Ye Guoguo's pupils shrank, and she felt a strong sense of crisis. Quickly summon earthen elements to resist. But that rune seemed to have the breath of a dragon, and it leaped suddenly, and the moment it touched the earth element, it exploded!


Ye Guoguo was embarrassed, and quickly left without turning back.

"Not dead?" Chen Tianxiu frowned, and it seemed that Twenty Tier was not her strength. But she should have been hurt a lot. From the point of view, the companion in black should be a woman.

This kind of strength can certainly come into the mysterious area as a teacher-level person.

Chen Tianxiu does not intend to give up like this.

His clues were a teacher-injured person and a fourth-level Dou-spirited double-mind.

Just find this clue and maybe find someone.

Chen Tianxiu took out the compass again, and searched again, hoping to find something else ...


Li Hao has changed his clothes and put away the black suit. Converging towards the original college team.

"What about Ye Guoguo?" After waiting a long time, Li Hao still didn't see it.

Li Hao felt something was wrong, and logically shouldn't.

"Hey!" Mu slightly patted Li Hao's shoulder from behind.

Suddenly, Li Hao was startled: "It's scary, it's scary, know no. And don't you say you don't follow the team?"

"Yes." Mu slightly learned Li Hao's tone. "I didn't follow the team at the beginning, but there was no gain. So I changed my mind. By the way, you left the team before, why are you back now?"

Li Hao looked at Mu Weiwei: "Can't I go out and make it easier for me to come back later?"

"Shameless! Hum." Mu turned slightly and walked away.

Li Hao was speechless: "..."

"You want to be crooked. I mean I can go outside and look for the chance myself, and I will return to the team when I find nothing, is this a problem?"

Li Hao burst into tears.

Could it be easy for the words of my brother to be distorted?

Mu slightly turned and walked away slightly, then glanced at him again: "I will laugh at Miss Ben later. Hum."

"Right. Did you see Ye Guoguo?" Li Hao asked.

Mu shook her head slightly: "Ye Guoguo has left the team long ago and has not followed."

"Oh." Li Hao was slightly disappointed.

"Well. Love between teachers and students, this ..." Mu pouted slightly, an expression that wanted to enter into something.

"... Vulgar, muddy, and unbearable. Am I Li Hao like this? Are you thinking of some old driver things in your head?" Li Hao gave her an angry look.

"By the way, what did you gain with the team?" Li Hao asked.

"Look what this is." Mu slightly took out a glass bottle, the size of a laboratory dropper. It was filled with blue crystals of liquid.

"Fighting water?" Li Hao said.

Mu nodded slightly: "Yeah. Follow the team safely. Otherwise, die, what kind of cultivation. Just now we found a box of fighting spirit water, one bottle per person, leaving more to the college. Should be able to advance.

Thinking of this, Mu smiled slightly.

Dou Ling Shui can make the spirit of Dou Ling more pure, like fourth-level strength, and upgrading to fifth-level is almost easy.

You have to know that in general, levels 1 to 10 are Jinling University.

Levels 10 through 15 are sophomore levels.

Steps 15 to 20 are juniors.

The 20th to 25th grades belong to the senior year and the graduation season. At this time, excellent people will be recruited to join the temple. The rest can go outside to start a business or explore.

Most people are eager to join the temple in their senior year.

At least the meaning of life is completely different.

"You should get it from the teacher now," Mu reminded kindly.

Li Hao nodded, but there was a bad feeling in his heart.

Why hasn't this leaf fruit come yet?

Did something happen?

Maybe not.

With her strength, it's hard to hurt her presence here.


On a big dense tree.

Ye Guoguo was lying on a branch with his head against the trunk, his face paled.

She removed the black coat blasted by the alchemy rune, wiped the blood on her body, and changed her clothes.

"That guy is far more dangerous than the confession in the courtyard." Ye Guoguo shook his head, and now he was a little embarrassed, completely underestimating Chen Tianxiu's ability.

Even a teacher-like person like her was seriously injured, and you can imagine how powerful the rune was. Alchemists can make changes to their bodies while using alchemy's unique powers through arrays. Under normal circumstances, Chen Tianxiu is unlikely to hurt himself.

But the reality is completely unexpected.

"If I'm not mistaken, he should be the seed for the temple." Ye Guoguo leaned against the tree and tried to recover.

Because when Jinling College was a senior, some outstanding people would be recruited by the palace. At this time, the strength of most people is above level 25. There are some powerful family children who have their own halls.

It's just that they need to go to college for a period of transition.

These people are growing very fast, and the family will regularly provide a variety of natural treasures and a continuous stream of fighting water.

But on the way to growth, the family just made their starting point higher and temporarily surpassed everyone. It takes them to be truly powerful.

Anyway, as long as you graduate from Jinling successfully.

That's already a qualified Summoner.

"I need to recover my injury." Ye Guoguo was helpless. He took out a bottle of red liquid potion from his clothes and looked like a kind of red wine.

This is a red medicine made by an alchemist, which is expensive ~ ~ Red medicine can quickly recover from injuries. The faster the red medicine of different levels recovers, even the scars will not be seen. The effectiveness of this potion is greatly reduced in combat. But the ingredients needed for red medicine are relatively rare, and there are not many in the market.

There is also a blue medicine that can restore the magical power and the spirit of fighting spirits. It is also very low in the combat state.

There is no absolute strength in this world's profession, only relative strength.

Until the day they graduate, they will really know what the calling is.


Then Li Hao did not go out on purpose, but followed the big team. And the manager made several python attacks. It was just easy to be summoned and magically killed by the teacher.

Following the team's gains were not great, but occasionally they got fighting spirits. This mystery is quite surprising.

At this time, many people in the team were talking.

"When we came here, we heard that someone had obtained a cheat."

"What cheats?"

"I don't know, but I really envy them. The price of this cheat is too expensive, and you may not buy it if you want to buy it. Those greedy guys, as long as they have cheats, they will definitely go through the auction process. The highest price will be."

"If only you could buy cheats everywhere."

"You are dreaming big spring and autumn. Hahahaha."

"Say that. Believe it or not, I will definitely join the temple in the future."

"Just your strength? It's good to graduate successfully in Jinling."

"MMP. Don't you believe that I have this strength? Or is it not buddy!"

Li Hao could not help but shake his head, a little funny.

At this stage, the understanding of the summons is not deep enough, and the true power has not been tapped. I really don't know what height I will stand in the future.

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