Binghan chose a separate villa, and the decoration was ready-made. The surrounding area is all frozen and currently belongs to an uninhabited state. He will further expand this site.

It is very difficult to control the entire market, which is equivalent to a financial predator.

And if you want to control the market, it is clear that you are working against the officials of this parallel world. So what Binghan can do is to cooperate with this official. It's not enough to have that kind of wealth.

After finishing everything, Binghan placed an order online and bought a sports car. These things on the facade must be done. Because this will be your own base, and you will continue to expand from here.

Open the game cabin, Bing Han lay down.

When you lie down, the lid of the game compartment is slowly and automatically closed ...


【Ding! Player Binghan is online! 】

When Binghan was online, swordsman and Qiangwei were already online. One of the biggest differences between professional players and ordinary players is that ordinary players play this game at rest time. Fortunately, the time lapse of this game is not equal to reality.

So ordinary players can also play very happily.

As for professional players, it's completely different. They have a purpose in and of themselves, so they can see online almost all day. Of course, there is another kind of people, that is, players who are obsessed with and like this game world, usually such players are relatively rich.

Otherwise, who would dare to play the game after eating it?

You must have a living guarantee to play this game more smoothly.

At the moment they went online, the two sent messages over.

Love of Rose: "Icy cold, the Southern District has already searched almost. Six points are suspected of BOSS."

Swordman: "Han brother, I have also searched for A128 East. There are four points with BOSS, and there are already players robbing."

The two then sent the coordinates to Binghan.

At this time, Binghan was using an automatic vehicle in the game. The vehicle also carried him to the junction of the two places during this time.

According to Bing Han's knowledge, most of the North District belongs to Novice Village. The West District allows players to upgrade to level 35, and the East and South districts allow players to reach level 50.

When officially stepping into level 60, the game's scramble began.

Binghan is currently at level 35, but he has no worries about upgrading, as long as he kills the area master, he can rise in seconds.

Everyone else upgrades with one shot, one shot at a time.

For Binghan, it doesn't exist.

Instantly explode zombies and gain experience.

When I was about to enter the Eastern District, Binghan received the news.

【Ding! Player Swordsman invites you to join the "Ice League". 】

Bing Han click to confirm.

【Ding! Player "Swordsman" handed the leader's displacement to "Ice Cold", is it acceptable? 】

double confirm.

The entire ice league was three people.

Bing Han, swordsman, rose.

Today's ice league is really beginning to sprout!

But hardly anyone in the entire A128 area did not know the existence of ice cold, one could control the existence of zombies.

at the same time.

A new type of guild, under the banner of killing Frozen, began to converge players in various areas. They are determined not to let the ice cold disrupt the original balance of the entire game.

Behind this guild is the support of eight major guilds.

Named "The Rising Dragon!"

Also known as "the rising dynasty!"

Because the ID of the guild's chief player is the rising dynasty!

The most noticeable thing is that the members of this guild are all long-range occupations, and they are still decisive. One of the biggest pros and cons is the gunner.

Because the gunner is a profession that uses sniper rifles from a distance.

As long as there are people who have a solid gun practice in this reality, this holographic game will have an advantage in this regard.

Accurate aiming and bullet firing.

After learning that the emergence of the old, there was the emergence of the **** ’s guild president “Qi Sarah” who pushed his glasses, calculated some things accurately, and finally wrote 89.8652% on the table of the manor.

"Interesting." Kisala looked at the data slightly.

This game not only has the vehicle function, but also the manor function and the capture function. The manor function is well understood, and players can enjoy tea, reclining chairs, playing with furniture, planting land, etc. in holographic games.

Various meetings can also be held in the estate.

And the manor is very convenient. You only need to pay the gold coins, and you can enter your friend's manor to implement instant transmission. Of course, after leaving the manor, you will still return to the same place.

Combat status cannot enter the manor.

So it became a place for secret meetings.

As for the catch system, it is very similar to pets. It's just that this feature can only be turned on after the player transfers. So, after the transfer, the paradise of this game just started!


A128 Eastern District, the swordsman stood at the designated coordinates, waiting for the cold.

I saw Binghan walking slowly, his fingers waved slightly, and the ground cracked instantly. Climbed out of 33 zombies. These are Shadow Zombies, intelligent.

"Go." Binghan's purpose is clear, that is to completely kill the regional master.

According to the coordinates found by the swordsman, Binghan went to confirm one by one. Many players saw the ID of Frozen and walked around ~ ~ for fear of provoking this player who dare to confront the full service.

It's just a god!

No one is afraid!

"This is not." Bing Han shook his head.

As long as it is the master, there will be a special panel in Binghan's eyes to identify it.

Finally, at the third coordinate, confirm the dominant position. However, some players are attacking this boss. This zombie is like a horror car afraid of coming out, with obvious hang marks on his body, shoulders and wheels.

It's a bit like a zombie version of Transformers. It's two stories tall.

This zombie is also a skill type, but has no wisdom.

[Zombies Repel! 】

This huge zombie emits a light in his hand, and players within the radius are directly bombarded and their blood volume decreases sharply. However, the player's routine of playing the game is very obvious, that is, group attacks and taking medicine.

嗑 Red medicine is as good as eating seeds ...

That's called slip.

After the zombies repelled, the player was in a zombie poison state and kept detaining blood.

[Controlled and expelled! 】

It is obvious that these players have a puppet master, which is similar to the combination of the exorcist and the summoner. Both skills are available. But its combat effectiveness is very lacking. Basically belong to auxiliary class.

The puppets summoned before they were not transferred have low attack power and a small number. Most of them can only serve as shields.

"Mad, this boss is really hard to fight!"

"Not difficult to fight or BOSS?"

The man was persuaded and speechless.

Binghan's eyes mimic: "Let Yirang, this boss is mine!"

The next moment, Binghan led more than 30 shadow zombies and rushed straight up. At the same time, the swordsman stunned, and immediately followed him!

"Grab the boss?" There was a smile on the corner of Jian Xia's mouth.

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