Unlimited Fraudster

Chapter 386: World Peace

"What's so funny about this? Can't you do it?" Emiya Kiritsugu had lost his calmness at the moment when his dream was only one step away. He couldn't imagine that if he couldn't do it, he...

"Well, there's nothing funny, or this is the original use of the Holy Grail. I'm just sighing that I have met the same wish after so many years." Feng Xue spread his hands, but Emiya Kiritsugu was stunned—


"That's right, originally, the Holy Grail was built by the three families to fulfill the wishes of the three, Einzbern wanted to complete the third method, Tohsaka wanted to touch the root, and Matou wanted world peace. Therefore, the Great Holy Grail of the Holy Grail is essentially the structure of the Grail of Heaven, and the action of sacrificing the heroic spirit to open the hole is to reach the root. As for the function of the last wishing machine, it is to achieve the dream named Maqiri Sorgen. The family's long-cherished wish to achieve world peace."

"So, it can be done?" Emiya Kiritsugu's spirit fluctuated violently, but Feng Xue still had a calm expression—

"Yes, of course, but well, the Holy Grail is quite arrogant. It will only be completed according to your wishes, so do you have a specific method to achieve world peace?"

"Uh..." Emiya Kiritsugu's joy was stuck in his throat for a moment, his face suddenly turned pale, he looked at Feng Xue with disbelief and said, "It is precisely because I couldn't find the right method that I only Can hope for a 'miracle'!"

"But you can't put things you don't know in your wishes!" Feng Xue spread her hands, "If I could, I would have made a wish long ago, okay? Of course, I have lived for five hundred years, so I am I also came up with a few ways, do you want to listen to it?"

"..." Emiya Kiritsugu didn't speak. He instinctively felt that the other party was teasing him. After all, he came up with a few methods, but they still haven't implemented them. Doesn't this in itself mean the failure of the method?

But he was still ready to listen, because, even if it was a failed method, there were still some lessons to be learned.

"It's actually very simple. The easiest way is to use this magic power to cover the entire planet, brainwash all human beings, break the wall of the heart, and let everyone's consciousness be linked at this moment, becoming a spiritual creature with two sides of Alaya. , regardless of each other, naturally there will be no wars and crimes, and naturally there will be peace."

Feng Xue spread out his hands, Kiritsugu was about to speak, but Feng Xue continued:

"But in this way, the possibility of human beings has also disappeared. Although Alaya is expected to be happy, I still gave up this plan."

"However, as this idea was dismissed, I had a second idea, which is deterrence. If brainwashing all human beings to make them one is to limit human beings to the past, then the desire is to master the present, just as the United States and Russia master Just as the nuclear bomb deterred the world, if you make a wish to become the king of the world, can you use absolute power to coerce the contemporary era and suppress all evils?"

"This doesn't work at all. Even if you are the strongest terror in the world, you are not omnipotent. Evil will continue to be born, and crisis will not die out..." Emiya Kiritsugu couldn't help interrupting, Feng Xue also ordered Nodding, "Yes, so based on this foundation, I found a third possibility - attribute the sin to one person."

"My idea is to let an individual as a sacrifice bear all the evil in this world, so as to completely strip the definition of evil from the human community. Since there is no evil, is there no more sin?"

"That's it!" Emiya Kiritsugu's eyes lit up, this is indeed a good method, much better than the previous two, if it can really strip the evil... Wait, why is this method not implemented ?

"Is it because there is no 'human pillar' that bears the evil of this world? If possible, let me bear it..." Emiya Kiritsugu said, but before he could finish, Feng Xue shook his head—

"I've implemented it, and it failed."

"Failed? Why? How?" Emiya Kiritsugu's straight spine softened, as if his ideals were collapsing. Could it be that the power of the Holy Grail is not enough?

"Well, it failed, because the idea of ​​attributing evil to one person is impractical. When one person carries the evil of six billion people, have you ever wondered what it will become?"

"..." Emiya Kiritsugu's expression finally stopped collapsing, but he immediately thought of what Feng Xue said "already tried", and couldn't help but be nervous: "What will it become?"

"It will become a horrible thing that will turn everything into evil... I hope your wishes will not be too dark... Uh, it's too late, remember, don't make any promises..." Before Feng Xue finished speaking, Kiritsugu's The body disappears.

It's not that the black mud still has consciousness, but this is a project planned by Feng Xue. Kiritsugu is involved in the fantasy that he created by imitating the original work. Everything develops according to the original script. Afterwards, the black mud that contained Feng Xue's will and Pandora's imprint raged in Fuyuki City, and then went back to the big hole under Yuanzang Mountain again along the ley lines.

And Feng Xue, just as a spirit body, kept going around with the black mud, and finally arrived at his destination, the two-kilometer magic circuit in Justisana.

"It's time!" Feng Xue liberated Pandora, the silver suitcase turned into endless tentacles and wandered freely in the spiritual veins under Yuanzang Mountain, Yustisa's magic circuit was assimilated in an instant, and the third The analysis of the materialization of the law and the soul also unfolded in an instant.

Feng Xue's process of receiving flesh was completely recorded. At this moment, it became excellent experimental data. While the materialization of the soul was unfolding, Pandora itself was also changing.

Then, Filo appeared. Under the washing of endless magic power and the materialization of the peculiar soul, Feng Xue, Filo, and Pandora started a long interaction, and the preparation for the final plan started...

In the hospital, Emiya Kiritsugu was standing beside the red-haired boy's bed, with anxiety and unease on his face, but at this moment, an indifferent, indifferent girl's voice that even made some hair burst out suddenly came to him. ringing in my ears-

"Excuse me, is it Mr. Emiya Kiritsugu?"

"..." Emiya Kiritsugu turned his head, and in front of him was a girl with white hair, and her expressionless face reminded him of the Irisviel he had seen for the first time.

"Is it Einzbern?" Kiritsugu thought so, but thinking of Illya, he still nodded, "It's me, you are..."

"There is one thing you need to receive. Well, the master said, this is the consolation prize of the Holy Grail War..."

"?" Emiya Kiritsugu took the postcard handed over by the other party, his eyes suddenly focused. On the front of the postcard, there was a photo—a photo of Irisviel lying on the hospital bed.

Although he knew that Irisviel was dead, Emiya Kiritsugu couldn't resist the hope in his heart. He couldn't wait to turn over the postcard, and the lines of words also caught his eye—

"Although it is impossible to make a big wish, it is still possible to separate a little pure magic power and resurrect a person. I hope you like this gift...by Maqiri Sorgen."

And below this sentence, there is also a line of small characters written—

"Remarks: Lifespan and physical functions have been adjusted to normal human beings, please use it with confidence."

Zhai Nan says

ps1: I was really unlucky when I wrote this chapter yesterday. UU reading www.uukanshu.com got up and found that I had a stiff neck, and the chapter exploded in the background, the code word black house exploded, and the worst thing was that it even exploded when I played games...

ps2: Tokiomi has never really despised insect magic. When Kariya released the insects, he planned to fight hard. The so-called shady tricks refer to taking a year to pay the price to gain power. But he doesn't hesitate to turn himself into such an ugly figure who wants the Holy Grail." To a magician, it doesn't matter if the tentacles of insects or anything else, the Tohsaka family library also has a magic book of gram type.

ps3: Tokiomi has no certainty of winning from the very beginning. It can be seen whether it is his farewell to Rin or his words and deeds. He only floated after he recruited Jin Jing. The dialogue between him and Kariya in the original book also showed his Thought—if I can't do it, there's Rin, and if Rin can't, there's Sakura, and they will inherit the sad wishes of my Tohsaka clan.

ps4: Regarding the magic engraving, anyone can really use it, otherwise you think the clock tower is peeled off for what it is. You can study it without transplanting it, but after transplanting it is equivalent to a few more plug-in magic circuits. Webber's talent is still used by Director Ken, Kiritsugu has never learned family magic at all, and he can still use it after getting a part of the engraving. Shirou even transplanted part of it after a little bit with Rin, and it was enough to open the infinite sword system. Magic power, in the whole type month, only Rin's transplant is not perfect and has a rejection reaction. It is likely to be the pot of the priest's transplant level. Of course, it may also be intentional. After all, the part of Rin transplanted to Shirou is not rejected.

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