Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 663: 16. In the name of God (8)

"Relax, Lieutenant."

Schulenburg pointed to the silver tea set on the coffee table and served refreshments, and smiled at Parsifal.

"Look, I really just invited you to drink tea."

Parsifal couldn't relax at all. When he heard the word "drinking tea," he couldn't help shaking.

Schulenburg looks polite and shows good family and personal qualities in his hands. On the surface, he seems to be an ordinary department manager. He seems to be unconnected with some powerful institutions, but he does indeed work for Stasi. And the rank of lieutenant colonel.

A Lieutenant Colonel Stasi invites you to drink tea, which is by no means a good thing, which often means terrible things such as internal censorship, torture, human evaporation, and hard labor camps. Similar vocabulary words include "check water meter", "send express", "community warmth"-as long as it is linked to Stasi, ordinary things can also become very scary.

Trying to maintain the calmness and restraint that soldiers deserve, so as not to let panic show from his face, Parsifal slowly sat down, with only a third of his buttocks sitting on the chair.

Schulenburg shrugged and smiled secretly.

This young man must be troubled by his Dairy Maid, although he himself repeatedly stated that he was a virgin, and his chief and accompanying men also confirmed this. But including himself, everyone thinks that he was called to drink tea to investigate whether he violated the Race Marriage Law. For this reason, he also submitted a collectively signed Chen love letter to prove that Lieutenant Parsifal did not violate the sacred law. Behaving vulgarly and vulgarly...

Really a group of cute guys.

In fact, with the war, there are signs of expansion and long-term. In order to monitor the movements of various countries and process massive amounts of intelligence information, Stasi has been busy dying for a long time, and has no extra energy to monitor the private life of subordinate officers. As long as this is figured out, naturally there is no worry about the trouble of Stasi coming to Parsifal.

Ignorance is really troublesome.

Silently speaking, Schulenburg corrected his posture and put on a formal tone and said:

"Before the official start, please allow me to congratulate you. According to the order of the General Staff, you have been promoted. Congratulations. Captain Parsifal."

After talking, Schulenburg stood up and extended his right hand.

Parsifal was still sitting, and the freshly released Captain of the Defense Force was overwhelmed by the sudden promotion. I don't know what to do. Until 5 minutes later. He realized that Schulenburg was still waiting to shake his hand.

"I'm sorry, Lieutenant Colonel."

In the moment of recovery, Parsifal jumped up like a spring. Two hands clasped together.

Sitting down again, panic and doubt still haunt Parsifal.

Promotion is a good thing. Every soldier is eager to increase the stars on his shoulders, especially for the logistics department. Because they have fewer chances to get medals than combat troops, accumulating performance to promote the rank has become the most realistic means. But even so, it is still not an easy task to get promoted. In peacetime, it takes at least a few years to climb from lieutenant to captain. Parsifal's promotion rate is already out of date.

But the question is, why was the promotion order of the Defence Force passed on by a Lieutenant Colonel Stasi? It was also a direct order from the General Staff.

This is not unusual, and even makes people wonder if there is any conspiracy.

The conspiracy does exist, but it is not directed against a lieutenant.

"Captain, I believe you also know the truth that'power is always accompanied by responsibility'."

"Yes, sir."

"I won't say anything more about education and encouragement here, just go to the topic. Captain, from today on, you will be responsible for the logistics of the Riga fortress."

There was another thunderstorm, and Parsifal opened his mouth, unable to say a word.

Although the promotion order was unexpected, it still brought a little surprise, but let a little captain be responsible for the logistics of tens of thousands of bears... This joke is too big!

As we all know, the ability to deliver materials and personnel to the frontline troops in a timely manner is a benchmark for logistics and an important factor in determining the outcome of war. The most important key is the highly efficient railway system. In the "Seven-Day War", the Defense Force relied on such a railway network to provide support for the mechanized force's hurricane, and ultimately contributed to the realization of the established strategic goals.

However, during this process, the railway network exposed many problems. In the early stage of the war, it even affected the progress of the war and almost made the entire operation bankrupt. Later, when summing up the experience and lessons, this point was also emphasized.

Since even Alfheim, which has the world’s first railway network and has accumulated a lot of experience and prior planning, will encounter unexpected troubles in the military application of railways, the trouble will escalate when it is replaced by the Principality to do the same thing Into a nightmare.

Parsifal understands this well. After taking on several missions to deliver materials to Riga, he came to a conclusion that represented the voice of the technical bureaucrats of Alfheim-the response of the Principality’s logistics system and infrastructure to the needs of war was everything. The source of bureaucrats' nightmares.

First, due to a long-term inattentive attitude towards railways, the country’s overly vast reality, the private interests of local bureaucrats and nobles, and the necessary vigilance for foreign companies. Railway construction in the Principality has always been in a very backward state. The entire country has not formed a interconnected railway network, but a large section of broken single-track railway. Double-track railway bridges are rarely seen. Most of them are two railway bridges coming and going, and the distance between the two bridges is usually hundreds of kilometers. Ruler away. What is even more fatal is that apart from the part in the hands of v.e, the Principality simply does not have a special agency to dispatch and coordinate. Just according to the traditional method, using animal power transport for relay transport, it is conceivable to what extent the transport capacity is low.

Under such circumstances, the Principality simply cannot formulate a comprehensive, detailed, and long-term transportation plan. Everything is decided by taking things for granted and patting the head. As a result, they overestimated the number of wartime train counterparts and almost stopped the transportation of every commercial railway in their hands. Then we organized 50 cars into a military train, and civilian trucks could already make up to 100 cars. During the transportation process, in order to keep the "mobility speed consistent", all trains were ordered to travel only at the speed of the worst train. In addition, a large amount of locomotive antifreeze was stolen and drunk by soldiers, and long-term lack of maintenance caused many locomotives to be in poor condition. As a result, the speed of the public train is slower than that of bicycles...

If you think this is the whole of a nightmare, you are wrong. The provision of food and drink to the mobilizing army also reflects the complex bureaucratic thinking of the Ross United. Both the military ranks and the Behemoth Pack Caravan will stop for meals every six hours. Although the company added cooking compartments for each train. In addition, there are outdoor kitchen utensils with the car, but there are too few cooking facilities in the train station, and they are far away from each other, making it difficult to meet the demand. The troops marched hungry all day. Then, in the middle of the night, two meals were served continuously. At the Viziama station. This confusion reached its peak: the local train station leader's spirit completely collapsed. Reversing the order of all the starting signals, delayed more than a dozen troops for 12 hours, then ran into the toilet and hanged himself.

After the master of the station hung up. After high-level coordination between the two sides, they served temporarily as station masters, and it was none other than dispatching the military trains. It was the only person on the scene who had experience in railway dispatching, Parsifal. After a week of possible mental breakdown at any time, railway transportation began to get on track, and he was relieved.

"People who haven't experienced that kind of chaos personally can't believe that I never shot anyone. In those days, every day I thought about pulling the bureaucratic **** of the Principality under the wall and shooting them."

"I believe."

Seeing Parsifal's self-deprecating wry smile, Schulenburg nodded.

The chaos of the railway system is just a microcosm of the entire Principality's logistics system. No matter the front or the rear, the careless atmosphere of the Principality is everywhere, and everything is full of chaos.

The rear was busy with the court struggle, and the forces of all parties were inseparable, and it inevitably affected the front line and logistics. The generals on the front line were busy coping with all kinds of guns and arrows, while doing their best to strengthen the defense system, pay close attention to training soldiers, as much as possible to increase the level of supplementary soldiers, and restore the combat effectiveness of the troops to pre-war levels. However, the effect is not very good. From the report, those young people who are used to dung forks still have many unclear differences between rifle guns and rifled guns. They often install the wrong bullets and damage the firearms.

If the Principality is still so chaotic when the human army comes, it may be difficult to protect their fragile defense. To this end, in addition to increasing the intensity of arms leasing, v.e also needs to provide assistance to the Principality from other aspects.

Of course, the premise of such assistance is that it cannot adversely affect Yalfheim itself, such as providing machine tools, machine tools, and punches. These things are not useful in the short term, and they will threaten Yalfheim in the long run. , So these things are not on the list of aids and sales.

Instead, v.e provides outsourcing management services for railways and agriculture in the Principality, and provides a certain degree of material and personnel assistance.


"Yes, you can understand it as a lease of human resources. The company provides professionals to manage all aspects of the Principality and improve work efficiency. The salary of dispatched employees is paid by the Principality. If they feel dissatisfied, they can complain or cancel the contract. However, I don’t think they will have any opinion on the dispatch personnel who have only one-third of the salary and three or four times the work efficiency of the bureaucrats."

This is indeed very attractive, but it seems to have little effect on the trend of the war.

"Save, Captain."

Schulenburg laughed and explained:

"The Principality lacks gold coins and efficiency, but it does not lack human resources. Outsourcing some inefficient departments to us can save a lot of gold coins to buy and lease weapons, and also save a lot of godly gray animals to use these weapons on the battlefield. ."

The United Principality of Ross is backward in all aspects, regardless of industry and agriculture. Despite sitting on the fertile Kiev Plain, the average wheat yield per hectare is only a pitiful 1.4 tons. If v.e sends experts to manage, measure the soil, make plans based on the number of frost and sunny days and market demand, and allow farmers to cultivate reasonably, it is roughly estimated that the wheat output per hectare can be increased to 6.4 tons. At the same time, this largely saves the manpower of the Principality. According to Schulenburg’s own estimates, once the ve company takes over the management of agricultural production, for every ton of wheat produced, the Principality can from the farms, slaughterhouses, transportation systems and other relevant departments every year. 2 to 3 people will be transferred into production positions to become soldiers.

The same is true in industry. Although v.e will not provide manufacturing equipment, it can provide outsourcing services for the transportation and maintenance of weapons. This greatly reduces the scrap rate of weapons, shortens the time for weapons repairs, and trains a group of professional maintenance personnel for the Principality.

Privately, Schulenburg also revealed to Stolypin: The company can also send lecturers to provide professional training for subordinate officials and conduct internships under the guidance of outsourced personnel. As a result, the Principality can reduce its dependence on outsourcing in the future and obtain a group of professional bureaucrats of relatively good quality after the war. This is undoubtedly very attractive in the long run. Of course, the money for sending lecturers to teach the class is still from the Principality...

As of now, there is no specific data on how much human resources this outsourcing plan can save for the Principality. It is initially estimated that at least 50,000 young people can be squeezed out, which is enough to smooth the strength comparison on the battlefield.

It’s cheap, practical, and effective. It can cultivate a batch of talents. More importantly, the dominance is still in the hands of the Principality. With these advantages, the alternative of “talent outsourcing” has successfully attracted the discerning customer Stolypin. And introduce it to the elder Witt. It is said that the response was good in the Presbyterian Church. Although there were some opposing noises, in the face of the company's fierce silver bullet offensive, most of the noises would soon disappear.

There is only one problem left. The company must show the effectiveness of outsourcing through a platform, so that the last point of doubt is completely shut down~www.wuxiaspot.com~ And Parsifal, this one used only a week The young man who manages a chaotic train station as a model station is just one of the best public relations targets.


Lieutenant Colonel Schulenburg put off a frivolous smile, patted Pasifal's shoulder, and said in a very formal, political commissary tone:

"This is the organization's trust in you and a test for you. The motherland, the people, and the army are all watching you, and Stasi will fully support your work. I believe you will not insult your mission and add new to your resume. Meritorious service."

An encouragement is also a warning. Clearly declare that Parsifal did not have the power to reject this appointment, and there is no room for failure, otherwise he will usher in a very unfortunate ending.

It's not just about leaving a few bad comments on your resume...

Looking at Schulenburg, who smiled like a jackal, Parsifal's lips moved, and it took a while before he could squeeze out an expression that could not tell whether he was crying or laughing. (To be continued...)

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