The ginseng fruit in front of him is as thick as half a person, with lush branches and vigorous. The ginseng fruit on the tree is no different from the baby. The tree has a slight **** smell on it.

Although this taste was very light, he still noticed Wu Gong's keen sense of smell.

"This is the ginseng fruit?" Tang Monk pretended to ask the leopard essence.

The leopard essence held the locked iron chain and did not answer, with a proud look: "That is, you have no chance to eat this ginseng fruit. These fruits are a magical treasure."

"The landing disappears, and you need a special instrument to pick it up." Leopard essence is still cautious, even if Tang Seng is telling him, he only said a few words.

The leopard summoned several leopard demon: "You send them to the dungeon, together with the previous detention!"

"Yes!" Several leopard demon took the iron chain in the hands of leopard sperm and led Tang Seng and others into the cave.

The queen smiled, "Why are you so cautious."

"Don't be careless, if this thing is messed up, I'm afraid I will be punished by the owner. I won't be able to take it for a while." Leopard's fine eyes narrowed and watched this thick ginseng tree: "This is the sixth one."

The queen nodded and smiled charmingly: "It is indeed the sixth tree parameter."

And at this moment.

Tang Seng and Sun Wukong went into the cave together. The cave was black. If it wasn't for the torches placed on both sides, I'd be afraid to reach out without seeing five fingers. A leopard demon pulled on the road beside the cave, as if trying to get an organ.


next moment.

"Click." There was a sound.

A door really appeared in the rock in the cave, and Tang Seng looked at Sun Wukong in a profound way. It seems that Sun Wukong found something, and Tang Seng did not speak.

Tang Seng and Sun Wukong Pig Bajie and others were locked on an iron chain, and led by a leopard demon into the cave, and they were detained in the dungeon after seven turns and eight turns. If you are looking for directions by yourself, people who are unfamiliar may be afraid to delay for a long time.

Tang Seng secretly remembered the road.

"Let us ... go out." Several villagers shook with trembling hands holding the reinforced iron gates on the dungeon.

The leopard demon put Sun Wukong and Tang Seng together, and did not untie the iron chain. These iron chains and iron bars have been specially reinforced, and even ordinary people, even those who have done a good job, cannot easily break them.

After the leopard demon locked the crowd, he walked in the direction of going out, while guarding the entrance of the institution.

The dark dungeon, leaning against the torch, showed a faint flame, barely able to see the other party.

The moment they saw Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie, their faces were pale, and they took a few steps back, full of fear.

"Don't be afraid, you. They are apprentices to poor monks," Tang Seng explained.

Tang Seng looked at the dungeon. There were 23 people, most of them dressed like simple villagers. They also had reinforced iron chains tied to their hands. One of them was wealthy, wearing a cobblestone-like emerald gemstone, and wearing an emerald ring on his thumb.

He looked at Monk Tang: "Master, do your two apprentices have some skills?"

Tang Seng did not speak.

"Little Master, if you can save me out, I will be able to afford any amount of money. I am well-known locally, and there are many business firms operating there," said the rich man proudly.

Tang Seng gave a cold look: "Shut up."

The rich businessman was lingering and thought for a while: "Little Master. If it is trouble to save these people, you can save me first. I can build a big temple for you, the incense is strong."

Tang Seng took a deep breath and looked at him and said, "You can't do whatever you want with money. At least in the eyes of the poor monk. You better shut up, otherwise you won't be able to say if you can't save you."

As soon as the words fell, the wealthy businessmen were silent and did not dare to say a word.

The wealthy businessman shook his head in exchange for a lot of monks and priests. As long as he heard the money, his eyes would be brightened, but the monk in front of him looked down on himself.

Sun Wukong looked around, Zhu Bajie cursed, Bai Longma watched the changes.

"The poor monk wanted to ask, did you all get caught in this dense forest by mistake?" Tang Seng asked.

One villager said, "No. Only a few people here belong to this village, and others have been arrested from other villages."

"Yes. I'm from Li's village."

"I'm from Wangjia Village."


Several villagers said one after another.

When Tang Seng was thinking, it seemed to be different from the villagers who had just entered the dense forest. It seems that the jungle is hiding some secrets.

"The poor monk is not clear, what do these monsters do to catch you?" Tang Seng said with a double eye.

A villager said: "Little Master, we don't know. We just know that new people will be arrested every few days, and one person will be taken from the dungeon every other day. We don't know what exactly .But as long as I got out of this dungeon, I never came back. "

These villagers seemed worried, and the unknown fear was the most terrible thing.

As long as they are taken from the dungeon, there is no return.

Sun Wukong seemed to be thinking about something, and Tang Seng didn't interrupt.

Looking directly at the barrage: "Who knows about ginseng fruit."

Netizens in the live broadcast have launched their own means to tell what they know.

[I just looked at it, it ’s the twenty-fourth round of the journey to the west by Wu Chengen of the Ming Dynasty, slightly clouded ~ ~ Du Zifei ’s Wanshou Mountain Wuzhuang View has ginseng fruit, also known as Du Jie. Flowering, fruiting in three thousand years, ripening again in three thousand years, short head 10,000 years before eating.]

[For ten thousand years, only thirty fruits are produced, and the appearance of the fruits is similar to that of an unsatisfied child in the Three Dynasties, with all limbs and both features. If anyone has the fate to smell the fruit, he will live three hundred and sixty years old; if he eats one, he will live for four thousand and seven thousand years. "

【incredible. Upstairs, this is the elixir of life. 】

[But the style of Journey to the West is different now, it is hard to think of any connection between this ginseng fruit and the leopard sperm. 】

[Neither, you think. This live broadcast seems to be prompting, with some key points. We can distill into keywords. 】

[Ginseng fruit, treasure pot, fairy house, catch people. These four keywords may be able to find something. 】

[... Holmes upstairs, I was speechless. 】

Tang Seng pondered the relationship between them and looked at Sun Wukong: "Da Sheng, can we break away and strengthen this iron chain to leave?"

Sun Wukong said: "Wait a minute later. Old Sun is waiting for the people behind the scenes. When the time is right, you take them away! Old Sun will go to the meeting!"

Tang Seng nodded.

next moment.

Sun Wukong closed his eyes tightly, and Yuanshen turned into a mosquito and flew out of the dungeon.

"Take Old Sun to find out, you can wait here for a while." The mosquito transformed by Sun Wukong said quietly in the monk's ear.

Tang Seng said, "Go."

The pig Bajie still cursed, almost greeting all his ancestors.

How unpleasant it is, how unpleasant it is.

Tang Seng said to Bajie slightly, "You take a breath and prepare for the next battle ..."

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