blue-haired girl who gradually realized that something was wrong——

Just like what I felt in the world line changes before, Miki Sayaka has a subtle sense of closeness and familiarity. Unlike the potential hostility towards Akami Homura, the feeling on Sayaka is more similar to the feeling on Chubby. something that arrived.

——In a way, is this guy an ally? If the other party is really an apostle of the theory of the circle, there is a high probability that she will stand by her side.

"Facing your friends, even in your current state, would you seem so hesitant?" Chubby lightly jumped from Sakura Kyoko's shoulder, flew over Sayaka's head and came to the top of the machine she used before.

Looking at the two girls with different expressions, Chubby shook his big fluffy tail and said: "To be honest, no matter what secrets this girl hides, it must be inseparable from the scope of the power of the circle.

"So as long as she signs a contract with me and becomes a magical girl, many things can be verified. If she really has hidden secrets, she will be more or less exposed after her consciousness connects with the self of multiple world lines. right?

"Anyway, according to your follow-up plan, it is inevitable for qualified people to become magical girls, right? It's okay to let her try first."

"Magic, magical girl?" Sayaka looked at the mysterious creature squatting on the machine, and then looked back at the red-haired girl with a complicated expression, "You guys, who are you?"

After pondering for a while, Sakura Kyoko, who had been in touch with Wenwen, put away her complicated expression. She took a deep breath and stepped forward.

Watching the red-haired girl approaching, Sayaka backed away subconsciously until she leaned against the machine and could not retreat.

She slapped Sayaka's head with her left hand. Amidst the groans of the machine being hit by a huge force, Sakura Kyoko stared at the girl in front of her with a gun in her right hand and said in a deep voice, "Sayaka Miki, what do you have?" Do you want to realize your wish even if you sacrifice your soul and life?"

Seeing the serious face of the girl in front of her eyes, Sayaka blushed inexplicably, then her lips moved, and she ventured to test: "...world peace?"

It has become a habit for Xianyu to be absent from work without warning.

A few days ago, because my parents and relatives had a lot of miscellaneous things, although I didn’t have time to write afterwards.

But thinking that the full attendance is over anyway, it is enough to ensure that there are 100,000 words, so I simply follow my mood and enlarge the holiday

It's still two or three chapters away from 100,000 words, and there are still 5 days left in March, so what do you understand later?

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