Unparalleled True Technology

Two hundred and thirteen chapters

Ten minutes after Wen Ming took off from Miami Airport, another helicopter that was suddenly chartered also took off from a civilian airport in Miami.

And the destination of this helicopter is also Jurassic Island.

Apart from the pilot, there was only a middle-aged white man with a dull expression. He still hadn't figured out why he appeared on this helicopter.

"No matter how tight the previous material demand was, it was impossible for me to deliver it within 30 minutes."

The middle-aged white man was actually very anxious, because he felt that his task this time was absolutely impossible to complete. It only took him nearly ten minutes to purchase supplies after he got the mission, and in the remaining 20 minutes, it was impossible for this helicopter to fly from Miami to Jurassic Island.

"Don't let me lose this job because of this incident."

The middle-aged white man mourned in his heart. He was a buyer of Jurassic Island, and Jurassic Island belonged to Apple, an enterprise destined to become a business empire. Now, there are countless people all over the world who want to join Apple, but he can't complete the procurement task personally assigned by the boss.

Yes, the boss personally explained.

The middle-aged Caucasian man looked at the suitcase next to him. In the expensive silver-white suitcase, although the supplies contained in the suitcase were not cheap, even he, who bought it himself and put it in the suitcase, couldn't believe it. .

"Why, do you suddenly need... essential oils?"

The middle-aged white man was puzzled: "Is it necessary for research? Velociraptors, prehistoric creatures, shouldn't need essential oils?"

In a word from the boss, his subordinates ran away, and the money wasted in the middle was extremely objective. Even the most expensive essential oils are nothing compared to suddenly chartering a helicopter to fly from Miami to Jurassic Island.

But Wenming still assigned such a task, because he was not short of money, nor was he short of people who would help him.

That being the case, why not enjoy it?

When Wen Ming's plane landed on Jurassic Island, he took Emily to see the living dinosaurs. Actually, this is not to show off to Emily, now Wen Ming no longer needs to show off his achievements to anyone. The reason he did this was because what he needed hadn't been delivered yet.

During this process, Cui Chuanming was called over, and Cui Chuanming's eyes straightened when he saw Emily for the first time. Not only because there are few beautiful women in the Institute, but also because Easterners can tell the beauty from Westerners.

This is actually very strange. Westerners think it is beautiful, but Easterners also think it is beautiful. But Orientals think it is beautiful, but most Westerners think it is not very good-looking. The oriental beauties that Westerners like are precisely the ones that Easterners don't think are very good-looking.

"If you watch it again, I'll let you feed the Velociraptor yourself."

This intimidation is very effective, because after such a long period of growth, the current velociraptors have returned to their original appearance. Not to mention Cui Chuanming, who has no weapons, even Aaron Martin, who has weapons and is in good physical condition, can hardly deal with a Velociraptor in the jungle.

For a Velociraptor whose body length is close to two meters, several shots in the body really won't affect its combat effectiveness much.

Cui Chuanming, who instantly turned his eyes straight, changed the subject and said: "Boss, now that the velociraptors have grown up, our ecological simulation area can no longer allow them to live better. I suggest that the 'park' be opened to let them They go to the real outside world to adapt to the modern natural environment."

After the Velociraptor was revived, it has been living in the ecological simulation area of ​​the research institute. Although the ecological simulation area is large enough, it is not a real natural environment after all. And if we want dinosaurs to really be resurrected in this world and in this era, we must adapt them to the modern environment, without man-made equipment to change the natural environment of the environment.

Wen Ming nodded and said, "You can try, but you must ensure that you observe the physiological state of the three velociraptors at all times. I don't hope that there will be no living dinosaurs in the end."

Cui Chuanming also reported: "Boss, the third batch of dinosaur eggs we cultivated is almost finished hatching. After the failure of the second batch, among the third batch of dinosaur eggs, 12 dinosaur eggs of two types have been confirmed to be ok. The hatching was successful, and according to our prediction, these two dinosaurs should be herbivorous dinosaurs."

After completing the hatching of the Velociraptor, Cui Chuanming and others immediately started the research on the resurrection of the second batch of dinosaurs, but because Wen Ming's heart was no longer on it, the resurrection of the second batch of dinosaurs all failed.

This forced Wen Ming to join the third batch of dinosaur resurrection plans, and then opened up to help Cui Chuanming and others complete two sets of new dinosaur gene templates.

"Herbivorous dinosaurs will be our focus for some time to come, because if Jurassic Park wants to open, it must be dominated by herbivorous dinosaurs."

After Wen Ming arranged some work to resurrect the dinosaurs, he asked, "Where's Mr. Benjamin?"

Cui Chuanming said helplessly: "My teacher has gone crazy now. He stays in the laboratory every day. Anyone who persuades him to leave those dinosaurs will be scolded by him. Because the second batch of dinosaur eggs was wiped out." It hit him hard."

Wen Ming also shook his head helplessly, and said, "You have to pay attention to his physical condition, our biotechnology research, and he still needs to lead."

Cui Chuanming also nodded, and said: "I have transferred a few medical staff to be on duty 24 hours a day. I believe that the teacher's state of madness can be cured after this batch of dinosaur eggs are successfully hatched." Change it."

Wen Ming said again: "There is one more thing, that is, I got the angel wings."

Cui Chuanming was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "You mean, the angel wings that the news has been talking about recently?"

Wen Ming nodded, and said: "I hope you will ask your teacher to come forward and help me find a group of experts in mechanical and energy power research to help me perfect the technology of angel wings."

Cui Chuanming nodded subconsciously, and after accepting the task, he hesitated and said, "Boss, could it be you who arranged the person..."

Wen Ming laughed. He knew what Cui Chuanming wanted to ask. The attack on Professor Dyson's research institute was naturally reported by the news media. It is not surprising that Cui Chuanming knew about it.

"Don't think so badly of me, I just bought Angel Wings from some people at a huge price."

This explanation made Cui Chuanming feel relieved. He didn't feel sorry for Professor Dyson, because he didn't know him. What he was worried about was that because of this incident, Wen Ming would get into trouble. At that time, both the research institute of Jurassic Island and him will be affected.

"Okay boss, I will go to my teacher now, he can connect you with the people you need through relationships."

This is the benefit of Benjamin's master and apprentice. As a master in the field of biology, Benjamin's relationship cannot be limited to the field of biology, and this kind of relationship and network is exactly what Wen Ming needs. As for Cui Chuanming, because of his strong professional knowledge, he is the biology expert Wen Ming plans to train, and he will be responsible for completing Wen Ming's "genius ideas" in the future.

Seeing Cui Chuanming turn and leave, Wen Mingcai went to the observation area of ​​the simulated ecological zone, where Emily was watching the three velociraptors eating inside through the bulletproof glass floor-to-ceiling windows.

The food that feeds the Velociraptor is not dead. As the Velociraptor grows, the food changes from living birds to relatively large living things like goats.

While watching, Elemi let out exclamations from time to time.

Wen Ming hugged Emily's shoulders in a timely manner, so that Emily, who was a little scared, could have a warm and strong harbor to rely on.

The mobile phone in his pocket vibrated, Wen Ming took it out and looked at it, then laughed, and then said: "Would you like to take a rest, I have a sea view villa on this island, with a nice view and a swimming pool."

How could Emily refuse?

Completely ignoring the angel wings that were put into his private laboratory, Wen Ming took Emily back to the sea view villa, and when Emily entered the room, she found an extra bottle of essential oil on the bedside... …omit seven thousand words. ) Download Free Reader!!

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