Unparalleled True Technology

Chapter 137: The Maniac's Declaration

Cui Chuanming's "playing around" with the three velociraptors is not too long, of course, this is compared to those viewers who haven't watched enough.

In fact, the third game of the NBA's Christmas game has already started at this time. It was originally one of the most critical battles for the NBA to grab ratings this year, but because of Wen Ming's delayed press conference, no one cares about it.

The duel between the Cavaliers and the Lakers, LeBron James and Kobe Bryant could have attracted at least 30 million viewers to watch, but now, there are only about 10 million viewers.

After the first quarter, the superstars of both teams knew the news.

"How could they not be over yet?"

This is the question they asked at the same time, and after this question, the two superstars whispered: "Who can watch the live broadcast on their mobile phone, I also want to watch the Velociraptor."


After Cui Chuanming's presentation ended, many biologists and reporters at the press conference were already eager to see through.

What they are most looking forward to at this time is to end the press conference quickly, and then line up to the simulated ecological area of ​​the research institute to observe the three velociraptors up close.

But Wen Ming, the founder of Apple Inc. and the head of the Apple Biotechnology Research Institute, didn't want to let go of this opportunity easily.

It is really difficult to have this kind of opportunity to gain more than 40 million viewers in the United States. If he missed this time, even if he resurrected Tyrannosaurus rex and Tyrannosaurus rex, it would be impossible for the audience to have the current curiosity.

Human beings always like the new and dislike the old, so they will naturally pay very general attention to things that appear for the first time. But if it's the second one, it's another matter.

"In our 'resurrection' of dinosaurs, we discovered a very serious problem."

Wen Ming returned to the center of the stage, ignored those eyes that wanted to kill him, and continued to host the press conference with a very calm expression.

"The requirements of the velociraptor for the ecological environment are completely different from the ecological environment we are used to now. This is only a small velociraptor. If it is a tyrannosaurus rex that can reach 12 meters in length, will it not be possible at all?" How about healthy survival in our natural environment?"

Wen Ming controlled the projector and played a video. The content of the video was the ostrich eggs they used to hatch the Velociraptor.

"We can resurrect dinosaurs by integrating the genes of dinosaurs into ostrich eggs, and by changing the genes inside ostrich eggs, we can realize the fantasy of allowing prehistoric creatures to appear in modern society."

"During this process, we have overcome many genetic technology problems, and among those solutions, among those technologies that allow us to solve the problem of dinosaurs not adapting to the modern ecological environment, there is a research direction that has given me great inspiration .”

"If you want prehistoric creatures like dinosaurs to adapt to the modern ecological environment, then you need to let them integrate the genes of modern creatures. Because modern creatures have become accustomed to the modern ecological environment, it took nature thousands of years. The talent that allows creatures to evolve naturally."

In the video, the velociraptor hatched from the ostrich egg, which aroused the curiosity of all the audience again.

The living velociraptor had already seen it before, but it was the first time they had seen the velociraptor just hatched from the egg.

"Since the genes of velociraptors can be combined with the genes in ostrich eggs to be resurrected, why can't they be combined with the genes of other animals so that they can come out of the simulated ecological zone and live in the real nature?" Woolen cloth?"

Wen Ming's expression became emotional. What he has to do now is to lay a solid mass foundation for what he will definitely do in the future.

Not all research can achieve rapid breakthroughs from scratch.

Just like his iphone, it has been used for a very short time, completely beyond the speed that powerful companies such as Microsoft and Nokia can imagine. However, the iPhone is a practical product after all, whether it is a touch screen or other technologies, they are all technologies that have been realized.

Moreover, the iphone uses some patented technologies owned by other companies. For example, the Retina display technology it uses, although it can make the display effect of the iphone stronger than that of mobile phones with the same level of display, but this technology is not provided by Motorola. developed by the company.

Although Motorola did not make the best use of this function, but Wen Ming used it, Motorola could collect patent fees.

Compared with the possibility of the iPhone, the matter of "resurrecting" dinosaurs seems a bit unimaginable.

If it weren't for Wen Ming to recruit Benjamin and Cui Chuanming, and they formed a research team of more than 100 people. Then, it is absolutely unimaginable for Wen Ming to be able to 'resurrect' dinosaurs in such a short period of time.

Under that circumstance, the outside world's curiosity and attention to Wen Ming itself is definitely greater than the curiosity and attention to the Velociraptor.

Half a step ahead is a genius, one step ahead is a monster, and a few steps ahead will definitely become a research object in a mental hospital.

"I was thinking, since dinosaurs can fuse the genes of other animals, can humans fuse the genes of other animals?"

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar at the scene, the biologists were dumbfounded, and the reporters were not too serious to watch the excitement.

This kind of idea is actually not Wen Ming's first proposal. In fact, as early as in the last world, some scientists have proposed related "science fiction" and put it into practice for research.

But after so many years, no one has ever been able to achieve any effective results, and even the research direction has not been completely clarified until now. In the past ten years, few people have dared to promote this theory in public, because this theory will only make people think that the propagandist is a liar, an academic liar.

When Wen Ming said this, he was facing more than 40 million viewers in the United States. Although the global audience may not exceed 40 million due to the time difference, it is definitely not small.

"I call this research direction 'cross-species genetic engineering'."

Wen Ming took a deep breath and said: "I know that many people must think that I am whimsical, but even dinosaurs have been resurrected by us, and we have achieved cross-species genetic engineering on dinosaurs, so , How far are we from this whimsical scientific fantasy?"

"The purpose of science fiction is to be realized. Even if I can't do it, I believe that in the near future, someone will be able to do it."

Wen Ming said with a serious expression: "But someone must take the first step. Even if it fails, it can prevent others from taking detours. Here, I officially announce that in addition to continuing to 'resurrect' dinosaurs, Apple's Biotechnology Research Department The next step of the research plan will focus on 'cross-species genetic engineering'."

"I firmly believe that one day in the future, my Apple company will be able to use this technology to turn the empty talk of changing the world into a fact recognized by the whole world. Because, when we complete this research , man himself, will become the most powerful creature on earth."

Mark Zuckerberg in the audience was stunned, until Wen Ming announced the end of the press conference, he turned his head and asked Teresa Roy: "Does he know that saying this will make many people think he is madman?"

Teresa Roy smiled wryly, "He's just a lunatic."

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