The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume 1: All for Germany! Twenty-five. Mr. Miracle, Astronomy

“Ernst Lieutenant, Ernst Lieutenant !”

It was quiet when I heard that the battlefield was still very noisy. General Garwitz was in a hurry and hurriedly called out to the phone.

But there is no sound at all.

“Reporting General, the Bavarian 16th Infantry Regiment Camp Major Denison was ordered to report.”

General Garvitz did not return, and now his full attention is on the phone: “Major, Major Ernst Breem, do you recognize it?”

“Yes, general, he is the third company commander.”

“Where is his man now?”

“Unfortunately, the general.” Although I don’t know why the general would ask a little Lieutenant, Major Denison replied truthfully: “When the retreat was received, Ernst Lieutenant did not retreat in time, he was overwhelmed by gunfire, I I think Lieutenant may have been killed.”

General Garvitz looked serious: “Do you have a Chinese worker in the third?”

“Yes, yes. I heard Mr. Hall say that they captured a Chinese worker while attacking the G position.”

General Garvitz is now completely relieved, and Ernst Breem Lieutenant is indeed continuing to fight on the front line.

“General, general!”

The voice of Ernst Breem came from the other side of the phone, and the attention of everyone in the staff was drawn.

“General, are you still there?”

“I have been waiting for you, Ernst Lieutenant.”

“General, the battle is over. We have captured the enemy’s military camp. We killed a total of one hundred and eighty Brittish, no casualties. We have no casualties!”

The sound is clearly emitted from the megaphone.

There was an unstoppable exclamation in the staff, and even calm, like General Garvitz, almost dropped the microphone in his hand:

“Can you say that again?”

“We killed one hundred and eighty Brittish, and the Sauber Prince Camp has been defeated!”

The exclamation was once again heard in the staff, which is simply unbelievable. Two people killed the enemy of a battalion? Also annihilated one hundred and eighty one British soldiers?

No, this is only God can do!

General Garvitz’s voice was a little trembling: “Ernst Lieutenant, can you be sure?”

“Yes, I am sure! Guaranteed by the honor of the soldiers!”

“Long live Germany!” Suddenly, someone called out loudly.

“Long Live Germany!!”

All the people shouted out loud and vented their emotions.

This is the pride of Ernst Breem Lieutenant, this is the pride of Germany!

Long live, Germany!

“Have you heard cheers, Ernst Lieutenant.” General Garvitz controlled his excitement: “You will receive the highest honor, and the miracle you created will remain in the history of Germany forever, Mr. Miracle!”

Mr. Miracle, from now on, Ernst Breem Lieutenant has another nickname!

But now the miracle Mr. Wang Weizhen will not care what nickname he has. He cares more about how he left here: “General, I have taken the position, I am going to retreat in the direction of Biash…”

General Garvitz was silent. He called Colonel Rolle: “Colonel, you and Lieutenant.”

Colonel Rolle took the call and calmed down his emotions: “Lieutenant, I am Colonel Roul, the Chief of Staff, I express my deepest admiration for your bravery, but you can’t retreat in the direction of Biash.”


“According to our reconnaissance reconnaissance, a lot of enemies have been added in the direction of Ashe…”

The phone was silent…

Wang Weizhen put down the walkie-talkie and sat down silently.

He does not blame Xiao Ling.

Xiao Ling is just a computer. Although she has certain wisdom, all the judgments she makes are made based on the information. The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly. It is not a computer that can handle it.

Perhaps there is a mistake in the information. Perhaps because the person who does not belong to this time and space has disrupted the normal historical track, and there are a large number of enemies in Biash, who knows?

“Four-Knifes.” Wang Weizhen glanced at the Four-Knifes around him and smiled bitterly: “The original retreat route was blocked, and we are afraid we can’t get out.”

“Oh, I know.” Guo Yenfeng doesn’t seem to care at all: “There are so many people killed, and we are enough. Lieutenant, let me see what weapons are available.”

Looking at his back, Wang Weizhen smiled. This man is silent, but on the battlefield is a trustworthy person.

He took the walkie-talkie a bit and started a conversation with Xiao Ling: “Xiao Ling, the evacuation route than Ash is blocked.”

“Wait a minute, the situation is judged… The Drifter, a bad news, you are surrounded by enemies everywhere. The Germans have already withdrawn from the main battlefield, and there are still a few days away from the counterattack. You have no possibility of breaking through. Unless Start Violet Light Military Base, but that will cause terrible disaster…”

“No need.” Wang Weizhen smiled faintly: “Xiao Ling, if I am dead, would you miss me?”

“Yes.” Xiao Ling’s answer was very unexpected from Wang Weizhen: “Because you are dead, I can’t go back.”

“It’s really inhuman.” Wang Weizhen actually said the word “human touch” to a computer.

Xiao Ling is silent: “The Drifter, if you can’t come back, I will start the self-destruction program, so that all the secrets are drowned in time and space. But I hope that you can come back, I have a feeling that I can’t tell here… …”

Xiao Ling will also feel? Wang Weizhen stunned: “Is that lonely?”

“Lonely?” It is clear that Xiao Ling is temporarily unable to understand the two words.

“Can you take me back to the base?”

“No, my neighbors are now all enemies. Once the base is forcibly opened, the possibility of exposure is too great.”

“I won’t let you alone!” I don’t know why, Wang Weizhen suddenly cheered up: “We, go home together!”

“Lieutenant, Lieutenant.” The walkie-talkie came from the call of Colonel Roll.

Wang Weizhen took the walkie-talkie: “Colonel Rohr, please tell me what kind of enemy is in front of me.”

“Lieutenant, if the enemy did not adjust, it is the 19th Infantry of the British Welsh.” Colonel Rolle replied, and suddenly felt something: “Lieutenant, what do you want to do?”

“Colonel, please tell the general, since we can’t retreat, but I will take my companion – charge!”

The staff department was caught in a dead silence. Only the sound of Ernst Breem sounded:

“General, Colonel, I don’t know when the next contact will be, I don’t know if I can find Brittish’s phone and reconnect with you. But I have made a decision, my companion and I will The British 19th Infantry Regiment launched an offensive. For the honor of the soldiers, everything is for Germany!”

(Thanks to several readers for their opinions on the BUG in the book, some BUGs have been corrected, and some of them have been corrected immediately after verification, and the spiders sincerely thank you again.)

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