The two came to the property management office.

Alas, knocking at the door.

"Come in."

A middle-aged man quietly reduced the screen of the landlord, and saw that it was not a leader's inspection, and started again.

"What's the matter?" The middle-aged man asked while fighting the landlord.

Liu Yan asked broadly: "I want to ask you about Miss Yang on the 6th building."

The middle-aged man snapped: "Who are you? We are not in a position to disclose the owner's personal information."

Jiang Yu turned and left, and Liu Yan followed and followed.

At this time, Jiang Yu said, "Let's do it. Let's ask other users, do you know if Miss Yang is suffering from some kind of mental illness?"

"Wait!" Said the middle-aged man.

"Don't say it, this thing has a bad impact on other users." The middle-aged man said.

Jiang Yu handed him a cigarette and usually smoked cigarettes on his own, but he gave it to others: "I know that everyone is working, and I don't mean to embarrass you."

"I just want to know the situation," Jiang Yu said.

Middle-aged lit a cigarette and put it in her mouth: "Ai, in fact, she is also a poor person. Her husband was very outstanding and very tall."

"But it was found to be cancer. So often hospitalized, the whole person is getting thinner."

"Hair and teeth are beginning to fall off. The handsomeness of the original was not felt at all. The woman was always by his side."

"In order not to make him sad, I bought him a wig and bought a lot of clothes. Often accompanied her husband."

"After all, time is something that can't be kept, and finally it's gone."

"She hasn't been back for a long time. I have only been back for a few months. When I came back, I also brought a plastic model."

"I just happened to see it that day. I always think that plastic model is a little familiar."

"Think carefully, isn't this what his husband looks like? I wonder if she misses so much, so be a plastic person."

"I met her once and asked her how she was, look at it."

"She actually told me that her husband was always with her. The soul got on the plastic man. It was good."

"I was taken aback at that time, and I heard this specifically in the evening."

"So I guess she may be mentally wrong, but didn't tell the outside world. In case someone else knows, maybe there will be some radical action at that time."

"I still remember that last year, there was a family and children who had to take the college entrance examination. As a result, they went directly to the hospital because they said it was too noisy next door."

"So don't speak up."

After the middle-aged man said this, he continued to operate the computer.

Click, click.

Liu Yan glanced at Jiangyu.

Jiang Yu nodded: "Thank you for your answer."

"Nothing, I'm just a part-time job." The property supervisor continued to look at the computer.

The two left the property office together.

"Boss, things have come to an end. The woman should have a mental problem." Liu Yan said.

Jiang Yu said absently, "Oh."

"You go back first. I still have something to do," Jiang Yu said.

Liu Yan gave a strange glance at the Jiang language: "Do you want to ..."

"If you are not afraid, you can come." Jiang Yu laughed.

Liu Yan quickly waved his hand: "No, I remember, there are still many things in the store, I have to go back to work."

"See you later." Liu Yan quickly left.

Jiang Yu shook his head helplessly: "This little guy."

Slightly looked at Miss Yang's building.



The evening, which was supposed to be silent, looked extraordinary with square dancing.

Although the property tried to communicate, it still couldn't resist the rhythm of the square dance.

In this square dance, some people are happy and some are sad.

Jiang Yu sat on a stone chair, smoking a cigarette, waiting for the crowd to clear.

The more people there are, the less certain things are afraid to approach.

As the saying goes, yin flourishes and yang fades, and the same yang flourishes and dies. So I was scared at night, so I could go with a few friends.

It's safe and not afraid of killing two birds with one stone.

The perimeter of the security guard is on duty tonight, and in most cases it is sufficient to just keep the gate.

"How are you here?" Zhou Changtian inadvertently saw Jiang Yu sitting and smoking.

Jiang Yu laughed: "Isn't this a solution for you?"

The security officer asked, "In fact, I've always been weird. Why are you 1000 poor and 1 million rich?"

"If the rich do bad things, can you help a million?" The security guard asked an essential question.

After all, Zhou Changtian wrote novels for a long time, knowing that in the novel, it is difficult to locate the novel in the novel.

If it is the enemy, then this is a good villain. If it is the protagonist, it is a poison point for some people.

So in general, Zhou Changtian would avoid this place to write.

Jiang Yu sat on the chair: "That's not actually the case. I once said that there are some things, even if you try your best. You can't keep it."

"When I am helping someone, I will look at the luck of my body. It's too bad. Naturally, it is bad news."

"But sometimes, some people are just small mistakes. They have families and children behind them."

"It is impossible to bury the entire family for a little problem. Let the children lose their parents and the wife lose her husband."

"No man is perfect, no gold is enough, and the saints also make mistakes ~ ~ not to mention all sentient beings."

The security guard felt that Jiang Yu was very special: "OK. You are a bit special. I don't understand it very well."

Jiang Yu said: "It's okay, Yin and Yang are divided into two paths, each with its own path."

"What are you doing tonight?" Said the security guard.

Jiang Yu threw the cigarette **** directly into the trash can: "Excessive."

"... Then you go on, as long as it's okay. I'm going to get busy first." Zhou Changtian needs to tour the neighborhood and return to the gate.

The crowd gradually dispersed.

No one was seen in the square.

Jiang Yu looked at the time and was almost zero.

Go to the building where Miss Yang is.

Hear the sound coming from the room.

"Husband, you have been with me, OK."

This sound is nothing to listen to during the day and creepy at night.

Dead corner on the monitor.

Jiang Yu took out a rune and waved it in the palm of his hand.

A dark shadow gradually came out.

It was a man with a transparent body, no hair, and a bald head.

"What do you want ...?" The man looked at Jiang Yu.

Jiang Yu said: "You should know, if she continues like this, she will go crazy."

"You didn't stay with her this way, but hurt her."

The man said, "Hahaha, she is mine and no one can take it away."

"We are born together and die together. I will stay with her until she dies," the man said.

Jiang Yu looked at him: "You are so selfish. Not many people in the world can see you."

"But if you continue to do this, she will only die sooner. I now advise you to go back as soon as possible, and I will surpass you."

"Otherwise, it's not overdoing, but letting you die!"

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