Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 653: 15. Preface (14)

"True warriors should move forward bravely by the enemy's bullets and bayonets. Only cowards hide in the trenches."

Before the war, Major General Parkinson so commented on the defense system of the public and Riga fortress, and the officers also agreed.

Gong’s failure to intercept when he landed on the beach has proved the incompetence of this army, and the behavior of the bears at this moment represents how cowardly they are,

Through the immense power of the Seven-Day War, the set of things instilled by ve company consultants has already taken root in their heads, and everyone has become a loyal supporter of infantry line tactics, and new military forces in various countries are day after day. The training infantry queue emphasizes discipline and courage.

Through this "progress", the teams are now filled with lunatics who admire the "man's romance" such as "queuing to shoot". When they see a group of cowards shrinking in the trenches, they certainly will not doubt their victory. In the first attack, more than 2,000 people were invested, turning the tentative attack into a real strong attack.

"These country folks are so stupid that it will make us win no glory."

Looking at the battlefield through the telescope, Major General Lambert shook his head and sighed. The officers laughed together, and there was a little jealousy in their eyes-the two battalions in the front were Major Lambert. With the overwhelming momentum approaching the enemy's first trench, it will soon break through and become the first force to rush into the Riga fortress. Such good luck cannot make people calm.

Even after being volleyed by the opponent, this mentality has not changed much. Even though the Albion army maintains a dense formation, the hit rate of the rifle of the smoothbore brought only a few troubles and would not have any impact on the final victory.

"go ahead!"

The commander in the front row waved his command knife, and then a bullet got into his head.

For a trained young hunter, picking a guy like an officer from a group of lobster soldiers is as easy as a palm, not to mention that he is still standing in the first row.

"go ahead!"

The officers on top encountered the same fate, followed by the third and fourth...

Until now, no one in the Albion has realized that someone is deliberately shooting an officer. The soldiers had an ominous hunch. However, under the urging of military music, it still maintained a perfect formation-oriented assault, and the rear did not know that the attacking force had lost many officers successively, but only satisfactorily appreciated the very visual scene in front of him.

Just before and after this kind of disconnection. In the delicate moments when the troops continue to advance by inertia. The mine exploded.

The soldier Zaitsev, who had just knocked down the fourth target, lowered his muzzle. Looking at the minefield, most of the soldiers of the two armies are also, and everyone's attention is drawn to what is happening.

No one has ever seen that. A **** landscape never imagined.

Without warning, the explosion started in twos and threes, and each explosion was not powerful, but after the fire, a soldier must have fallen. Those people did not die on the spot, but this does not mean luck. They were rolling around in the mud with their rotted feet or calves, and they were crying piercingly, and more and more. Even soldiers who have undergone rigorous training can't help but feel horrified after hearing so many screams.

Zaitsev and his companions were pale, and the initial excitement had been replaced by fear. Although that was the retribution the enemy deserved and their achievements, fear was now the only thing in the minds of many male soldiers.

A weapon designed to make a crippled weapon. You can literally feel the designer's thick malice and the dark ideas behind it. Seeing the consequences of the actual use of this weapon, no one is afraid of the gadgets like metal cans. Even though it is constantly causing losses to the enemy at this moment, no one can guarantee that one day in the future, he will face this dangerous weapon.

"Mother, I don't want to meet this thing."

Many soldiers shuddered and drew a cross across their chests quickly.

This is the common idea of ​​the soldiers, and it was at this moment that the explosion concerto of mines officially entered.

When the Albians stepped on anti-infantry mines, it meant that they had entered the core area of ​​the minefield. Before that, they had already stepped on more dangerous mines. Under the action of the delayed fuze, those mines did not erupt immediately. . And now, it is their turn to show power.

The first to explode is the anti-personnel anti-personnel mines that imitate the "broad sword" type. In addition to the part that is used for frontal confrontation, there are many such tile-shaped gadgets that are modeled after downplay and side shot vitality points. Align the raised side with the back and sides of enemy forces entering the minefield. When the queue of the Albion people stagnated and started to burst, the flying steel **** instantly created a large bright red fog. Before the corpse, which turned into a colander, fell down, the s-type mine jump was added again. According to the height of the Albion, the "jumping Betty" were shot by gunpowder into the air 1.2 meters above the ground, and then the explosives in the small cans detonated Hundreds of steel **** flew out and got into the human body...

"God, who came up with this **** thing?"

An officer muttered, his legs hidden in the hem of the military coat tightly clamped together. Around him, many colleagues and subordinates are also doing this action. The same is true of the Albion army that has not been put into battle.

It’s normal. As a man, after seeing so many chrysanthemums that are dying under the all-metal storm, broken eggs, and those guys who cover their **** lower body and have extremely distorted expressions, anyone will have that kind of subconsciousness. Actions.

The following actions are also very similar.


A captain of the New Army of the Principality brandished a pistol and kicked hard at the **** of the nearest soldier.

"You **** idiots, what are you doing, killing all hairless monkeys!!"

At the same time, Major General Lambert was roaring at the artillery.

"Come on! Get all the shells out! Boom the long-haired hybrid into pieces!"

In order to emphasize the severity of the matter, he also added a sentence.

"Otherwise the soldiers will die out!!!"

The vigorous shooting started again, in order to fight for the infantry trapped in the minefield, and to cover up the tragic wailing, the exchange of fire became unprecedentedly fierce. The sound of thousands of rifles exchanging bullets resounded through the battlefield, and then artillery was added.

First, Albion covered the artillery retreat from the two battalions, and then the public fortress cannon that remained silent. Up to this point, Albion talents have found out how far they deviate from their opponent's strength.

"They have at least 50 heavy artillery!"

Brigadier General Samuel Gibbs said sadly that the voice had just fallen and a whole bunch of grapes swept across the battlefield. Thanks to the dual advantages of artillery caliber and high artillery position, the public artillery can easily cover the battlefield, but Al The Bian army’s light artillery did not pose a threat to the turret, and the one-sided artillery battle was completely reversed at the moment.

Almost no one noticed that in the chaotic crossfire, there were some sounds that were clearly different from the muskets of the warring parties. When that unique sound sounded, officers and heralds fell down. The troops that lost the commander were unable to move under the fire of heavy fire and landmines. Some were counterattacking, some were retreating with the wounded, and more people wandered around like headless flies. After 15 minutes of baptism in the barrage, the red human wall became thinner and thinner. Soon, the human wall disappeared and the land was stained red.

The Principality soldiers who were blinded by smoke and adrenaline continued to fire, not because they liked fighting, or because of their inexhaustible bullets, but the soldiers felt that it would make those terrible sounds disappear.

In the end, the gunshots disappeared in the screams of the officers, and more than 2,000 Albians were left there~www.wuxiaspot.com~ None of them could escape.

The smile receded from the faces of Albion’s generals, replaced by dead, silly silence. Major General Parkinson glanced at the battlefield with an almost cold, determined gaze, his hands hidden in his sleeves trembling gently.


The major general's eyes shone coldly, and the officer who was caught by that gaze shuddered involuntarily.

"Prepare for the second attack, this time we put in 4 battalions."

Since 2 battalions are not enough, then invest 4 battalions, if 4 battalions are not enough, then invest 8 or more, if the soldiers here are exhausted, then contact the locals and let them send more soldiers ...Regardless of the price paid, for Major Parkinson, the only thing that makes sense is the result.

"I want that stronghold."

The icy voice sizzled, and cold sweat flowed from the heads of every officer present. To be continued. .

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