Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 700: Twenty-nine. Ister River burning (5)

Da Da Da Da Da Da Da...

Dozens of general-purpose machine guns and 7 30mm rapid-fire guns pour bullets at the highest rate of fire, resembling the sound of a tearing machine. Any possibility for the target to escape.

I don’t know if I’m desperate about this situation, or if I don’t have enough time to react. A black-haired boy in black just stands in the center of thousands of bullet trajectories, and his bright red eyes stare indifferently, without any precautions.

In this case, it doesn’t make sense to wear a full set of personal protective equipment.

Even the best performance body armor, a few 7.92mm machine gun shells at a distance of less than 10 meters will fall dead, not to mention the 30mm tungsten alloy armor-piercing projectile and the more terrifying white phosphorus bomb. In front of these horrible bullets, body armor can not only play any protective effect, but will delay the time of death and let the victims bear more pain and terror.

Did he understand this and didn't move in order to find a peaceful relief?

The answer is no.

Survival instincts, suicidal intentions, walking lights before dying-these concepts are not related to him. Shen Jing is in the accelerated world of quantum nerves. The span of one femtosecond is stretched to be no different from one second. Various sensors, The perceptual ability is expanded and sharpened to the level of terror. In the scenery that is perceived throughout the day, the type of bullet, the vortex of the airflow rolled up by the warhead, the shape of the muzzle flame, the hot air wrapped around the shell, and even the engraved body The rift marks-all information is mastered without missing.

Then he made a move.

moment. Six silver fluids spread from behind, their tips turned into thinner blades than hair, and then danced.

Within a second, thousands of silver flashes bloom in the air, and the scene outlined by countless light arcs resembles a blooming silver flower, showing all its beauty in a second, disappearing instantly No trace.


Dances faster than bullets and sounds caused a hurricane called "Shock Wave". The thick armor left grooves like claw marks of fierce beasts. The enclosed space created by the main armor of the battleship trembles violently. After a few seconds, it gradually began. stable.

Disasters like earthquakes and typhoons have subsided. The aftertone of the machine gun is still ringing. The shell hit the ground and made a pleasant sound, and a strange sound sounded in the room.

Sha La La

Silver and yellow metal gravel fell from the air, and the scattered iron sand covered the white phosphorus bomb that landed first. If you carefully observe those bullets. You will find that each projectile has a pore as small as a pore. Its location happens to be where the fuze is.

Accurately recognize and control nano-machine worms. The flow and solidification are repeated continuously, making it an extremely sharp and sturdy blade, and low frequency vibration is used to destroy the molecular combination of armor-piercing and machine-gun shells. Turn it into iron sand, and at the same time accurately penetrate the white phosphorus bomb detonator mixed in it-this is Li Lin's "blade wings", even in the creation of his world, such a high level of operation technology is just a stay To the degree of "theoretically possible", Li Lin's ease of use at the moment has far exceeded the level of the original design concept.

Faced with this proud achievement, Li Lin's expression did not change at all, and he made a bland conclusion.

"It doesn't seem to be going backwards."

It is inevitable that if you have been fighting with your opponents who are not as good as you are, you will fall into the predicament of standing still or even going backwards. Li Lin, who is too powerful, is more likely to face this kind of problem than the average strong man. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out this exercise from time to time. Moreover, he didn't realize that he had done something that was not commendable. But it is correct to analyze the deviation caused by the incoming bullet type, trajectory, and mutual interference. Like the control of the whole body cell, it sends a pulse signal to the nano-mechanical worm and launches the active defense in the most optimized form. It is really another. It's usually not a warm-up exercise. Besides-

He slowly lifted his finger and pressed it against his left cheek, swiping a little bit like his left ear. After moving 4 or 5 cm, he stopped.

At this location, there was once a scar, which was a testament to the defeat.

In terms of battle results, he was the last winner of that battle. Without any tricks, he knocked the opponent down to the ground with absolute strength. But it is more perfect than it is now. The zero-mile explosion of a ten-million-ton nuclear bomb can't shake the defense. However, a body of humans has broken through, leaving scars on him-this is completely beyond his cognition, enough to be regarded as a failure .


No reason


Without the real sense of defeat and humiliation, the thinking circuit fell into chaos for a moment. Li Lin fell into the so-called "confusion" for the first time. He should be omnipotent and omnipotent, and he was not interested in everything. He "want to know" for the first time. Then, very naturally, he questioned the man he hit.


The man didn't tell him the answer. After leaving inexplicable words, he swallowed his last breath.

--You are pitiful.

The man about to die said so.

Pitiful? what is that?

If the subject is a human being, due to poor living conditions or psychological and psychological problems, others give sympathy and compassion. In this situation, the attitude of "poor" was established.

After all, one day everything is over-the assigned mission is completed, and there is no time for things that have to be done. Mankind can find new goals and missions.

Li Lin is not human.

In order to move briskly, there were cars and trains; in order to cross the distance between the ocean and the sky, there were ships and planes; in order to record what happened, there were books. In order to accommodate anything, there is a container.

and so--

For the sake of war, we had weapons.

The whole meaning of weaponry is to be devoted to fighting, or to be eliminated before it is formed, to usher in destruction, or to lose the object of war and usher in madness and abandonment.

For Li Lin, the so-called "story that can survive without a mission", "the story after completing the mission". From the beginning, it ceased to exist.

Until the destruction, dedicate everything to the completion of the mission, promote the plan accurately and perfectly, and eliminate the obstacles-this is the full meaning of Li Lin as a weapon, as a "walker of the will", and "beyond the species" . In this regard, there is no doubt or irrationality, and there is no room for doubt and pity.

In summary, the illogical concept of "poor" can never be the key to solving the mystery.

Then. What exactly is it. Can promote a human being to surpass the absolute gap of strength and technology to achieve that degree-

The red light at the end of the training lights up, and after a ring of electric bells, the voice of the officer on duty in the communication room comes out of the loudspeaker

"Your Excellency. It's 13:54 pm. Your next agenda is to go to the command post. Listen to the progress report."


After glancing at the record scattered on the ground, Li Lin strode out of the dedicated gym, and the scattered bullets were left behind with the idea of ​​"Roland can do this earlier".

After 6 minutes. The supreme consul of Alfheim appeared on time at the throne of the underground command post, and Brenhill, who stood on his side, told the results of the Versailles court meeting and the status of the crown.

"...Titans's troops have entered the state of preparation. Since they have already made preparations, they may have been promoted earlier than expected. On the other hand, the army seems to have given Hanau instructions privately, and he is accelerating towards Buda City. Advance."

"The Wang family army guys really didn't eat hard enough."

Li Lin shrugged, watching the playful move, and the corners of Brunnhill's mouth slightly curled up.

In the absence of Wang Ming, he entered the territories without authorization to carry out military management. Although it was Prince Wang who proposed the plan and emphasized the suddenness and concealment, the specific implementation was the Army after all. It is difficult to say that they did not use this method to color the same "alone" and "running" Titans. idea. At this moment, let Hanau accelerate into the Buda city. I am afraid that it is also the idea of ​​suppressing the riots before the Titans and cutting the face of the competitors.

This kind of competition between military services sometimes looks pretty cute.

However, in the current situation, if you continue to be brave like a child, you will only ask for bitter taste.

"Let's not mention Titans. Just hearing Henau's march into Buda City, the situation of Crown Crown will change dramatically."

As of now, except for the part of the local army that Wang Guanling led to the insurgents from the beginning, the vast majority of soldiers sympathized with the insurgents, but few people directly participated in the battle. After all, the soldiers in military uniforms and the leader's pay turned their guns against the government and It's not easy. But General Hainau... The news that this brutal and vain, hated by the entire crown is about to come to Buda City will become a catalyst. The original political struggle against the reign of Prince Wang and the Governor’s House of Zhuozhen is likely to develop into The independence war against foreign interference, which is what the insurgents hope.

"'Defense Wall of Wrong Thoughts', Collectivization of Agriculture, Forced Industrialization, Land Mergers, Grain Requisition... Every tyranny involves Hanau, and many of them are still rushed by the generals to do it on the front line. To say that Hanau is a concrete symbol of the crown prince’s brutal rule. The people in the crown and crown, whose interests and dignity have been seriously violated, will never be silent against him.”

Li Lin took the teacup and said casually.

No one will be silent about the violation of interests, even if they succumb temporarily under the deterrent force of the other party, this will not change again. Although many people do not intend to fight for the "national independence" that they have never heard of, in the face of the counterattack of Hanau, everyone is still willing to take up arms.

Therefore, the success of the imperialist war was transformed into a national independence movement, and the nature of the war began to change completely.


"Come in."

The communications officer came in, leaned on the leg, saluted, handed the sealed document bag to Brunn Hill, and retreated after saluting.

"this is……"

After the door was closed, Brenhill opened the file bag and read two or three lines, and her expression became strange.

"Viscount Kosut Layos issued the "Declaration of Independence" in the Debrecen Cathedral, announcing the establishment of the Republic of St. Esteban!"

The content of the "Declaration of Independence" is quite lengthy, and its core content is the declaration that the crown of Saint Eastman is a free, autonomous and independent human state. Announced in the name of all Magyar. In view of the crimes committed by the Bourbon family in the "disastrous centuries"-"Betrayal of righteousness, trampling on the dignity and rights of the crown collar", "immediately abolished his throne and expelled the crown of Saint Eastman from the crown. Be exiled". Under the guidance of the Almighty Goddess, the Crown Crown will become an independent and free republic...

The "Declaration of Independence" was unanimously adopted by the participants present. Kosut was elected as the head of state-the Grand Commander, and the Republic of St. Esteban was born.

"A bunch of fools."

Putting down the report, Lieutenant-General Lieutenant commented mercilessly.

The dethroning Bourbon family apparently brought joy to the people in the crown. Everyone was immersed in Xi Da Pu Ben and could not extricate themselves, but from the current international form, this behavior is tantamount to formal suicide.

Republicanism is nothing new. At the beginning of the old Kingdom of Gilmania, the Republic was the finalist of the Senate. It took two centuries of over-development before transforming into a dual system with equal emphasis on royal power and senate. After experiencing total disappointment with the politics of the royal power, the nobles' practice of noble republicanism is a historical trend, and it can even be said to be a progress.

It's just that the step is too big and not only will pull the egg. It's going to die.

What is the current social mainstream? Great unification, monarchical centralization, nationalism, and power politics are gaining momentum. Archbishops such as Bishop Li and Walsingham sharpened the butcher knife every day. Just wait for the nobleman to jump out and die. Although the traditional religious forces are weakened, the energy is still great. Do you engage in republicanism at this time? It is clearly the rhythm of jumping out and claiming to be a heresy and wanting to be beaten by the group.

No country will recognize this "St. Esteban Republic". On the contrary, all countries are secretly supporting Charlemagne to get rid of this group of rebellions.

"Castilla has issued a statement saying that the word "Republic is a crazy word that only the cursed heretics will hang on the mouth", "A country without monarchy cannot be imagined, it is almost heartbroken"; Queen Elizabeth His Majesty demanded the cessation of violence, and the parties sat down to negotiate; Lapland’s announcement was purely soy sauce, emphasizing the words “giving priority to the jihadist cause” and “sincere solidarity”, but at the end also expressed opposition to the emergence of the Republic . As for Pope Yan, just issued a circumstance..."

Putting down a large stack of announcements, Brenhill read the words on the last piece of paper.

"Yi Xia said, "Republicanism is inherently wrong... No one who lives under the only pure belief civilization should understand this matter from any angle, and they should not extend a helping hand to those who promote heresy."

"Everyone is so united."

"Yes, they have always been very united."

Brenhill said with more than just a mockery.

Humans have always been very united, and they are very united in dealing with things such as different races, heretics, and heretics. This elf has long been taught.

What is wrong and untimely is just an excuse, or a bit of detail. What really makes everyone unacceptable is the terrifying term "revolutionary output".

For a long time, the mainstream consciousness of mankind has been filled with rich voter thoughts and savior complexes. The human supremacy and traditional religious fanaticism born from them have prompted them to fight against the Principality for many centuries, and they have never been tired of it. It is precisely because of this superiority consciousness rooted in the hearts of the vast majority of humankind that the church and the kings have successfully constructed a complete set of national operating systems, assisted with a certain degree of military deterrence, and made the people obedient.

This is true in all countries, and it is worse to live under the barbaric rule of orcs. With this cognitive idea, people will naturally tolerate dissatisfaction in life. After all, they have no other choice.

The emergence of republicanism will undoubtedly break the backwaters of the current ideological field. Although the essence of the aristocratic republic is still elite politics, it is, after all, the world’s first violent revolution that shouted “Kings get out!” For those people who have been heated up by many problems such as the empty state treasury, royal luxury, bureaucracy, monopoly chaebols, the gap between rich and poor, and repression of speech, the "violent revolution" seems to be a fashionable, passionate, and able to solve Choice of various social issues. As for the life of the revolutionist-the rich royal family, nobles, chaebols, churches are obviously good targets...

Democracy killed the whole family. No matter in which world it is the last word.

In order to save their lives and wealth, and many things that can not be let go, the gangsters, who are in conflict, come together and are about to impose sanctions on those anti-bones who try to challenge the international order.

Yalfheim is also one of them, but its situation is a little special: no one knows its existence, and he also plays "the exploitation of the evil capitalist who oppresses the vast number of working people" and "underground inside the imperialist camp The corresponding roles of "workers" and "brows with big eyes and traitors who break into the revolutionary ranks", the correspondence of the pointed ear elves are naturally quite delicate.

"Notify the Public Relations Department ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ to let them draft a statement, based on the model b06799, and the general content is to support mainstream opinions. Pay attention to the wording, not more radical than the official opinions of various countries, but do not understate it. They take control of themselves."


"Hurry up to Titans and let them speed up their actions, even if some of them are too late to transport. It will be okay when we reach the border, we will prepare the relevant supplies."


The answer was a little hesitant, and soon Brenhill forgot the little money that had to be used.

"The comrades in revolution who gave us the last batch of arms, we will temporarily stop liaison on the grounds of enhanced border control."

With overlapping hands covering the bridge of the nose, Li Lin said casually:

"Now, let's sit in the auditorium and enjoy the performance of the actors quietly. I hope you won't waste such good materials." (To be continued...)

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