Chapter 210

Li Ji, born in the Li family of Zhao County, studied martial arts in elementary school, became an official in the court in the fourth year of Chengde, entered the Yulinwei after eight years in Chengde, and became the right officer of the Yulinwei in the fourteenth year of Chengde. Four full years.

  It is worth mentioning that he had no military merit and no fame. He was recommended to the imperial court. The person who recommended him was Li Shen, the Marquis of Pingnan of the same clan.

In the fourth year of Chengde, that is, fourteen years ago, the old marquis Li Zhijie died of illness, and Li Shen went to the southern border to take over the Pingnan Army. At that time, the emperor of Chengde was not long after he succeeded to the throne, and all aspects had not stabilized. It is necessary to rely on Li Shen to guard the southern border for him, so the relationship between the two at that time can be said to be like glue. Li Shen recommended Li Ji of the same clan to enter the court.

   It is also for this reason that Li Chun, the prince of the former Ping Nanhou Mansion, was going to join the Yulin Army, and Li Ji happily arranged a position for him as a commander.

Later, as the emperor's position in Chengde became more and more stable, his mind gradually changed. In the eighth year of Chengde, Li Ji was thrown into the Yulinwei. After ten years, this famous family was nearly four years old. The tenth son of the Li family in Zhao County has always been trapped in Yulinwei, unable to move, and has always been just a right-hand man.

   Up to now, the contradiction between the two sides has become increasingly intensified, and the emperor of Chengde can't even tolerate this right-hand man, and gradually feels a little annoying.

   After all, there is an "outsider" in his personal guard, and anyone will feel uncomfortable.

   It is true that he wants Li Xin to promote Li Xin, and it is also true that he unplugs this Li Ji.

Hou Jingde walked to his seat, sat down, and said with a smile: "Li Ji is a rich family, and he is not short of money, and Yu Linwei has no oil and water to fish, so he can't find anything in terms of wealth. fault."

   Li Xin drank a whole bowl of spirits just now. Although he didn't have a high degree of toasting, his face was flushed at the moment. He rubbed his temples with his hands and said slowly, "If you don't want money, that's lust."

   For men, this kind of thing is essential.

Hou Jingde clapped his hands and said with a smile: "This person is from the Li family, if he simply wants to find a few women, it would be an easy task, even if he is now nearly forty years old, and shouting outside, there are also yellow flower girls in the capital chasing after him. to enter his house."

  "But he has a hobby"

  Li Xin sat on the chair with a calm expression.

This is not surprising. The so-called people who are full and supportive, the more worry-free life, the more they will think about experiencing novelties, so there are often some people with quirks in the big family. normal now.

   Li Xin coughed: "What does Lang Jiang mean?"

Hou Jingde laughed and said: "It's fine if he keeps a low profile. This person likes to break up marriages. In the past few years in the capital, I heard that six families were scattered because of his family, and a few others died a lot. Humans have indeed committed a lot of sins."

   This is probably some unknown perverted psychology.

   "It's just that because Li Ji is quite powerful, those bitter masters did not dare to sue. In addition, in the past few years... Your Majesty did not pay attention, so there has been no incident so far."

   Hou Jingde and Li Ji have been opponents for many years, and they naturally know a lot about each other.

   The right man, Li Ji, was very unclean under his **** because of this hobby. If it hadn't been for the Pingnan Hou Mansion and the Chengde Emperor who wanted to protect him a few years ago, the incident would have happened long ago.

Hou Jingde said with a smile: "Brother Li can be smooth sailing in the capital, there must be his own way behind it. Brother Yu said here, Brother Li can find a lot of evidence as long as he checks this way. Li Ji is arrogant and arrogant. , should not be able to clean hands and feet."

  Li Xin nodded, got up and bent over to Hou Jingde and clasped his fists and said, "Lang Jiang's kindness, I have written down my humble position."

Hou Jingde patted Li Xin on the shoulder and said with a smile: "These are all trivial matters, you can find some clues if you check them yourself, but no one dared to ask about this before, that boy Li Ji, full of The crotch is full of shit, as long as His Majesty wants to touch him, he will basically have to stay in the prison for the rest of his life."

   Li Xin shook his head and said, "It's unlikely that he will go to jail, but it's enough to be dismissed."

  Until the southern side is completely resolved, it is unlikely that the emperor of Chengde will completely turn against Li Shen, so Li Ji will be dismissed from office at most, waiting for questioning.

   Li Xin and Hou Jingde exchanged a few more words, then turned around and walked out of Hou Jingde's classroom. After returning to his classroom, he picked up a pen and wrote a letter, and prepared to leave the Yulinwei Camp.

After he became the commander, Li Xin was basically a high-level officer of Yulinwei, and his immediate superior Hou Jingde no longer dared to restrain him, so Li Xin was free to enter and exit, and returned to his barracks to fight with his subordinates. After a greeting, Li Xin stepped out of the Yulinwei camp.

   He looked up.

  A purple sedan chair stopped at the gate of Yulinwei's camp.

   Captain Li gave a wry smile and stepped forward.

   "Why did Your Highness come here?"

   Yulinwei Camp is located in the south of the city, not very far from the Qinghe Princess Mansion. Obviously, Her Royal Highness the Princess came from his own mansion.

   There was no movement in the sedan chair.

   Li Xin said with a smile: "Your Highness, I'm busy with business at these few hours, you should know that..."

   There was still no movement in the sedan chair.

  Li Xin smiled bitterly: "His Royal Highness, I went to your house in the morning, but Your Majesty has ordered me to enter the palace. If there is nothing else, I can only enter the palace to face the holy."

   After a while, a crying voice came from the sedan chair: "What about after you leave the palace?"

  Li Xin was silent.

   After leaving the palace, he was concerned about Li Ji's affairs, and went straight back to Yulinwei to look for Hou Jingde.

   Princess Ji Lingxiu of Qinghe in the sedan chair clenched her silver teeth.

   "I heard the seventh brother say that it has been several days since you returned to the capital. You have been to the capital in the past few days. You have been to Prince Wei's Mansion, and you have been to the Deyi Building, but you have never been to the Princess' Mansion!"

   "Your Highness, I've been busy with business these days..."

   Ji Lingxiu in the sedan chair was extremely aggrieved.

He gave up on Liushufang in Mingdefang, and ran to Datongfang to open the mansion. As a result, this hateful guy went out of Beijing every three days. Time, not even a message.

   What a busy schedule!

  You're busy with business, why do you have time to pick up your sister from the proud building?

   The more she thought about it, the more aggrieved the ninth princess became, and her tears fell. She wiped her tears with her sleeves, and didn't get out of the car. She said bitterly, "Get up from the sedan chair and go home!"

   The bearers are all servants of the Princess Mansion. Hearing this, they naturally lifted the sedan chair and walked towards the Princess Mansion with Her Royal Highness.

   Li Xin sighed helplessly.

  To be honest, it has been several days since he returned to the capital, and it is indeed a little excessive that he has not been to the Princess Mansion once...

   Li Xin shook his head, handed the letter in his hand to a Yu Lin army, and ordered, "Go run some errands for me and send this letter to the Prince Wei Palace in Yonglefang."

   Having said this, Li Xin paused.

   "If the people in the Wei Palace ask you what I'm doing, you can tell them... um..."

   "I'm mostly cooking..."

   Having said that, Li Xin shook his head and walked towards the Qinghe Princess Mansion.

   (end of this chapter)

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