Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 650: Fifteen. Preface (11)

"You don't know?"

Roland put down his coffee cup and stared closely at his childhood friend, trying to find a trace of lying on his face, and he was disappointed.

"I'm not a master of everything, nor a high-level cadre. I shouldn't know or know things that I shouldn't know."

The haunting buttocks of the waitress in the high-end restaurant faded out of sight, Caspar responded decently.

"I was on a business trip some time ago, and once Rudes collaborated with the security knight to arrest the fool who published illegal publications, it was yesterday morning that the adult and the captain of the Guards were out."

"You check illegal publications? What did the other party write?"

What kind of book can let the Lieutenant of the Dear Guards participate in the fight? Is it the inside of the company? Exposure of illegal business operations? Smuggling weapons revealed?

"Nearly 80% of the 18x literature is based on the president, including many p, ntr, young girls, stockings, foot fetish, gloves...By the way, the subject matter you buy is particularly good. Many readers have requested to reprint, At the same time, it requires'a little more shame' and'add more content of sadomasochism, sm and femdom'."

"Who asked you this?!"

"The remaining 20%, 10% is the so-called "discovery", "truth" and so on, all the nonsense literature. 10% is to list the company's business situation, criticizing the president is a condemnation literature of the dead businessman who likes war ."

Does Li Lin like war?

In Casper's view, the only question that would be asked is the fool who knows nothing about the consul.

In the eyes of the adult, war is like everything else. It is a means to achieve the goal. He was deliberately preparing for the war only because, whether he was willing or not, to achieve the goal of realizing a new order, he would eventually use this method.

In turn, this means that the consul does not care about people who are caught in the fighting and struggling on the death line, whether they are humans or orcs, Albians or Charlemagne-their only value is to become statistics , To provide the necessary values ​​for the ultimate realization of strategic goals.

For political leaders. There is nothing wrong with this idea. It can even be regarded as an excellent quality. However, for some naïve teenagers who have moral cleanliness and resist the murder and death, this quality will make them disappointed and even a headache.

-Just like Roland now.

"Thinking about the good, local wars are always better than full-scale wars."

Casper decomposes the freshly baked lobster, and the chefs here have good craftsmanship. Creamy grilled lobster can fully arouse people's appetite regardless of aroma and appearance. Separate the red shell. The tender pink shrimp was exposed, but the fork and knife did not fall.

The overly calm face across from the table affected Casper's appetite.

"Okay. I admit that this is better than a full-scale war."

Roland stared at Casper closely, and said in a tone that was more than just approval:

"And everyone likes this kind of thing."

A not so subtle condemnation, humans, orcs, and elves are all objects of condemnation, and no one can refute this.

"so what?"

Caspar didn't care, and then he quoted a quote from the consul.

"It's a good thing that war is so cruel, otherwise someone will like it."

This passage is very good, most people will agree with it. It's just that no one has ever regarded this passage as a moral code that must be followed. In fact, when General Robert Li's famous words were spoken through Li Lin's mouth, these words had become a kind of irony.

President of monopoly chaebol, dead businessman, war broker-tell the world: war is cruel.

This joke is really cold, with a little black.

Yes, except for the real war madman, or the fool who knows nothing about the cruelty of war, few people like it. Everyone just needs war to take advantage of it, everything is for profit.

"Your problem is that you think too much, war is inevitable anyway, just like now-no one deliberately sows, humans and orcs can still find a reason to wage war, and if you don’t manage and control the war, you will lose control. The flames of war may even burn the entire world."

Throwing a "Do you understand?" look, Casper forkd a piece of chilled shrimp, dipped in the milky sauce on the side of the plate, and put it into his mouth leisurely.

"This is a complication of society. At this stage, it is impossible to completely cure it. However, we can control this disease and wait for a certain time to completely solve this stubborn disease while controlling the speed of the spread of the disease. "

Reasonable and reasonable, can be called a model correct speech.

In the context of the current general upgrade of the equipment of the various teams, a full-scale war will be more brutal than ever before, and the destructive effects it will cause will be overshadowed by those previous wars. And because humans and orcs lack the most basic trust and communication channels to control the crisis, plus the accumulated historical hatred, this war seems difficult to avoid. Under this situation, it seems to be the best and only option to promote the localization of war.

This is a very simple choice of two. Is local wars consuming tens of thousands of lives and huge war expenditures to calm the minds of the parties and return to the negotiating table? Or let the nations slide all the way to the world war, where millions of lives, thousands of towns, and Liangtian were swallowed up by the war, and the tragic picture of the doomsday trial is reproduced on the ground?

The answer is obvious.


Roland highlighted an empty sigh and shook his head.

He does not deny Caspar's theory. In the face of this buddy who grew up with him, he had expected that he might hear such an answer.

They are friends of sweethearts, just like Casper understands the advantages and disadvantages of Roland, Roland also understands the situation of Kaspar.

The Guard is not an organization where everyone can enter, and it is expected that walking through the back door through the relationship will hit the head and break the blood. If you want to be a member of the Guards, you must not only be familiar with all kinds of actual combat skills, but also be proficient in fighting and firearms skills. You also need to have an in-depth understanding of magic skills and Tianjing. Unable to meet the above basic requirements, even the door of the guards could not be touched.

This is still true of ordinary elves, and Casper, who is a half-orc, faces greater difficulties and pressure. But he succeeded in the end, and he did a very beautiful job-not only became a member of the glorious guard team through numerous tests, but even today is the rank of official lieutenant. The hardship and hard work involved are unimaginable to ordinary people.

That's right, Casper is really excellent.

For Alfheim, he is an outstanding warrior; in the eyes of Nona, he is a gentle and dear brother; in the mind of Roland and other friends, Caspar is a bit stubborn, very reliable friend .

The only problem is: he is always imitating Li Lin.

From a young age, I don’t know how it was affected or simply worshipped. Casper always imitated Li Lin’s posture and tone of speech. At that time, everyone just smiled at it, and no one would care about the behavior of the child. As I grew older, the deliberate imitation disappeared. Instead, I unconsciously imitated Li Lin's thinking, citing Li Lin's speech-this was most clearly shown in the speech just now.

The successful person is the object of imitation by many people. This is not surprising. For a super successful person like Li Lin, it is strange that no one imitates, but Caspar seems to have gone too far.

He is becoming more and more like some kind of Li Lin's copy, but he is not as complicated as Li Lin, and it is hard to figure out.

Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, Roland is still difficult to assert that at the moment he can only think about real issues.

"How is the fighting now?"

"It's not good for the Albion."

This is a discounted statement, quoting the Albian people’s own report: the road to march has become a mess.

After a less glorious start, Wang Haijun started to go north and slammed into a minefield. After losing three destroyers and two cruisers, the Albion finally discovered the underwater secret and immediately organized the killer whale knight to carry out underwater demining work.

"They tried to freeze the anchor mine with freezing technique, and then cut the tether with a cutting tool to recover it without triggering the anchor mine."

Casper lowered his voice, looked around, and then showed a sneering smile.

"They thought Teddy Bear and we wouldn't expect such a thing?"

Not only thought, but also prepared a countermeasure-mixed mine.

In addition to anchor mines, v.e also urgently provided a batch of strange mines and oyster mines. The trigger mechanism of the former is a small piece of sky crystal. Under normal circumstances, it will not be touched whether it is struck with a hammer or fire, but once anyone uses this magic device to activate the magic type within 2 meters, the detonation device will It will start to work immediately. After 5 to 10 seconds, the warrior close to him will be used by the goddess; the latter is a method of countering the anchor mine with a submarine mine that is detonated by sensing the change of water pressure. This mine does not work.

It is not impossible to pass through this sea of ​​death, but it needs a price, which is too high for the Albian people to bear. www.wuxiaspot.com~ After a few attempts, the Albian people basically gave up the original straight to St. Petersburg Plan, prepare to land in Riga, and then continue north. "

"Is the news reliable?"

Roland couldn't help but ask, not because he didn't believe in Casper, but the stupidity of the action made him unbelievable.

Riga is an important military town that the Principality has been operating for many years. I am afraid that anti-landing measures have been strengthened before the war, and hastily launched landings in this direction? He could almost see a large group of Albion soldiers stumble and climb up the beach, and then exposed to the tragic scene covered by public firepower.

"The detailed combat plan is unclear. What is certain is that last night, the 2nd Cold Spring Guards, Royal Flintlock Regiment and Major General Edward Parkinson set sail on board Dover, and the Duke of Marlborough is also moving towards Foer moves. You know—"

Casper paused, then smiled sinisterly.

"After kicking the iron plate at sea, the Albian people will soon step into the quagmire of the land battlefield." (To be continued...)

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