Lu Feng tried again to redeem a sunflower seed.

The seeds were thrown into the ground, and they became real sunflowers in no time.

The petals are facing upwards.

"It turned out to be a holographic version. Not bad." Lu Feng started to speed up and felt comfortable to play.

Watching the zombies keep coming towards themselves, and under their control, those seeds are constantly launching attacks.

The refreshing feeling brought by shooting and pressure is very good.

In the process of playing, Lu Feng was thinking about a problem, that is, these virtual helmets were transported over.

Who is shipping?

Why is the driver's face blurred?

Is this panel a technology from the future?

After trying more than ten levels, Lu Feng felt very good and quit the game. After all, he came to create the game.

Experience is important.

Lu Feng called the staff over, and everyone put these helmets in front of each computer desk together. Then printed a bulletin board.

It says that this helmet can experience holographic plants vs zombies.

Also on this day, another game holographic game created by Goofy was completely opened and flooded in.

Many people worry that this will affect their business.

However, Lu Feng didn't care, and in the prestige panel, the Red Alert and the Dungeon Warriors chose the technology tree to upgrade.

Then, the words on the helmet not only wrote Plants vs. Zombies, but also two other games.

Helmet sharing.



Xu Qian is a game fan, except to work at work. Of course, for her, going to work is playing games live.

Although many games are not enough, it is still popular with her commentary and chat.

"There is an Internet cafe here, it seems to be a chain." Xu Qian glanced at it, and several of the houses around them seemed to be the same signboard.

LV Internet Cafe?

"Okay. Go in and see." Xu Qian wore a light-colored skirt and went into the cafe.

It was found that everyone was wearing a helmet, and his expression was like a story that blended multiple elements.

Laugh for a while, scream for a while, and keep moving.

Some people look like they're fighting.

And she found that the pattern of Internet cafes seemed a little different. There will be some distance beside a table.

"Boss, how much do you get on the plane?" Xu Qian was really strange.

Lu Feng was reading a book and looked up slightly: "5 star coins for an hour. The games are all holographic. You can experience."

Xu Qian was a little shocked. The holographic Internet cafe only cost 5 stars for an hour? Just kidding.

But these people did look strange.

Xu Qian asked: "Do you mind if I start a live broadcast?"

Lu Feng said, "It's up to you. The hologram should not be able to open a live broadcast."

"It's all right. Just drive." Xu Qian smiled.

Immediately after, she took out her mobile phone: "Hee hee. Today I came to a strange Internet cafe. Show you the people behind you."

Holding the mobile phone and looking back, a bunch of people jumped and danced.

The expression on the face is also very personal.

[Passerby 11254: Anchor, where is this? 】

"Just passing by today, LV Internet Cafe. On the Xinghai Road." Xu Qian exposed her white teeth.

[Wind Wolf: Are these people dancing, weird poses. Unlock new poses. Hehe. 】

[Martin: They wear helmets. 】

This netizen named Martin gave Xu Qian a reward of 1,000 stars. For Martin, money is just a bunch of numbers. He's more.

He just likes Xu Qian. However, Xu Qian didn't seem to mean that to him, it was just a friendship.

Xu Qian said, "Just pay for what you can do. Just be happy. Hee hee, I just asked the boss."

"The boss told me this is a holographic game."

[Wind Wolf: Hologram Game! ? Isn't it only for the Gao Group? I played that game, and the sense of substitution was okay, but it was unpleasant in many places. May not have broken the original game style. 】

[Black Blade: I heard my cousin say that it seemed to be an imitation of a dungeon made in the beginning. As a result, everything was deleted overnight. 】

[Black Blade: Then made a game temporarily. Because it is holographic, people who play it are OK. Presumably preparing to make a new one. 】

[Passer 7441: I also want to try it. Don't know what. 】

Xu Qianle kept the live broadcast aside.

Lu Feng's staff has changed from more than ten to nearly 30 people now.

Then Lu Feng also wanted to change the pattern, a holographic game, some people may be willing to show it to others. Some people don't want to. Therefore, we also need to design independent rooms.

This work is not built right away.

There is still some distance from the LV4 game creator.

Xu Qian also had a great time.

She chose the red alert.

Directed dozens of tanks personally, and hundreds of soldiers charged.

That feeling shocked her directly!

The phone was always on her side, looking at her.

Netizens saw Xu Qian's expression often changed, and laughed from time to time.

This time, it made more netizens feel itchy.

[Black Blade: I decided to come to this Internet cafe. 】

[Passer 7441: I am also here. 】

[Martin: Just count me. But I'm driving here. Do any of you take a ride? 】

Under the change of Xu Qian, the number of live broadcast platforms keeps skyrocketing.

Many people shouted to see silly white sweet anchor stupid.

When they knew it was a holographic game, everyone couldn't bear it.

I go!

There is such a powerful game ~ ~ It's time for the machine. "Lv Feng was reading a book, the automatic teller, and locked.

This software is bought.

Features are pretty good.

The 87th machine is the one played by Xu Qian. When the other base was demolished, the screen stopped.

The balance is insufficient. Please recharge.

"..." Xu Qian.

That's the reaction, and the game is still on. Looked for the save button and then exited.

"Boss, get me a membership card. Then I recharge 1000 star coins." Xu Qian swiped the card directly.

The live broadcast still brought her a lot of funds.

After recharging, Xu Qian played the game again.

After about an hour, many cars parked outside the city.

There are sports cars, Volkswagen, and Wuling.

"Boss, are there any empty machines?" A lot of people came.

Xu Qian is still playing beautifully, and she has no idea that her fans are coming.

The relationship between fans and themselves is actually more friends, occasionally chat and play around. Get together in private.

Conditional will reward. It doesn't matter if it's unconditional.

Everyone, friends.

Lu Feng glanced at the machine: "There are only 6 machines now. You look at the situation. Get on the machine yourself."

Everyone looked at each other.

One of the more handsome men said, "Boss, I pay 10 times an hour."

Lu Feng looked at him with a wealth of money: "It's not a question of money. A matter of principle."

"... Okay. Question of principle." The man was helpless.

Lv Feng took a look: "You line up. Otherwise, I can't arrange for you to get on some planes."

Everyone: "..."

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